Delicious and aromatic sweet melilot honey: beneficial properties and contraindications. Everything you need to know about the benefits of clover honey


Melilot honey belongs to the elite varieties and is highly valued for its taste and healing qualities.

Many beekeepers recognize it as a standard among all existing types of honey. Modern medicine actively uses the beneficial properties of clover honey in the fight against many diseases.

Melilot honey: calorie content, useful properties

Melilot is a medicinal plant in the legume family. It can be recognized in the fields or lawns by small yellow or white flowers. This inconspicuous and unpretentious plant is an excellent honey plant. Its very name translates as "honey." The people also call the plant a sweet clover.

The high taste of clover honey is distinguished by a delicate and delicate smell of vanilla. It is also notable for unusual amber, and sometimes even pure white color. After crystallization, honey takes on a creamy tint. It is very important not to confuse it with a product from rapeseed, which, despite the external similarity, does not have a delicate vanilla aroma, is tasteful and does not have the beneficial properties of melilot honey.

Melilot beekeeping product is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, minerals, protein and organic acids. Melilot honey contains a lot of glucose and fructose, essential oils, tarry and tannins, due to which honey is easily digested and has energy value. The composition of clover honey includes copper, potassium, iron, magnesium.

Melilot honey has an anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, analgesic, antispasmodic effect. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the human immune and nervous system. Calorie content of the product is 314 kcal.

Melilot honey beneficial properties for various diseases

Honey has long been valued not only for its sweet taste, but also for its healing qualities. The list of diseases that can be successfully combated, thanks to the beneficial properties of clover honey, is quite voluminous. Its use is indicated for:

• gout, diseases of the abdominal cavity, inflammatory processes in the kidneys;

• heart disease;

• bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pneumonia;

• migraines, insomnia, nervous disorders, dizziness, menopause;

• frequent pain in the stomach, flatulence, intestinal atony;

• joint diseases, rheumatism;

• stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis;

• varicose veins, hemorrhoids;

• pustular skin lesions, acne.

Melilot honey can be consumed in pure form, or can be added to tea and other drinks. It is undesirable to add melilot honey in boiling water, since its healing properties are reduced in hot water. The norm for adults is 25, and for children - 15 grams of product per day.

Melilot honey is widely used for external use. It is used in compresses to treat suppurations and boils, added to baths for nervous disorders and rheumatism, taken as a basis in cosmetic masks to moisturize the skin and relieve inflammation.

In the treatment of gout is of great importance special diet. Honey perfectly replaces sweets undesirable for the patient with gout. It is eaten with lingonberry tea to reduce pain during an attack. An ointment of honey and animal fat or essential oils lubricate diseased joints.

Clover honey brings great benefits people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. In this case, it is eaten in small portions with cottage cheese, fruit or vegetable juices.

Melilot honey helps the body resist viruses during flu outbreaks and other colds. To get rid of a cough, a mixture of honey with black radish juice is used. It is taken 12 g on an empty stomach three times a day.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids Dissolve 20 g of honey in 100 ml of warm water. The liquid is used for enemas twice a day. This mixture can be poured into baths with hemorrhoidal cones. For chronic constipation and other intestinal problems, it is recommended to eat honey with oatmeal and applesauce.

The beneficial properties of clover honey are actively manifested when treatment of varicose veins. For treatment, take a mixture of honey and chopped garlic in equal quantities. The mixture is insisted for five days and taken before meals.

Clover honey is widely used for problem skin. Washing with a honey solution eliminates acne, eliminates an unhealthy oily sheen. To preserve skin elasticity and youth, a cucumber mask is excellent. Fresh vegetables are rubbed, mixed with honey and aged on the skin for up to 20 minutes.

Melilot honey beneficial properties for children nursing mothers

During breastfeeding, a woman often wants something tasty and sweet. But many confectionery products (cakes, pastries, sweets) contain too much sugar and artificial additives and are therefore prohibited. In this case, clover honey comes to the rescue. It not only satisfies the needs of mom for goodies, but also helps to enhance lactation.

If the young mother does not have enough milk, it is enough for her to eat a teaspoon of clover honey 2-3 times a day. To enhance effectiveness, you need to drink honey with various herbal teas. Drinks should not be very hot, otherwise honey will be poorly absorbed. It is not necessary to abuse the beekeeping product, its large amount can cause allergic reactions in the child.

Is it possible to give melilot honey to children? If so, at what age? There is no single answer to this question. Honey is a highly allergenic product, so you need to introduce it with great care. After a year, ½ teaspoon can be added to milk, cereal, tea or pastries. A contraindication to the use of clover honey is the presence of any allergy in the baby.

Melilot honey can and should be given to a school-age child. During the period of active growth of the child, it strengthens health and immunity, promotes the development of attention and efficiency. Starting from 12-15 years old, children can be given adult doses.

Melilot honey: contraindications

Along with the benefits of the product, it should be noted and contraindications for clover honey. First of all, it is not recommended for anyone who has a negative reaction to beekeeping products or legumes. Among other contraindications for clover honey, it should be noted:

• problems with blood coagulation;

• diabetes;

• excess weight;

• bronchial asthma;

• internal bleeding;

• severe kidney disease.

It should be remembered that the simultaneous intake of clover honey and a large amount of milk can cause flatulence. Since the product has a diuretic effect, do not abuse it before traveling, going out and before going to bed.

Pregnant women need to see a supervisor.

Unfortunately, one can often encounter fakes of clover honey. Few consumers can accurately determine its taste. Therefore, in order to avoid a poor-quality purchase, you need to buy this honey only from trusted beekeepers.

Knowing the beneficial properties and contraindications of sweet clover honey, you can not only get rid of some diseases, but also make your life truly sweet.


Watch the video: Start Eating 2 Cloves Per Day, See What Will Happen to You (June 2024).