Red spots on the face - what could be the reason. What to do if red spots appear on the face.


Many girls dream of the perfect skin of the face: clean, delicate, without pimples, rashes and red spots. What they just do not do in order to achieve the desired result: they visit the cosmetologist and torture the skin with various masks, scrubs and peels.

In most cases, these procedures help, but sometimes the problem should be sought not on the surface, but deep in the body. For example, red spots on the face can mean an allergic reaction to any food or medicine, but sometimes they indicate the presence in the body of a dangerous disease that can lead to unpredictable consequences. Why they appear, how to conduct a primary diagnosis of infections and fight red spots - below we will talk about it.

Why red spots appear on face

One day you suddenly found redness on your face. Perhaps these are just a few small spots and you are sure that they do not carry any health risks. Consider: were there unusual foods in your diet? Maybe you caught a cold and took an unknown medicine that has a number of side effects? Or bought a new face cream and put it on the eve?

As you understand, the most common cause of red spots on the body and skin of the face is an allergic reaction. So your body reacts to certain ingredients contained in creams and masks for the face, in food or medical preparations. Allergies can appear unexpectedly at each of us, even if you have never noticed such manifestations before. In this case, do not be afraid, you need to take an antihistamine drug, and if you do not know which one - contact your doctor, he will tell you.

It is not recommended to apply cosmetics on irritated skin and try to mask the spots, this can aggravate the problem. Usually, the doctor prescribes pills and ointments to remove the itching, and after a few days the unpleasant spots will disappear.

Sometimes it happens that a stressful situation at work or in a family becomes a triggering factor and itchy spots appear on the skin that can look like a mosquito bite. Such "nervous" rashes should not worry you too much, as they disappear after the main cause is eliminated - stress and anxiety. If these rashes systematically repeat on any, even the most insignificant excitement, it is worth visiting a neurologist who will pick up a medicine that eliminates obsessive itching and blemishes.

Another factor that has an impact on the formation of red spots on the face is an acute shortage of vitamins in the body, that is, simply banal vitamin deficiency. Often this happens in early spring: in the forehead, cheeks and on the nose suddenly for a woman there are spots that peel and poorly masked by tonal means. Since fruits and vegetables during this period are often unavailable, you can try to take a vitamin complex in tablets or capsules. It will adjust the amount of vitamins in the body and help get rid of rashes. Just do not overdo it, because an excess amount of vitamins is also harmful for the female body.

Often, red spots on the face and body indicate the response of the skin to the effects of an irritant. It may be:

• Sun (ultraviolet),

• Frost and ice wind,

• Water oversaturated with chlorine and other aggressive substances.

All this can be attributed to the manifestations of allergies and, as a rule, the spots disappear forever, as soon as the irritating factor is eliminated. In rare cases, the situation is repeated seasonally, then you can use a special cream with a high degree of protection against UV light or oily nourishing creams that act like a shield that protects sensitive skin from freezing air.

What you need to pay attention to if rashes appear on the face

Of course, many girls are saddened by this fact: a rash on the face of a bright red color, and not just one spot, but dozens. What can be considered the cause of their appearance? Let's take a closer look at the possible options.

Often, rashes are accompanied by infectious diseases, for example, a red rash may be a manifestation of:

• Corey

• rubella,

• Chicken Pox,

• Scarlet fever,

• Streptoderma,

• As well as fungal infections - ringworm or pink lichen, dermatitis, candidiasis.

In addition, a large number of red spots on the face are symptoms of diseases such as rosacea (another name for "rosacea"), as well as demodicosis (damage to the skin by a special type of tick).

None of the diseases should not be overlooked, since viral infections can often provoke serious complications that are even harder to cure than heal the ailment itself. For example, in children, measles, rubella and chickenpox are common infections that often go away easily and without a trace, which cannot be said about adults. Sometimes the consequences of these infections are quite sad: pneumonia, hepatitis, lung abscess, inflammation of the lining of the brain, and fetal death, if a pregnant woman falls ill, can be cited as examples of severe complications. Do you still think these infections are purely childish?

During a virus infection, red spots, as a rule, spread literally in a matter of hours and look different: measles is characterized by small pimples that cover large areas of the face, dropping on the shoulders, body and limbs. When chickenpox on the skin, pimples appear first with a clear liquid and a pink halo around, it itches terribly and then dries out, becoming covered with crusts. A rubella manifests itself abundant rash on the face and body in the form of red spots of different sizes.

The subcutaneous mite with the complex name "Demodex" tends to penetrate under the skin of the face and eat subcutaneous fat, having arranged for itself a kind of "place of residence" in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Dermatologists treat demodecosis, the therapy is usually long and expensive, as the rashes affect a fairly large area of ​​the face and look extremely unsightly.

Another problem requiring treatment is a disease called "rosacea" or rosacea. The rash, characteristic of this disease, is usually localized on the front, neck and back. First, the skin turns red, and then acne and acne appear on it. In most cases, if the diagnosis is made in a timely manner and therapy is immediately started, dermatologists manage to control the rate of rash formation and ensure a quiet life for the patients with clean skin. One important rule: never under any circumstances do not engage in self-treatment!

How to beat the red spots on the face

If you are sure that the rash in the form of red spots on your skin is not a symptom of any disease, then you should try home remedies for the destruction of these unpleasant phenomena. For example, try making your own face masks.

A mask based on white clay and lemon is considered very effective. It copes with redness, whitens and dries the inflamed skin.

To cook it, take:

• White clay,

• half a lemon,

• A little bit of olive oil,

• Optionally, you can add a couple of drops of rosemary or tea tree essential oils.

Squeeze out the lemon juice and mix with the rest of the ingredients of our mixture. We cover the area of ​​the face where there is a rash and wash off, maintaining a time of about 15-20 minutes. After cleansing the skin, it is recommended to moisturize your face with your daily cream.

And to combat inflammation on the skin helps the face with a decoction of chamomile. For example, the laziest can simply brew chamomile flowers, cool the broth, pour it into ice forms and put it in the freezer. Every morning and before going to bed wipe the red spots on the face with a useful piece of ice. Chamomile perfectly knows how to remove inflammations and heal pimples.

Mask of red spots on the face of parsley and cottage cheese

Among other things, try to make a mask using parsley and cottage cheese. Red spots will disappear just before the eyes after applying this tool. What you need:

• Bunch of parsley,

• Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l

• Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l

• Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

At first, parsley needs to be filled with boiling water, since only a decoction is useful to us for making a mask. When it cools, strain it and add 2 tablespoons to the ingredients. Now our miracle cure must be applied to the face and wait about 15 minutes. Wash off and enjoy the effect.

Since the appearance of red spots on the skin of the face may be the first symptom of a serious enough disease, you should always pay attention to the degree of damage and the nature of the rash.

If you are confused by something, do not wait until the problem is solved by itself - contact a qualified dermatologist or at least a therapist. Do not look for means of dealing with red spots if you are not sure of the correctness of the diagnosis, otherwise the consequences can not be avoided. Take care of your face, because this "business card" is very important for every girl and woman.


Watch the video: Facial Rash? Perioral Dermatitis: Making The Diagnosis - OnlineDermClinic (May 2024).