Pie with apples - the best recipes. How to cook apple pie right and tasty.


Pie with apples - general principles and methods of preparation

The word "pie" comes from the old Russian "feast". "Feast" in all languages ​​sounds the same, and the derivative "pie" for a Russian person has a symbolic meaning. According to ancient traditions, after the wedding, the young wife had to bake a cake and treat them to guests, and his taste would tell about the housewife's housewife. Pie fillings are numerous and varied, but apples occupy a special place. The whole world recognizes the cult of apple pie. The most common fruits on the planet, they are not filling in the pie, but a full-fledged component.

Apples are a duet, equality with a biscuit, they are democratic and imposing, the apple pie is incredible luxury in all the national cuisines of the world. English-speaking countries call it apple pie, the Austrians prepare their famous strudel from puff or fried pastry, French biscuit or sand tart Taten has a funny story - it turned out to be “turned upside down” by mistake.

And the apple pie Vermont, Norman, Alsatian, closed, with oatmeal, coconut flakes - options, as you see, the sea. You can pamper your loved ones with apple pies every day, and never repeat. Baked apples acquire a special tenderness. They are combined with many products - marmalade, raisins, nuts, dried fruits, cottage cheese, chocolate, confectionery cream, glaze. Used nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, cloves. You can add a fresh touch of lemon or orange zest. The simplest recipe is charlotte, about 50 minutes, a minimum set of ingredients - and on the table there is an appetizing dish. Strudel will take much more time, it has a nutty flavor and is served, as a rule, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Russian yeast cakes are thoroughly baked, with fermentation of butter yeast dough according to all the rules.

Apple Pie - Food Preparation

The more apples you put in the pie, the tastier it will turn out. Different varieties can be dramatically different from each other. Fragrant apples from the home garden are the best, can not be compared with store-bought, processed chemicals. Sweet and sour Antonovka or Semerenko is best for pies. Thick coarse peel can be pre-cleaned so that when heated, they soften, turning into a fragrant delicate puree. Remember that different varieties have different shelf life. Winter varieties only gain flavor after they have been stored for several weeks.

Apple pie - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Curd Apple Pie

This is a wonderful recipe for a cottage cheese pie with apples, and a characteristic meringue on a shortcrust pastry. Fragrant apple pie will become a real symbol of the family hearth.

Ingredients: butter or margarine (200 g), 1 kg apples (1 kg), cottage cheese (500 g), baking powder (1 tsp), eggs (4 pcs), flour (2 cups), sugar (1 glass ), sour cream (100 gr).

Cooking method

Grind three egg yolks and half a glass of sugar. Add soft butter, mix, gradually add flour and baking powder. Add sour cream and mix thoroughly again. The dough is sent to the refrigerator for half an hour. Stuffing: knead the cottage cheese and add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, one yolk. Cut coreless apples into slices.
Roll out the dough and spread on a baking sheet, leaving the sides. First, spread the curd, then apples. Bake for about half an hour, at a temperature of 200 degrees. Separately, beat 4 egg whites and the remaining sugar into a thick white foam. After 10 minutes, remove the cake, pour in the foam and put it in the oven again.

Recipe 2: Charlotte with Apples

This variety of English pudding is usually served warm. Few people know that Russian charlotte was not invented in Russia, but in England, at the beginning of the XIX century. There is a version that Marie Antoine Karem, a French chef who served Alexander, baked this cake in honor of the prince's wife, whose name was Charlotte. In Stalin's times, in protest against the "bowing to the West," she was renamed the "apple grandmother." Initially, this cake was “emergency” in terms of calories: no diets and counts, butter with cream, a layer of apples. The abundant presence of sugar, walnut, cinnamon and vanilla. The recipe processed by Russian thought has slightly changed, and today the classic set for charlotte with apples consists of flour, eggs, sugar and apples.

Ingredients: eggs (3 pieces), sugar, flour (one glass each), apples (4-7 pieces), butter (cream, 1 tablespoon).

Cooking method

Beat eggs with sugar, add flour. Cut the apples into slices or cubes, together with the peel. Lubricate the pan for baking with oil, and lay out a layer of thin plates of apple. Fill the dough. Bake at 180 gr. until a golden crust forms on the surface. We check the degree of readiness with a splinter, if it is not dry, leave it on low heat for a few more minutes. In the first half hour, do not open the oven doors.

English charlotte is somewhat different from Russian, it is even easier to cook it. Soak the bun slices in a mixture of butter with sugar or in an egg mixture and put on the bottom of the mold. Then we do this - a layer of mashed or baked apples, a layer of bread, etc. The top layer is bread. Serve with whipped cream, ice cream or sweet sauce.

Recipe 3: Apple Pie


Dough: flour (300 gr.), Butter (150 gr., Creamy), egg, cold water (1 cup),

Filling: butter (100 g), white sugar (100 g), brown cane sugar (100 g), flour (3 tbsp), water (50 ml), green apples (5-7), cinnamon to taste .

Cooking method

Mix all the products and knead the dough. Refrigerate in cling film for an hour.
Cream. Melt the butter, add flour and water, sugar and boil the resulting mixture. Peel and cut the apples into slices, mix with the filling. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll it into layers. We spread one on the bottom with sides, the other cut into strips. We place the filling in the form, then close it with strips of dough crosswise. You can roll up flagella, lay out branches with a flower. Bake at 200 degrees for approximately 40-45 minutes.

Recipe 4: Apple-Banana Tarte Taten

What could be more beautiful than a family tea party with homemade cakes? English tarte Taten is the best suited for such meetings. Add bananas to the dough - we get shortbread dough with a distinctive taste, especially since it contains not ordinary apples, but real apple caramel.


Dough: vegetable oil (1 cup), flour (1 cup), bananas (2 pcs, preferably ripe),
1 cup of vegetable oil (you can mix olive and sunflower), baking powder or hydrated soda, a pinch of salt.

Stuffing: apples solid (1 kg), sugar 200 grams, vegetable oil (5-6 tablespoons), cinnamon, vanilla.

Cooking method

Peel the apples, cut into quarters. Pour sugar, 2-3 tablespoons of water into a thick pan. On high heat, dissolve sugar, pour in oil, add cinnamon, vanillin, until golden caramel is obtained. Put apples in caramel and place in the oven at 160 g. hold about
15-20 minutes.

Dough. Mix sugar and butter, add grated bananas. Mix the flour with baking powder, salt and add to the banana mass. We will form a cake in the form of a flattened ball, Foma with apples to dig in a layer, put in the oven. After 1-20 minutes, turn the pie on a dish and serve.

Apple pie - tips from experienced chefs

- Charlotte with apples will have a different taste if you rub the apples on a fine grater and add to the dough. Top with melted chocolate or black icing - it turns out a very soft and delicate cake, almost a cake.

Interesting record

In order to get into the Guinness Book of Records, a giant apple pie was baked in the Greek village of Ayia (near the city of Larisa) during the autumn apple festival. The length of the pie in Ayia is as much as 20 meters, a width of 65 centimeters. It took five hours to cook it. The weight of the pie was a record - 333 kilograms.


Watch the video: How to Prepare Filling for Apple Pie. Cakes & Pies (July 2024).