Why dream of talking with a deceased, what interpretation has such a dream. Why dream of a conversation with deceased relatives


Dreams of the dead are always a warning. They are of great importance, and you need to be very attentive to such dreams. It is good if the dreamer remembers the details of sleep, especially the topic of conversation. It is in the words of the deceased that important information is contained, and in the emotions that the dreamer feels, is the prediction of the result of some business.

Why dream of talking to a dead man

Dreams about the dead are for the most part our feelings and emotions. They should be interpreted in a neutral manner if the deceased was quiet and disturbed. A conversation with the deceased, however, may contain some important information. How accurately the words can be memorized and what the dream environment is like often depends on how the circumstances come to life.

Why dream of talking with a dead person? If a deceased close relative came to you in a dream, then in reality you need to be extremely careful in dealing with new friends or in business endeavors. It is worthwhile to once again analyze the situation and be more careful with the adoption of any decisions. It is possible that secret spiteful critics or outright doctors will attempt to disrupt the plan.

Deceased parents often fall asleep to warn of future difficulties and trials. If the dreamer is talking with his mother, he will have illnesses or health problems. In addition, it is worth taking care of maintaining a reputation. A conversation with a deceased father promises problems of a business or material nature. To cope with them, you need to mobilize your will and performance. Perhaps the conceived deal is unprofitable, and it is worth abandoning it.

Why dream of talking with a deceased if this is the dreamer's grandfather? To an emergency illness or some health problems. In addition, sleep indicates mental confusion and intense anxiety, which poison life. Active steps should be taken to rectify the situation.

If the conversation in a dream took place with the deceased brother, in reality the friend or relative will soon turn to the dreamer for help. In no case can one refuse, otherwise life circumstances will change for the worse. A deceased friend is in a dream to warn you of important news. It cannot be ignored: using the information, you can get benefits.

Why dream of talking to a deceased on the phone? To receive important information. If the dreamer remembers the essence and details of the conversation, this is very good. Information can be used to improve your personal or business life. Hearing the voice of a deceased friend means soon to receive bad news. Be prepared for a period of recession and minor setbacks.

Swearing with a dead person is also a very bad sign. After such a dream, get ready for a major conflict. Restraint, discretion, extreme caution after a negative dream will help to avoid big problems. Another interpretation may be related to the influence of the past, which the dreamer does not want to let go.

If you made a promise to a deceased in a dream, this does not mean that in reality one should take some actions related to this person. The dream suggests that the advice of wise people from your environment is what is needed at the moment. In addition, the current crisis will pass soon, you just have to hold on a little more, without losing optimism.

If in a dream you communicate with people who have died recently, means a real danger to life. It is necessary to mobilize and be on the lookout: circumstances may not work out for the dreamer. He will either have to flee, or prepare for a long period of losses, disappointments and failures.

Why dream of talking with the deceased on Wang’s dream book

According to this dream book, the dead come to warn of impending catastrophes or illnesses. After such a dream, you need to be more careful with your health. If the deceased himself looks very bad (sick, depressed), then the dreamer awaits injustice, which will take a long time to recover.

Why dream of talking with a dead person? The interpreter is believed that the dreamer, who spoke with a deceased friend, is waiting for big changes. We need to remember what the conversation was about. Maybe in the words of the deceased contains a hint or warning that will help in reality to cope with some difficult situation.

Why dream of talking with the deceased from Freud’s dream book

The dream of talking with the deceased is directly related to the emotions that the dreamer had for a dead person. If the conversation took place, you need to treat it as a warning. Words spoken by the deceased must be understood literally, as if they were spoken by a living person.

Why dream of talking with the deceased in a modern family dream book

If the deceased appeared in the house of the dreamer, raging, screaming, then in reality awaiting troubles and serious dangers. If you dream that the deceased behaves quietly, speaks on neutral topics, then you should expect the waking weather to change for the worse.

If in a dream a person came to you at the funeral of whom you personally attended, and if he warns of a danger to you or someone else, you must definitely listen to this information. The deceased in this case gives valuable advice: do not embark on long trips, take important steps that can have a big impact on the life of the dreamer. It is especially important to follow this advice in the first days and weeks after a dream: a dream can warn of a real danger to the dreamer's life.

If in a dream the deceased comes to you and is silent, It means that he does only good, happiness, wealth, which he himself had during his lifetime. A cheerful dead man in a dream predicts receiving some pleasant news from relatives or friends. A sad dead man warns of the presence of enemies and the imminent receipt of news of their machinations.

If in a dream the dead called the dreamer or led away with him, then in reality he will be awaited by an immediate death or death similar to that which befell the dead man. If such a dream is dreamed of by deceased relatives or good friends, then instead of the death of the dreamer, many life hardships, problems, serious illnesses await.

Why dream of talking to the deceased by Miller’s dream book

Dreams of the dead are interpreted by the interpreter as a warning. Conversation with the deceased father means that the dreamer awaits the failure of business plans, the unsuccessful completion of a conceived or already ongoing business.

Extreme caution should be exercised in conversations with others: among them there are hidden enemies who are only waiting to annoy or destroy the dreamer's life.

Why dream of talking to a deceased mother? Such a dream warns of an imminent disease, as a result of which the dreamer will be permanently unsettled. In addition, the dream should be taken as a recommendation to be more restrained in business and personal contacts and not to show negative emotions in relation to people around.

A dream about a conversation with the deceased can also mean that the deceased is waiting for some meaningful promise from you and that this promise can prevent the negative development of events and take away from the dreamer a real danger or trouble.

If the dead in a dream behave relaxedly, have fun, laugh and generally look alive, then in reality someone has a strong and negative effect on the dreamer. This can lead to financial losses and the onset of material problems. It will be possible to solve them only by applying very great efforts.

Why dream of talking with a deceased on Longo's dream book

The deceased, who appeared in a dream, is regarded by the interpreter as a sign of something unpleasant, nasty, painful, and this is connected with the dreamer's family. A dead man who does not say anything is a sign that a long-forgotten problem will return to his life very soon. Even if it seemed to be resolved, you will have to re-solve some unpleasant question or report on long-standing debts.

If in a dream the dreamer escaped from the deceased, then in reality he will become stuck in the situation for a long time. If you managed to overpower yourself and talk with the deceased without fear, then a solution can still be found.

Why dream of talking with a dead man in a neutral tone? This may be a harbinger of a changing weather, most often for the worse. Another interpretation of the conversation with the deceased is an indication that a relative or good friend of the deceased is looking for a dreamer in order to hear something important from him or to solve some significant issue.


Watch the video: I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying. Dr. Christopher Kerr. TEDxBuffalo (June 2024).