Diaper rash in the groin in women - causes, symptoms and treatment. Prevention - how a woman can avoid diaper rash in the groin


Diaper rash in the groin in women is a common pathology, it causes a lot of trouble, although it is much less common than in men.

This is an inflammatory process that develops in the natural folds - not only the inguinal, but also in the femoral, gluteal, hyoid, in the folds under the chest, sometimes in the interdigital.

Mostly in women, diaper rash occurs in the groin.

Human skin performs many functions: First of all, it protects the body from the adverse effects of the external environment, takes part in metabolic processes, is a regulator of body temperature and performs a secretory function. In this case, the skin is very sensitive to changes in the external and internal and reacts to such effects of inflammation. The secret in the form of sweat, sebaceous secretions does not evaporate and is not completely removed, accumulates in the folds of the skin. Various microorganisms - bacteria, viruses, fungi - are found in the products of skin secretion and actively multiply in this environment favorable for them, causing skin inflammation or irritation. Diaper rash - this is the skin reaction, one of the most unpleasant inflammatory processes that causes constant discomfort and violates the usual rhythm of life.

Diaper rash in the groin in women - reasons

Diaper rash is dermatitis. Therefore, the cause of diaper rash in the groin in women, like any other dermatitis, are microorganisms that lead to inflammation.

There are a number of reasons and predisposing factors leading to increased activity of microbes that accumulate in the inguinal folds in women.

1. Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating - which contributes to the accumulation and reproduction of microorganisms and, in the future, is the reason for the formation of diaper rash of inguinal folds. Increased sweating is often a sign of a disease, for example, tuberculosis, vegetovascular dystonia, infectious diseases, etc.

2. Obesity, when the skin in the inguinal fold is rubbed, sweats, inflames, resulting in diaper rash.

3. Non-compliance with hygiene standards, which leads to the multiplication of bacteria and, as a result, to inflammation in the form of diaper rash of the inguinal folds. All the vital products of the human body are an excellent nutrient medium on which whole colonies of microorganisms arise, such as staphylococci, streptococci, Candida fungi, and others. They are conditionally pathogenic flora and do not manifest themselves until a certain time. But when favorable conditions arise, active vital activity begins, leading to diaper rash.

4. Narrow uncomfortable clothes, narrow synthetic underwear - the reason that the skin is rubbed and diaper rash appears over time.

5. Allergic reactions that may occur when wearing synthetic underwear and clothing, most often in women - to sanitary pads made of artificial materials.

All of the above causes of diaper rash in the groin in women are external. They can be avoided or corrected, and thus get rid of diaper rash.

Diaper rash, or dermatitis, in women in the groin is divided into several degrees, which differ in their manifestations:

1. Light degree. Diaper rash looks like a red spot, the integrity of the skin is not broken. Clinically manifested by slight itching and discomfort.

2. The average degree. The skin at the diaper rash is also hyperemic, but erosion begins to appear. Of the complaints, only itching is worried.

3. A severe degree is characterized by multiple erosions that merge and can form a bleeding ulcer surface.

With infectious diaper rash, erythematous, sometimes infiltrative foci are formed, which sometimes occupy a vast area and are delimited by a layer of the horny epidermis. Over time, the stratum corneum desquamates, this may be accompanied by burning and pain.

If you do not take any measures, then with a prolonged course of diaper rash, it can turn into microbial eczema.

From the first to the last stage, about two to four weeks pass, so you need to start treatment immediately, at the first sign of diaper rash. Untimely treatment can lead to serious complications. Complications develop as a result of the attachment of a secondary infection and can result in suppuration and tissue death.

The diagnosis of diaper rash of the inguinal folds in women is made upon examination, taking into account the typical localization and severe symptoms. In connection with the great similarity of symptoms, differential diagnosis with chronic neurodermatitis, erythrasma of folds, dermatophytosis, and psoriasis is carried out. To clarify and confirm the diagnosis, additional laboratory research methods are carried out: smears for candidiasis, for various pathological flora, smears for PCR. PCR is a polymerase chain reaction that was invented by the American scientist Carey Mullis in 1983 and received the Nobel Prize for this invention. Currently, there is no more sensitive and accurate method for the diagnosis and determination of pathogenic microbes. PCR reveals a wide variety of infections, including "hidden" infections of the genital tract, which are asymptomatic.

Diaper rash in the groin in women - treatment

Treatment of diaper rash in the groin in women is reduced to eliminating the causes that caused it.

Treatment of mild diaper rash in the groin in women does not present special difficulties. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, after washing you need to carefully dry and blot all the skin folds with a cotton cloth. Special drying agents are used: talc, linin, Teymurov paste, Lassar. Children's pastes and creams with zinc have a good effect.

For the treatment of women with diaper rash in the groin of moderate severity, the use of antimicrobial, antifungal or antiviral drugs is already required, antihistamines and local medications are also used: lotions are applied with 0.1% copper sulfate solution or with 0.4% zinc solution, or with a solution risorzin. Since in women with diaper rash of moderate severity, single erosions are formed in the groin, i.e., the integrity of the skin is impaired, the use of ointments for speedy healing is justified. Ointments and creams are used, such as Levomikol, Panthenol, Solcoseryl, Lorinden C (it also relieves inflammation) or Levasin, Lokacorten - Viocor, Methyluracil, Edas 201.

Treatment of diaper rash in the groin in women from the second stage includes irradiation with an infrared lamp or ultraviolet radiation. This accelerates tissue regeneration, reduces inflammation, activates blood circulation and metabolism at the site of damage.

With a severe degree of diaper rash in the groin in women, the use of creams and ointments is unacceptable, because they contribute to greater hydration and create a protective film on the surface that prevents the healing of inflammation. In these cases, lotions and the use of antibacterial drugs help.

Sometimes, traditional medicine is used to speed up the healing process: decoctions of oak bark for baths, decoction of chamomile flowers and a series for wipes, boiled sunflower oil for wipes (but not in the case of a severe degree of diaper rash).

Handle diaper rash in the groin with great care so as not to further disrupt the integrity of the skin. Friction is not allowed - only getting wet, washing with a weak stream of water or an antiseptic.

Diaper rash in the groin in women - prevention

Prevention of diaper rash in the groin in women is a careful observance of elementary rules and consists in the exclusion of provoking factors:

- at least twice a day, wash with warm water and soap, thoroughly wet and dry places of diaper rash;

- do not wear tight synthetic clothing and underwear - it is advisable to use clothing in size from natural fabrics;

- exclude salty and spicy foods, because they lead to hyperhidrosis;

- avoid exposure to allergens;

- Do not use cheap pads made of synthetic material;

weight loss;

- fight with spontaneous urination, treat hemorrhoids, if any.

Among adults, it is customary to remain silent about such a delicate problem as diaper rash in the groin, but if you do not consult a doctor on time, there will be a significant increase in problems in the future.


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