Cervical inflammation - causes, symptoms and treatment. How is cervical inflammation manifested? Should it be treated?


The high rhythm of life, in which you have to constantly exist, does not always make it possible to pay close attention to your health. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle you can not pay attention in time and miss serious diseases.

Therefore, every year the statistics provide more and more frightening facts about the incidence of women.

In recent years, the number of diseases of the genital area has dramatically increased, more and more patients suffer from infertility.

One of these common diseases is cervical inflammation.

Cervical inflammation - This is a symptom complex of pathological changes that develop when an infectious agent enters.

Every third woman discovers some manifestations of cervical inflammation. But in practice, there are many more undiagnosed cases of the disease.

Due to the anatomical structure and topography, inflammation of the cervix practically does not occur in isolation. Therefore, it can be considered as one of the many manifestations of genital tract infection. This means that almost always simultaneously there are signs of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, of the cervical canal itself, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Features of the cervix leading to inflammation

Cervix anatomically - This is the lower protruding part of the uterus in the vagina. The cervix reliably separates the sterile uterine cavity and the vagina, populated by various microflora - conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic, penetrating from the outside. The cervix is ​​folded. The external and internal pharynx are anatomical narrowing, protect against infection. In the mirrors visible external pharynx. At this point, the cervix is ​​exposed to inflammation. The cervical canal itself is closed by a protective mucous plug. Mucus is produced by special glandular cells that line it from the inside, and performs a barrier function.

Pathogens most often penetrate from the vagina. Normally, 98% of the entire vaginal flora is lactobacillus. There are conditionally pathogenic microflora. Lactobacilli create a special protective film that retains infectious agents. In addition, lactobacilli are involved in the formation of lactic acid, which creates an acidic content in the vaginal cavity (pH 3.8 - 4.5). This is also one of the protective functions.

If for some reason there is a failure in the protective mechanisms, infectious agents multiply and penetrate the cervix - inflammation develops.

Cervical inflammation - causes

The cause of cervical inflammation is a variety of infections, in the first place among them - sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are caused by chlamydia, trichomonads, ureaplasma, mycoplasmas, gonococci, various viruses.

In rare cases, the cause of cervical inflammation may be an allergy to latex, spermicides, and intimate hygiene products.

Colpitis causes are fungi of the genus Candida, as well as opportunistic microflora: E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci, etc. Under certain conditions, they become pathogenic.

The predisposing conditions are various defects and violations of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the cervix as a result of abortions, childbirth, surgical interventions, various medical procedures, even a gynecological examination or installation of a spiral, as well as during treatment with irritating concentrated solutions of iodine, potassium permanganate, dimexide.

In women, during menopause, cervical inflammation practically does not occur or is very rare. At risk are mostly young women.

Diagnosis of cervical inflammation

Inflammation of the cervix can often be asymptomatic. In this regard, the disease is often detected accidentally during the next examination or visit a doctor about completely different diseases.

To diagnose cervical inflammation, a standard examination in the mirrors, colposcopy, microscopy and bacteriological smear culture, biopsy, and also, if necessary, tests for specific infections are used.

Even knowing the symptoms, it is impossible to diagnose cervical inflammation alone. This should be done by a specialist.

In many cases, a routine examination does not clarify the picture of the disease. Then, for a detailed and thorough study of the condition of the cervical mucosa, colposcopy is used. The study is carried out using a colposcope - an optical device, thanks to which you can see the surface of the cervix that is enlarged many times. The inspection procedure is completely painless. With such an examination, all defects and minimal in size and area of ​​damage to the cervix are visible.

Another important diagnostic method - microscopic examination of a smear from the cervical canal. If a large number of white blood cells is detected in the field of view, the diagnosis of cervical inflammation is confirmed. In addition, you can see the bacteria that caused this inflammatory process.

This examination method is used to exclude the diagnosis of cancer and precancerous conditions.

Cervical inflammation - symptoms

Given the localization of the inflammatory process, cervicitis is divided into two types:

Exocervicitis - inflammation of the vaginal part of the cervix. Often, inflammation of the cervix from the vagina is a find during examination, when a woman went to the doctor for other diseases.

Inflammation of the cervical canal is called endocervicitis. With a routine examination, it is impossible to detect endocervicitis. To this end, additional tests are prescribed and indirectly identify characteristic symptoms.

Clinical symptoms with developed inflammation of the cervix depend on the general condition of the body and the specific infection that caused the inflammation, as well as the prevalence of the infection.

There is a so-called “duet” of symptoms for cervical inflammation: discharge and pain.

The most striking symptom of cervicitis is the presence of secretions. Purulent discharge - with acute specific, or serous - purulent (white) - in the chronic process. At the same time, unexpressed erased pains in the lower abdomen worry.

Chronic inflammation of the cervix can occur hidden or with minor manifestations. Leucorrhoea is practically absent or scarce. Complaints are also few: unexpressed pulling discomfort in the lower abdomen may occur. If the process captures neighboring organs, the symptoms become more diverse: subfebrile condition, frequent urination, urination, weakness, general malaise. Often worried about itching in the vagina, it can intensify during menstruation. In connection with changes in the cervix under the influence of inflammation, erosion, scars, adhesions, dysplasia occur. In many cases, cervical inflammation can lead to cancer.

The chronic course of cervical inflammation due to scanty symptoms of the disease is diagnosed only upon examination. Since there are practically no complaints, and only a general malaise is felt - a visit to a doctor may be delayed. Due to late treatment, treatment may be lengthy and not always effective.

If chronic inflammation of the cervix nevertheless developed in a woman, then erosion may occur in the process of its further progression. As it turned out, a neglected form of a chronic disease in almost all cases contributes to the appearance of erosion. If there is no treatment, and the infection continues to spread to neighboring organs, the development of chronic inflammation of the cervix leads to infertility. If the whole process occurs in the presence of pregnancy, the result of inflammation can be a miscarriage.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, a cytological examination is performed. The results of cytology can not only confirm or refute the presence of inflammation of the cervix, but also objectively solve the problem of its condition, detect another pathology, including neoplasms, if any. And at least for the sake of eliminating oncological neoplasms, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor even with a little discomfort or unusual sensations that have appeared.

Cervical inflammation - treatment

The primary and important task that needs to be solved when prescribing treatment for inflammation of the cervix is, first of all, the impact on the pathogen and the reduction of inflammation.

Self-medication is strictly contraindicated in cases of cervical inflammation. This ban is due to the fact that improperly selected drugs in insufficient dosages can lead to a sluggish, difficult to cure infection, and in the future - to serious complications (infertility, various menstrual irregularities, ectopic pregnancy, precancer, cancer). With this treatment, the external signs of the disease can disappear, and the wrong impression is created about, supposedly, a complete cure.

Adequate treatment individually in each case, the doctor selects. In the process of treating cervical inflammation, since it can drag on for a long time, the effectiveness of therapy is constantly monitored: examinations, smear tests, blood tests.

Local treatment for acute inflammation will not benefit, since the infection usually affects the deep layers of the cervix. Antibacterial therapy is urgently prescribed. Moreover, antibiotics are prescribed mainly parenterally. The use of drugs topically in the form of suppositories is inefficient, because they can only eliminate superficial processes.

If a specific causative agent of the disease is detected, treatment should begin at the same time two sexual partners. The absence of complaints and objective evidence of the disease in a man does not mean that he does not have a disease. Some infections of the genital tract (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea) occur latently, without obvious objective signs and subjective sensations.

The administration of tetracyclines is effective for the treatment of chlamydial cervicitis. In addition, macrolides, fluoroquinolones, azalides are widely used.

When candidiasis is detected, fluconazole, diflucan is prescribed. With inflammation of the cervix of viral etiology, the antiviral drug acyclovir is used.

After completing the course with antibacterial agents, it is necessary to continue treatment with eubiotics - drugs that restore the natural microflora of the vagina. The composition of eubiotics includes lactic acid. They can be used in the form of candles.

Often, as a supplement to the main treatment for cervical inflammation, the complex drug Terzhinan is used. It is a convenient vaginal suppository. "Terzhinan" has an antimicrobial, antifungal and antiparasitic effect, and also has an effective anti-inflammatory effect.

The treatment of chronic cervical inflammation is not limited to conservative methods. Start it with the appointment of antibiotics. Completion of antibiotic therapy ends with the eradication of the infection. But to restore the structural integrity of the cervical mucosa, it is necessary to continue treatment. Surgical methods remove erosion, ulcers, cysts. This is done using a laser, electrosurgical treatment, microwave therapy, cryotherapy. At the same time, concomitant background diseases are treated, and reduced immunity is restored.

When detecting atrophic chronic inflammation of the cervix, when the mucous layer of the cervix is ​​thinned, it is necessary to use topically hormonal preparations. The most commonly used is Ovestin. It includes estrogens, which are female sex hormones. When taking Ovestin, damaged cells restore their original structure, and their protective functions resume.

Alternative methods of treatment for cervical inflammation are not used. Inflammation of the cervix cannot be treated with herbs, because infections that are a source of inflammation are too serious and require the immediate appointment of antibiotics. Therefore, such treatment is discussed with the doctor already at the rehabilitation stage, when it is likely to use fortifying fees to increase immunity.

Rules for preparing for a doctor's visit

There are certain rules for a successful examination by a gynecologist and a correct diagnosis.

1) Refusal of sexual intercourse two days before the examination.

2) Stop douching and use of all intimate hygiene products without exception - use only warm water.

3) For several days, refuse to take topical medications in the form of candles, sprays.

4) Intimate hygiene the day before in the evening only with warm water - without the use of special products or soap, in the morning, on the day of the study, you do not need to wash.

5) Two hours before the examination, it is advisable not to urinate.

Prevention of cervical inflammation - important points

To avoid prolonged treatment, walking to hospitals and other troubles associated with the occurrence of cervical inflammation, it is important to initially follow some preventive measures.

First of all, it is strictly adhere to certain rules and always comply with the immutable laws of personal hygiene. It is necessary to use (or replace if necessary the available means) gentle gentle care and cleaning products. In addition, if there are no special indications for douching, you can not carry out them uncontrollably, since these procedures can adversely affect the normal microflora of the vagina.

In order to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, the use of condoms is mandatory. In addition, they are a reliable contraceptive. It is necessary to pay attention and be interested in the health of the sexual partner, annually visit a gynecologist for examination.

Need to remember about the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals that increase the body's resistance to infections. Their intake leads to a real reduction in the chances of inflammation of the cervix, because one of the reasons is reduced immunity. In addition, hypothermia and overheating also adversely affect the immune system and is the impetus for the onset of cervical inflammation.

Important to understand, that a visit to the gynecologist several times a year is still preferable to long-term treatment in a hospital or outpatient treatment in a clinic with many expensive examinations. In addition, if cervicitis is detected during the examination, adequate competent treatment with effective drugs will be prescribed on time, which will prevent further development of formidable complications.


Watch the video: Pelvic Infection in Infertility in Hindi I Patient Education I MIC (July 2024).