Quick, easy and simple salads are the best recipes. How to make a light salad in minutes.


Friends called and suddenly decided to pop off to visit? Or tomorrow you want to sleep a little longer, and painstaking chores in the kitchen take their toll? But how could it be otherwise, after all, it is necessary to please everyone, to nourish all wholesome and tasty. In this case, every housewife has the so-called "quick" recipes for cooking certain dishes. What could be faster than preparing a tasty, light or hearty salad? Whipped salads are a real life buoy that will help out in the most unforeseen situation. A few minutes - and the dish is already on the table, and asks in your mouth!

Quick Salads - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Light Flower Cocktail Salad

To create a "cocktail" you should first prepare: boil the beets first, soak the prunes in warm water for swelling. In principle, all the ingredients that make up this dish are readily available, and it won't take long to prepare this salad. At the exit, it will turn out to be very presentable and tasty.


- one beetroot
- hard cheese 100 gr.
- a bunch of lettuce (leaves)
- one lemon
- a handful of prunes
- one small onion
- sour cream or mayonnaise
- salt

Cooking method:

Put soaked prunes on a napkin so that the glass is excess liquid. Peel the lemon and cut into slices. Chop the onion finely. Cut boiled beets into thin slices, prunes into small slices. Grate cheese on a very fine grater. Remember to wash the lettuce before slicing. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with salt, sauce (mayonnaise or sour cream). The resulting salad must be laid out on a flat plate, and decorate the beets with plastic on the sides, thus giving the salad a flower shape (slices of beets on the sides act as petals).

Recipe 2: Quick and Easy Salad with Vegetables and Cheese

Surely, every person at least once tried a well-known salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with onions, seasoned with mayonnaise or vegetable oil. Fast, always tasty and relevant! Universal salad for all occasions. Have you ever tried to supplement it with other ingredients? For example, cheese or seaweed? However, let's try.


- 3 tomatoes
- 2 cucumbers
- 50-70 gr. sea ​​kale
- 50-70 gr. cream cheese (hard)
- 1 onion
- a bunch of greenery
- salt, oil or mayonnaise

Cooking method:

Cut the peel from the cucumbers, cut them into small plastics, and the tomatoes into about the same pieces. Chop the onion finely, put the seaweed in a bowl. Finely chop the cheese, add to the dish. For salad, you can use hard cheese, but it must be grated. Grind greens, mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper and season with vegetable oil or mayonnaise (whoever loves). Garnish with parsley or celery leaves on top. The dish is ready to serve.

Recipe 3: Quick Salad with Beans and Kiriesh

Very hearty, tasty and healthy salad. It usually takes no more than five minutes to cook it. For this recipe, it is advisable to purchase a jar of white canned beans. It is soft and has more pronounced taste. Rusks can be used any (except fish).


- a jar of beans
- Kirieshki - 1 pack
- any greens
- a pair of garlic cloves
- mayonnaise

Cooking method:

Grind the garlic with a garlic squeezer, put in a bowl. Finely chop the greens. Stir together the beans, kirieshki, herbs and garlic, season the salad with mayonnaise. The dish is ready. You can eat immediately or after some time. In the first case, the salad turns out to be crispy, in the second - the crackers are softened.

Recipe 4: Light Salad with Smoked Chicken and Pineapple

This salad fits perfectly into the daily, festive or romantic menu. It is absolutely not difficult to prepare and has an unusually spicy taste, thanks to a combination of smoked chicken fillet, pineapple, apples and vegetables.


- smoked chicken (breast or chicken legs) 800 gr.
- 1 can of canned corn
- canned food. pineapples
- 4 stalks of celery
- red bell pepper 1 pc.
- 1 apple
- pepper, sugar, salt (to taste)
- mayonnaise

Cooking method:

Separate the chicken meat from the bones, cut into strips, cut the pineapples into cubes. Rinse the celery, lettuce leaves are not suitable, and chop the stems. Next, peel the apple, get rid of the seed core and cut it into cubes. Mix all the ingredients (do not forget about corn), if necessary - salt the salad. Mix mayonnaise with ground pepper and sugar (optional). Season the salad. Before serving, garnish the dish with thinly sliced ​​red pepper or herbs (cilantro, parsley, etc.).

Recipe 5: Light and Original Fruit Salad with Sundae

Fruit salad, without a doubt, is the decoration of any table. It is not only exquisite, but also extremely useful. As a "dressing" it is traditionally customary to use yogurt or sour cream, but we will offer you a more original option - ice cream "Sundae". And how your child will like this dish! He will be thrilled.


- one banana
- one orange
- two tangerines
- kiwi 1 pc.
- two apples
- 100-150 gr. ice cream

Cooking method:

Wash all fruits, peel, remove seeds from apples and oranges. Divide citrus fruits into slices, cut them into cubes. Dice apples, kiwi and bananas. Ice cream, naturally, leave to melt in advance (you can use the microwave). After the ice cream has melted, put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix with ice cream. A delicious, light, vitamin and very quick breakfast is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Quick and easy salads - useful tips

Salads are a very valuable dish! And according to food and taste criteria. Almost all food ingredients known to mankind, their wildest combinations, can be used for their preparation. However, there are a number of culinary rules, the violation of which leads to a significant deterioration in taste. For example, salads are mandatory seasoned just before serving, otherwise they will quickly become limp. In addition, they (especially vegetable salads) are extremely sensitive to salt. From salting, vegetables quickly “sit down”, “choke”, begin to secrete too much juice, so any salads are salted at the very last moment.


Watch the video: 4 Healthy Salad Recipes For Weight Loss. Easy Salad Recipes (June 2024).