Diet number 8 for obesity: what doctors offer. The principles of diet table number 8: what you can eat with obesity


Obesity should not be confused with being overweight.

This is a serious disease, which is not so much an aesthetic problem as a health hazard.

Especially for patients with obesity of 1-2-3 degrees, nutritionists developed a dietary table No. 8 - an effective therapeutic diet.

General principles of nutrition on a diet number 8 for obesity

Use diet No. 8 in obesity for people with high overweight can only be prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that only a specialist can assess the patient’s condition comprehensively, take into account the presence of concomitant chronic or acute diseases.

The objectives of the proposed power system:

• weight loss;

• adjustment of the water-salt balance;

• normalization of lipid metabolism.

A special diet for obesity is based on a decrease in the calorie content of the daily diet. Easily digestible carbohydrates are excluded from the diet, and fats are limited. Patients who have diseases of the heart, liver, blood vessels, digestive organs cannot prescribe themselves any kind of nutrition plan. For them, the diet should be selected by the attending physician.

The principles of nutrition on diet No. 8 for obesity are as follows:

• restriction of salt, free fluid, spices that increase appetite;

• if possible, salt the food after cooking, at ease;

• increased protein content (100 grams), reduced fat to 70-80 grams (30-40 grams - vegetable fats), the amount of carbohydrates 200 grams;

• daily caloric value of 1900 kcal;

• emphasis on the use of plant fiber with a large amount of dietary fiber;

• cooking mainly by cooking, stewing, baking;

• the exception of fried, minced, mashed dishes;

• fractional five meals a day (it is allowed to take food up to six times a day);

• replacement of sugar with sweeteners.

If the diet is used in a hospital (with very severe degrees of obesity), the caloric intake of the daily diet can be reduced to 800-1200 kcal.

Allowed foods on diet # 8 for obesity

The diet for obesity is very strict, because we are talking about the health of patients. Therefore, products allowed and prohibited are strictly regulated. The list of allowed dishes and products includes:

• bread from rye and wheat white flour, whole grain or wholemeal;

• vegetable soups with cereals;

• beetroot soup, cabbage soup, borscht on weak meat broths;

• fish soups on diluted broth;

• soups with meatballs;

• lean meat and fish cooked in authorized ways;

• one egg per day, as an independent dish or as a vegetable omelet;

• fermented milk products, whole milk, low-fat cottage cheese, tender cheese, sour cream;

• butter (at least not more than half a teaspoon);

• vegetable (olive, sunflower, linseed) oil for dressing dishes;

• buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, friable porridge;

• green vegetables rich in fiber: zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage;

• unsweetened fresh berries and fruits;

• berry-fruit jellies, compotes, mousses;

• various mild and non-greasy sauces (white, tomato);

• tea (black, green, herbal), rosehip decoctions, instant chicory, coffee with milk.

Observe proper diet on obesity. Servings should be small.

Prohibited foods on diet No. 8 for obesity

At the time of diet No. 8 for obesity, you need to forget about the existence of the following products:

• bread and rolls of premium white flour;

• baked and fried dishes from yeast, shortbread, puff pastry;

• pasta, rice, semolina, beans;

• fatty dairy products (cheeses, cottage cheese, cream);

• fatty meat and fish, animal fats;

• vegetable pickles and generally all salty foods (for example, cheese, sausages, canned goods);

• grapes, raisins, bananas, dates, figs;

• packaged juice, kvass, jelly, cocoa;

• sweet confectionery, sweets, ice cream, honey, jam, chocolate;

• fatty and spicy sauces (for example, mayonnaise, horseradish, mustard).

At the time of the diet for obesity, alcoholic beverages and "fast" food should be completely eliminated. Cooking should only be done on their own, paying attention to the amount of fat used.

Exemplary menu from Monday to Sunday on a diet number 8 for obesity

Diet table number 8, despite severe restrictions, remains varied and tasty. You can vary the dishes as you like within the permitted composition and calorie content. All drinks, including compote and decoctions, are prepared without sugar.

A rough weekly meal plan might be like this.


• Breakfast: a hearty salad of boiled tongue or lean meat (plus potatoes, celery, pickles, herbs, vinegar and oil dressing) and a cup of coffee with milk or tea.

• Second breakfast: 120 grams of cottage cheese.

• Lunch: a light vegetable soup with sour cream, boiled meat with a side dish of stewed cabbage, apple or plum compote.

• Dinner: pink salmon or pollock, stewed in white sauce, with a side dish of boiled potatoes, herbal tea or rose hip infusion.

• At night, a cup of low-fat bifidoc or kefir.


• Breakfast: a piece of boiled beef, beetroot salad with hazelnuts, green beans and pear, a drink to taste.

• Second breakfast: coffee or chicory with three slices of low-fat cheese.

• Lunch: green afternoon cabbage soup on beet tops or sorrel, boiled meat with a side dish of stewed carrots with prunes, compote.

• Dinner: vegetable cabbage rolls, a piece of boiled meat, herbal tea.

• A fermented milk product at night (natural yogurt, yogurt are allowed).


• Breakfast: scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, vegetable salad (carrots, apples, radishes, cabbage, dressing from vegetable oil and lemon juice), coffee or chicory.

• Second breakfast: cottage cheese dessert with milk or yogurt.

• Lunch: cold soup based on tomato juice (with cucumbers, green onions, leaf lettuce), beef stew with vegetable side dish, tea.

• Dinner: a piece of boiled fish, boiled potato, herbal tea or rosehip infusion.

• At night, kefir, bifidoc.


• Breakfast: a piece of boiled tongue, cauliflower pudding (with milk, egg, butter, cheese and breadcrumbs), coffee with milk.

• Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese.

• Lunch: mashed avocado soup with vegetable broth (with onions, garlic, cilantro, lime juice and sour cream dressing), steamed chicken souffle, vegetable stew, compote or tea.

• Dinner: boiled or baked fish with a side dish of stewed cabbage or fresh vegetables, kohlrabi casserole with tomatoes, herbal tea.

• At night, kefir or yogurt.


• Breakfast: two slices of herring with boiled potatoes, coffee with milk.

• Second breakfast: 2-3 slices of mild nonfat cheese.

• Lunch: vegetarian borsch, stewed beef with boiled cabbage, tea with spices (anise, cloves, cardamom).

• Dinner: scrambled eggs, pumpkin puree, herbal tea or a rosehip broth.

• At night a glass of dairy product.


• Breakfast: chicken or veal ham, fresh cucumber salad with oil dressing, coffee with milk.

• Second breakfast: natural yogurt with slices of fresh apple or peach.

• Lunch: an ear on a weak broth, a piece of boiled fish with slices of boiled potatoes or green peas, greens, a baked apple for dessert.

• Dinner: baked chicken, stewed zucchini with onions and tomatoes, a rosehip broth or tea.

• At night, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, bifidok.


• Breakfast: soufflé from chicken and cauliflower (or Brussels sprouts), coffee with milk.

• Second breakfast: cheese plate.

• Lunch: mushroom vegetarian borsch with sour cream, baked salmon with white sauce, a rosehip broth.

• Dinner: pancakes on cottage cheese with carrots and onions, sour cream, herbal tea.

• At night a glass of kefir.

For a week, you can eat two slices of black flour bread and up to 30 grams of xylitol every day.

You can vary the breakfast as you like: make them protein (meat, cheese, eggs, milk), vegetables (you can cook, for example, the famous salad brush), carbohydrates (boiled buckwheat or other type of porridge to taste). Snacks are undesirable. If there is too much time gap from lunch to dinner, you can drink tea with milk or eat a serving of low-calorie fruits.

Options for diet number 8 for obesity

For people who are severely obese and do not have other health problems, diet options have been created: diet No. 8a and No. 8 "0". They suggest a more significant restriction in caloric intake, so the use of this method of weight loss is permissible only under the supervision of a doctor.

Diet number 8a has the following differences from the basic version:

• calories from 1100 to 1300 kcal;

• the composition of the BJU: 80 grams of protein, 70 grams of carbohydrates, 60 grams of fat;

• you can cook dishes from the same products that are indicated for the main diet;

• the duration of the diet is small (the number of days is selected individually).

Diet number 8 "0" is the minimum number of calories that can be consumed without risk to life. The daily calorie intake is from 700 to 800 kcal. Of these, proteins will have 50 grams, fats 30 grams, carbohydrates 60 grams. Products and principles of preparation correspond to the basis of the diet.

Diet for obesity: important notes

To achieve results, it is important not only to follow the proposed diet, but also to follow some general rules:

• main portions should be approximately the same in volume so as not to stretch the stomach;

• You can’t tolerate severe hunger, it is very harmful. You can eat an apple or a slice of cheese, drink tea with milk;

• not necessarily eat by the clock. If lunch time has come, but you don’t want to eat, do not stuff a measured amount of food into yourself;

• the same applies to the feeling of fullness: if you have eaten, and the food is still left, you need to forget about the "rule of clean plates" and leave the table;

• In the first half of the day, it is worth shifting the use of more high-calorie dishes. In the evening, the body needs to be given rest;

• Drink a glass of water before eating. This will dull the acute hunger, and a stomach filled with water will not allow overeating;

• it is important to accustom yourself to eat slowly and chew food well.

Diet table number 8 is a balanced diet. It is successfully used for smooth weight loss without stress for the body.


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