Honey prostate sbiten: 5 proven recipes


A significant part of the male generation aged 25 to 40 are seeking medical help due to urinary problems. According to statistical studies, approximately 40% of men in the world in general, and the Russian Federation in particular, suffer from prostatitis.

For the treatment of prostatitis, you can resort to traditional medicine. In the early stages, many physicians even recommend using alternative treatment, namely the use of honey sbiten.

Useful properties sbitnya

Sbiten - texture consisting of filtered water, high-quality honey and various spices. The best properties are clove flowers, cinnamon, cardamom fruits, ginger root and fragrant nutmeg. A soft drink can not only cure prostatitis, it also improves the condition of the man as a whole, protects against the development of complications and repeated attacks.

Honey sbiten has a rich composition. It contains:

  • Vitamins of different groups: B, A, C and D;
  • Mineral raw materials, mostly iron, zinc, iodine, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, potassium;
  • Organic Most useful are citric, acetic, and formic acids, as well as flavonoids.

In order to shorten the duration of the disease and speed up the process of treatment, medicinal herbs with antiseptic properties should be added to honey.

These plants include:

  • Mint leaves;
  • Oregano and Hypericum flowers;
  • Donnik;
  • Sage leaves and flowers;
  • Thyme;
  • Burdock leaves;
  • Nine-power fruits;
  • Black-leaved Cypriot;
  • Nettle and plantain leaves;
  • Hazel;
  • Chamomile flowers.

Also, do not underestimate the effects of some plants in combination with other natural substances, for example, yeast. Even a small amount of them can enhance the regenerative process of the epithelium in the area of ​​inflammation, speed up the metabolism and thereby alleviate the symptoms of prostatitis.

Honey sbiten helps:

  • Rid the patient of a painful inflammatory process;
  • Stabilize erectile dysfunction;
  • Reduce stretching and sharp pains;
  • Eliminate stagnation in the prostate gland;
  • Get rid of depression, increased nervousness and improve mood;
  • To prevent the occurrence of complications and exacerbations;
  • Do not turn the disease into a chronic form.

In addition to the main healing properties, the drink has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Honey means forms an invisible film on the gastric mucosa, thus protecting it from the aggressive effects of antibiotics, which are prescribed for prostatitis.

How to cook honey sbiten?

In the preparation of sbitena need to use liquid honey, which does not contain coloring pigment and stabilizers. For the treatment of stagnant prostatitis, a drink is recommended to be made on the basis of linden or buckwheat honey.

The infectious form of the disease is treated with honey from chestnuts and Altai flowers. If, in addition to the inflammatory process, a benign tumor of the prostate gland begins to develop, or the risk of developing prostate cancer is increased, use Cypriot honey honey as a basis.

Honey and purified water are taken as the basis for honey shedding, only auxiliary ingredients differ.

In addition to the classic recipe for honey sbitnya, the most common are: on the basis of spices, peppermint, white, as well as with the addition of lemon and yeast.

You can cook honey sbiten by two methods: simple brewing and by fermentation, that is, when yeast or yeast is added, which require fermentation for several days. When using the second method, most of the healing characteristics are retained. In the first case, in the process of cooking, approximately 30-35% of the beneficial properties of honey and herbs are lost. However, simple custard sbiten is popular because it is simple to prepare and is done within half an hour.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe for honey shedding is intended for preventive measures, as well as treats prostatitis at the initial stage. The classic drink can also be used as the main treatment for prostatitis, but only if the disease is mild, without causing complications.

The composition of the classic recipe includes:

  • 8 large spoons of natural honey, better than homemade;
  • Liter of filtered water;
  • St. John's Wort - half a bundle;
  • Mint - half a bunch;
  • Cinnamon - 1 small spoon or 3 sticks;
  • 7 buds of carnation flowers;
  • 5 cm ginger root;
  • 0.5 tsp grated nutmeg;
  • 6 fruits of cardamom.

To prepare honey sbiten from prostatitis according to this recipe, you must prepare two clean vessels (enamelled most suitable), a wooden spoon and gauze. In one container pour one cup of pure water, add to it all the spices and herbs mentioned in the recipe. Boil the broth is necessary for 5 minutes, then cover with a lid, warm with a towel and leave to infuse.

In the second bowl, deeper, mix the honey with the remaining water. It is necessary to boil the mixture over low heat until foam appears on the surface. Remove from heat, then cover and insulate. Following formulations should infuse for three hours. After the time has elapsed, each composition must be drained through several layers of gauze, put together and mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Keep classic sbiten recommended in a dark room. Use no earlier than a day after preparation.

Honey sbiten on yeast

Curative remedy from honey with the addition of unicellular fungal yeast helps to convert sugar and glucose to carbon dioxide and alcohol. This recipe is also easy to prepare, the main thing is to strictly observe the dosage.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • 100 grams of honey, preferably May;
  • Filtered water - 4 liters;
  • 2 large spoons of powdered yeast;
  • 0.5 tsp grated nutmeg;
  • 3 middle buds of carnation;
  • 1 stick of cinnamon or 0.5 tsp. powder;
  • Half a coffee spoon, finely grated, ginger;
  • Half tsp mint;
  • 4 hop boxes.

In each recipe, the quality of the honey used is important. However, the best yeast interact with spring May honey. Therefore, in this recipe, it is extremely important that this condition be met.

In a deep container dissolve the honey, then it must be heated on the fire. To preserve the beneficial properties of honey, the solution can be heated to no more than 50 degrees Celsius. Then the mixture should cool to 30 degrees, only after that the yeast is added. Next, you need to cover the dishes and let it brew in a warm place for 2-3 days.

After the expiration of the solution must again be brought to 50-60 degrees. It is important to remove the foam from the solution, otherwise the fermentation of the yeast will stop and they will die. At the last stage, all other spices and spices are added. Then the resulting solution again needs to be heated and braised for 10-15 minutes. After the mixture is removed from the heat, it should be covered with a lid, put in a dark place for 3 hours.

After that, the drink must be carefully filtered, spread into glass bottles and placed in a dark place. It is possible to use honey remedy for prostatitis on yeast after 48 hours.

Spicy Honey Sbiten

Quickly eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis, respectively, greatly alleviate the course of the disease, will help spicy honey sbiten.

The composition of the drink includes:

  • 200 grams of high quality flower honey;
  • 1 liter of purified water;
  • 100 grams of liquid molasses;
  • 0.25 tsp. finely grated nutmeg;
  • Hoppy cones - 5-6 pieces;
  • 3 sticks of cinnamon;
  • 3 grains of cardamom, cloves and pepper.

Put all the ingredients, with the exception of honey, in one pan, mix everything thoroughly. Next, the solution must be brought to a boil over low heat. After the mixture boils, it must be boiled for 7 minutes, stirring constantly. Turn off the heat and allow to cool to 40 ° C. Only after that honey is added and everything is well mixed. Pour spicy honey sbiten glass bottles, tightly close the lid. You can take the prepared mixture after 5 days.

Mint Honey Lemon Sbiten

A good effect has a drink made from honey and mint. For the preparation of mint honey remedies for prostatitis, you will need a set of the following ingredients:

  • Half a liter of clean water;
  • 100 grams of honey;
  • 0.5 tsp peppermint;
  • Fresh lemon juice - 2 teaspoons;
  • 0.2 nutmeg;
  • Half cinnamon sticks;
  • Grated ginger - 1/3 of a small spoon.

Boil water over medium heat, then add all the ingredients one by one, while stirring the solution. Stir the mixture over low heat for an hour. When the time is up, remove the bowl from the heat, tightly cover the lid and wrap it in a warm scarf. In this state, he should stay at least 40 minutes. Before use, mint drink, it will need to be filtered using gauze.

White Sbiten

To drink had a lighter shade, you need to use lime honey. Unlike previous recipes, not so many ingredients are included in the composition of the white sbiten.

In one enamel bowl add 250 grams of honey from linden flowers, 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon, 1 stick of cinnamon and a liter of boiled water. All components are mixed and put to languish on slow fire. The product should be cooked for at least 2 hours, after which it should be left to cool to 20-degree temperature.

Before taking, strain through cheesecloth. It is taken in cold form, it is necessary to store it in the refrigerator in a glass jar.

How to take honey from the prostatitis?

To alleviate the painful signs of prostatitis, it is necessary to dilute 1 large spoonful of any type of honey whipped in a glass of warm water. It is taken once a day - in the morning before breakfast. Eliminate the signs of the disease will help the course of therapy of 3 weeks. Then you should take a break for one week and repeat the course of therapy for prevention.

In the more acute phase of the disease, the intake of the honey drink should be made frequent and taken on an empty stomach twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Course duration is 4 to 5 weeks.

To enhance the effect, the agent is recommended to be taken in combination with generally accepted methods of treatment - physiotherapy, medications, etc. It will promote recovery and relieve the patient from the painful symptoms.


The main restriction to the use of sbitya with prostatitis is personal intolerance to the components. The most common side effect occurs when using low-quality honey. In addition to honey, home remedies include herbs, spices, and other ingredients that are considered strong allergens.

Sbiten is contraindicated in:

  • Chronic pathologies of the heart, liver and capillaries;
  • Renal failure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pancreas.

Not recommended product for pregnant girls and during lactation. Even if you have no obvious limitations, you should consult your doctor before taking it.


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