Can strawberries be pregnant - why not? How much, how often and, in general, is it possible to eat strawberries during pregnancy


For many of us, strawberries are associated with summer, with the aromatic smell of fresh meadows and delicious berries. It is not surprising that girls expecting a baby so often want strawberries, because even a non-pregnant person at the mention of this berry immediately salivates. Many expectant mothers are left with the question: is it possible to eat strawberries during pregnancy, is this berry dangerous for them and the unborn baby, will it cause an allergic reaction, itching and redness.

Strawberries during pregnancy: benefit or harm

Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains a retina useful for digestion, vitamins of all groups C, K, B, potassium, manganese, folic acid, salicylic acid ester, copper, magnesium, and iron. It is by the presence of iron that this berry takes the first place among all berries and fruits. As with vitamin C, in strawberries it is even more than in citrus fruits. Therefore, it is believed that for future mothers and their unborn children, this berry is for the good.

In addition to berries, you can eat strawberry leaves. They are especially useful for those who suffer from anemia. Also, a decoction of leaves will help restore strength, strengthen immunity, soothe the nervous system that has become sick during pregnancy, and will help with insomnia. Another way to use a decoction of strawberries is to rinse your mouth. This helps to get rid of stomatitis, gingivitis. Many preparations contain wild strawberries or its leaves. They have a wound healing and antiseptic property, have a good effect on blood composition and metabolism, and slow down the aging process of the skin. In addition, strawberries are an excellent prophylactic against cancerous formations. In general, strawberries are a healthy berry, no doubt.

Another thing is individual intolerance. Each person's body reacts differently to all products. Therefore, if mom is allergic to strawberries, it is better during pregnancy, and even after it, to refrain from eating strawberries. Many doctors believe that allergens that are in the berries of strawberries can be neutralized. To do this, just mix strawberries with milk. This kind of cocktail is both tasty and healthy.

During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes, which leads to a change in taste preferences and consequences. It is better to eat a little berry and see if the rash spills out, if itching appears. If the body reacts normally, then you can safely eat your strawberries. It is only advisable to control the amount of berry eaten, it is not worth eating its kilograms.

In addition, many doctors advise eating strawberries not only fresh. You can make tea from berries and leaves of strawberries, and strawberries and fresh milk will completely replace store yogurt.

Strawberry tea is contraindicated those girls who are threatened with uterine hypertonicity and the threat of abortion. It is believed that strawberry tea can enhance uterine muscle contraction, so it’s best not to risk it.

You can’t eat strawberries and women with pancreatitis, those who have problems with the stomach or intestines, gall bladder.

Is it possible for pregnant strawberries: how much and how to eat

They say that God saves the safe. Therefore, even those who have no contraindications to eating strawberries should take a closer look at this berry. Strawberries can be eaten in small quantities throughout pregnancy, but a few days before delivery it is better to abstain from it. Otherwise, a baby born may develop a rash or redness, which is then very difficult to treat.

On a day, the expectant mother should not eat more than 80 grams of this berry. It can be eaten fresh, as a cocktail, fruit drink, with ice cream and in the form of jam. There are many desserts with strawberries. It is also preferable not to eat berries every day. It’s better to make strawberries a rare, but so long-awaited joy. Always remember a sense of proportion!

Do not forget that in no case should you eat a berry bought in a bazaar. It is advisable that you be sure that the strawberries are fresh, grown in a clean and unpolluted environment, and collected by clean people. It is better to ask relatives and friends to collect it in their beds.

Strawberries during pregnancy: recipes for desserts for expectant mothers

It is believed that it is best for pregnant women to consume not fresh strawberries, but desserts from it or drinks. There are many recipes. Among them are especially healthy and tasty.

An unforgettable taste has a strawberry sorbet. It will be appreciated by future mothers and will be adopted for their children. It is quite simple to prepare, berries are used at least. If possible, try not to use strawberries more than what is written according to the recipe; the taste and aroma of sorbet depends on this.


• a glass of strawberries

• a couple of glasses of ryazhenka

• a glass of sugar

• vanillin

• a couple of mint leaves


Rinse and sort out the strawberries, dry it on a waffle towel.

Grind the berries in a blender until mashed.

Add fermented baked milk, vanillin. Shuffle. Pour sugar into the mass and beat with a mixer. Garnish with mint.

Leave for an hour in the refrigerator, then place in a container in the freezer.

Another wonderful recipe from wild strawberries is winter fruit compote. You can enjoy it not only in the summer, but also in the cold season. Also suitable as a food for the baby. Of course, if the child is not allergic to this berry.


• a couple glasses of strawberries

• half kg of sugar

• litere of water


Rinse and sort the strawberries, dry them.

Pour the berry with sugar, warm it a little and leave for a couple of hours.

After this, drain the syrup, put the strawberries in jars and pour hot sugar syrup into it. Pasteurize for half an hour, roll up the covers and wrap in a warm blanket.

After the banks have cooled, you can lower them into the cellar.

Many future mothers will be pleased with a gentle souffle from strawberries. There are not many berries there, so you can not be afraid of allergies or rashes.


• a couple of spoons of cocoa

• a glass of strawberries

• five proteins

• a spoonful of gelatin

• half a glass of water

• 4 packs of citric acid

• half a pack of butter


Dilute gelatin in water and leave for half an hour.

Rinse and dry strawberries, grind with a blender to a puree condition.

Mix gelatin with strawberry puree, add sugar, mix and heat well until sugar turns into syrup.

Beat whites with sugar and citric acid. It should be hard foam. Gently pour in our strawberry syrup with gelatin. Add butter and beat for another 10 minutes.

Put the resulting mass into molds and send to the refrigerator for 3 hours.

After the molds have hardened, you can sprinkle our cocoa souffle or roll it in it. You’ll get a kind of candy with strawberry filling.

Remember the measure in berries. Do not use desserts and strawberry jam in liters and tons just because at the moment you would eat a strawberry elephant. It’s better to eat a little three to four times a week, but you will be sure that this will not affect your health or the health of your future son or daughter.


Watch the video: How Can We Eat Strawberry During Pregnancy? The CORRECT Way MUST Follow! (June 2024).