US military man shoots his comrade because of hiccups


The piggy bank of absurd incidents was replenished with a new case and again in the USA. A Texas soldier is accused of killing a friend who was shot with a pistol. According to preliminary information from the American police, who opened a criminal case against the 22-year-old military, the tragedy happened due to the hiccups of the deceased.

On September 23, two comrades drank alcohol and watched football, a little later one of them began to overcome hiccups. Without thinking too much about the possible consequences, his friend took a firearm and tried to scare a friend by pointing a gun at him. There is a widespread belief that sudden fright can stop hiccups better than any medicine.

Unfortunately for the killer and the victim, the pistol was loaded not with single but with live ammunition. The shot rang out suddenly, a 22-year-old soldier of the American base Fort Hood Isaac Young died from a friend's bullet.

Patrick Myers, who fired a shot, was intoxicated, perhaps this is what caused the current situation and the death of a soldier.

Currently, Patrick is accused of unintentional murder and is under arrest, legal experts suggest that the young man faces a rather serious criminal liability.

By the way, at the Fort Hood US military base, the case of hiccups was not the only tragedy in September this year, a few days ago the press reported the strange death of another soldier, he was found unconscious, while the autopsy results and the cause of the guy’s death not reported.


Watch the video: The Soldier who threw himself onto a grenade Heroic sacrifice (July 2024).