Masks for oily hair at home recipes


With the issue of greasy hair faces a large part of humanity and not only women. The stores have a lot of special tools, yet it will be more effective to make them at home. Let's look at what masks are the best, according to reviews experienced.

Masks for oily hair at home recipes

The kefir mask is very popular. Before bathing the head, you need to apply kefir or yogurt for the entire length. It is better that these products are homemade. Hold for 30 minutes, and then wash off. Kefir will help moisturize the curls themselves and reduce sebaceous secretions.

Mustard will help to solve the problem of oily hair. Prepare the mask should be as follows: in a glass of hot water, put 2 tbsp. l mustard and quench. Mix the solution with another liter of boiling water and wash your hair, rub the skin well. Rinse off with warm water. Reviews say that the fat content quickly goes away, but the skin may react badly to mustard.

Good rid of fat at the roots of the bread. Drain 150 gr. white and black bread. The recipe is based on bread crumbs. To grind bread, you can use a blender or coffee grinder. After the crumb, pour a cup of herbal broth and let cool. Then filter and rub the roots with the resulting broth, warm the head for half an hour. Wash off with warm water. This mask is good for the volume of hair. She quickly get rid of oily sheen. It is used not only for oily hair, but also thin. The reviews are encouraging.

Mask for oily hair at the roots and dry on the tips at home

You can usually get greasy roots and dry tips in the process of regular staining. However, natural hair can also be subject to this problem. In this case, it is important to make a mask at home with egg and brandy. If the curls are light, then cognac should be replaced with vodka. Stir the yolk, 20 g of brandy and the same proportion of hot water. Shake to a uniform consistency, so that the yolk is not chunks. Means it is necessary to lubricate the entire length, and more abundant tips and rub into the head. After 30 minutes, rinse under a warm shower. Apply the recipe twice a week. Alcohol dries the skin very well, and the egg replenishes with vitamins.

Even get rid of fat and dry tips will help decoction based on chamomile. 40 g of dried inflorescences pour 150 ml of boiling water, cover with a saucer and send for 3 hours to a dark place for tincture. Now whisk the egg until foaming and mix with the broth. Apply to the whole head of hair and rub well into the head. Hold until the mixture is completely dry. Use shampoo for rinsing, because the frozen egg is washed off hard.

Recipe against fallout and growth

Mask for oily hair against hair loss and for growth is made from eggs with honey. Shake up 2 yolks with honey in the amount of 2 tbsp. l Apply to the roots for at least 2 hours, and it is better to do at night.

The following remedy can be done daily. Take 1 tsp. honey, lemon juice and agave and an average clove of garlic. Garlic skip on garlic and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply to wet, for a quarter of an hour and warm. At home, this mixture is much easier to prepare, and the reviews about it are only good.

Mask for oily hair at home for the growth and density of hair

Perfectly in this case, the mustard mask has established itself. But if its use brings terrible discomfort, use aloe remedy. From a few sheets form a slurry and pour 100 ml of vodka. Send under the bed for 7 days. After abundant rubbing into the skin, you can up to 3 times a week.

Also at home it is recommended to apply an oil-alcohol mask that fits any type of hair. Combine castor oil and alcohol in equal parts. Rub into the head 2 p. / Week.

Split ends butter recipe

Mask recipe with oil for oily hair is also prepared with yolk. Connect the yolk, 0.5 tsp. camphor oil and 2 tbsp. l water. Lubricate the roots and do not forget about the tips. Hold 10 minutes.

Long since national physicians treated the injured hair with burdock oil. They say that burdock quickly strengthens the hair, heals the skin and prevents dandruff. To do this, the oil must be slightly heated, rub into the head and lubricate the dry ends. Oils work well under heat treatment, so wrap yourself in polyethylene. If you can, do this procedure overnight.

How to choose a shampoo for oily hair at the roots and dry at the tips?

If you can not do masks at home, then use medical shampoos. Any shampoo based on coconut oil, olives and avocados will be a good helper.

Good reviews have received hair cosmetics from grandmother Agafi, pure line and Herbal Coctail. The main thing is to choose a shampoo for the combined type and it is desirable to supplement them with herbal balms. For dry ends, there are good sprays in the brand Timotey.

Trichologists recommend buying care products solely from natural herbs and oils. Such cosmetics are the company Siberian cosmetics, Green Pharmacy, Gene and Else.

Oily hair masks reviews

Commendable reviews deserve dairy products. They are preferred by those whose head does not tolerate "hot" masks. Honey and egg mixtures are mainly used for greasy roots and dry ends. And of course, oil procedures are in the greatest demand. Women said that they are at home to do them best, and the desired results appear after a couple of applications. According to reviews, we can say that herbal infusions do well with a greasy hairdo.


Watch the video: 2 Home Remedies To GET RID OF OILY & GREASY HAIR (June 2024).