Basil: useful properties of aromatic herbs, main fields of application. Basil: contraindications


The pleasant aroma of basil complements the spicy taste of many culinary masterpieces, so housewives very often use it as a seasoning.

However, few people know that the composition of the plant contains a huge amount of substances useful to humans, which make the spice suitable for medicinal purposes.

Basil, which has a lot of useful properties, is valued in folk medicine and even cosmetology.

Moreover, it is used both fresh and dried.

The basil has not so many contraindications, so it will be useful for each housewife to expand her knowledge of this plant.

Basil composition

Why is basil so healthy? This question will not be bewildering if we consider the chemical composition of the plant. It contains vitamins and nutrients that are really important for humans.

The composition includes:

• vitamin C;

• camphor;

• carotene;

• vitamins K, B, PP, A;

• essential oils;

• routine.

The basilica beneficial properties are preserved both in a fresh plant and in a dried one. However, if a person does not know how to collect and dry the grass correctly, it is better to purchase it in a pharmacy ready-made.

Basil: beneficial properties of a fragrant plant

Basil is an amazing plant, sometimes it is even underestimated. The rich composition allows its use both for medicinal purposes and in beauty recipes. As for cooking, the unique aroma of spices nourishes meat dishes, salads with a special taste.

Basil: useful properties

1. It is very useful to eat basil for men. It has been proven that it has a beneficial effect on potency, significantly enhances the sexual effect.

2. Normalizes blood sugar, maintains blood pressure.

3. Decoctions and infusions are useful for indigestion and constipation, relieve bloating.

4. Relieves headache and soothes the nervous system, it is often recommended to use basil for problems with sleep.

5. Improves concentration, is very useful for drivers and people whose work requires constant thinking.

6. Reduces the level of uric acid, which prevents the formation of kidney stones.

7. Basil is recommended for those who have weakened immunity. Decoctions and infusions of the plant are prescribed after a serious illness, so that the body recovers faster.

8. The plant is used in folk medicine for the treatment of infectious and colds in adults and children.

9. Since the composition contains vitamin A, basil strengthens the nail plate, improves the general condition of hair and skin.

The use of basil in alternative medicine

Recipes of traditional medicine based on spices are useful for everyone to know. The basil has extremely few contraindications, so both adults and children can enjoy its healing properties.

1. Fragrant healthy tea. Washed fresh basil leaves (about a handful) should be poured with boiling water (1 liter) and insisted no longer than 5-10 minutes so that beneficial properties are not lost. After this, the tea is filtered, for sweetness, a little honey is added. Such a drink is recommended to drink 2 times a day to improve digestion, relieve stress and overall immunity.

2. Decoction of basil. 3 handfuls of fresh leaves of the plant are poured with warm boiled water and, after boiling, boil for another 15 minutes. The broth should be allowed to infuse until it cools completely, then it is filtered through a gauze napkin. This tool is used to rinse the mouth with sore throat and toothache. You can also wipe the skin with a decoction to relieve inflammation.

3. With colitis and bloating. 10 grams of dried basil should be steamed with boiling water (50 ml) for 10 minutes, then strain. The resulting product is drunk 3-4 times a day for 2 days.

Basil: useful properties for beauty, home recipes

Basil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, it can often be seen in many cosmetics. However, why spend more if some recipes can be easily made at home from a fresh plant. The basil does not have any particular contraindications for external use; it does not cause itching and irritation of the dermis.

1. A refreshing everyday tonic. 2 tablespoons of a fresh plant need to be chopped well, and the smaller, the better. You can use a blender for this. The resulting mass is steamed with boiling water for half an hour, then filtered. The tonic is stored in the refrigerator. They are advised to wipe their face daily in the morning. The tool perfectly refreshes and tones, nourishes the dermis, relieves acne.

2. Mask with the effect of recovery. Over the years, the skin fades, you can delay this process by using a regular mask of basil. In a deep container, one yolk of chicken egg, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 4 drops of basil essential oil are mixed. Everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The mask is applied to the face 3-4 times a week for 20 minutes.

3. Hair lotion. Beautiful ringlets are female wealth. To return to them the beauty, volume and natural luster will help a remedy from basil and rosemary. It is necessary to mix herbs in the same amount and pour boiling water over everything so that water covers the plants. The volume of infusion is selected depending on the length of the hair. The resulting product needs to rinse the curls every time after washing your hair. Rosemary and basil nourish the hair, restore the balance of micronutrients, make them radiant and obedient.

The use of aromatic basil in cooking

The tart and bitter notes of the plant are very appreciated in cooking. Fresh and dried basil perfectly complements the taste of meat dishes. However, there are no restrictions on its use. Mistresses can turn on imagination and use spices in the preparation of fish, rice and even mashed potatoes.

The salad will be very tasty if you season it with basil oil. The beneficial properties of spices make the dish vitamin.

1. You need to prepare 50 grams of plant leaves, rinse them well and dry them.

2. 4 tablespoons of olive oil and basil are chopped with a blender.

3. In the resulting slurry, pour another 200 ml of olive oil.

4. The resulting basil oil should be infused for about 2 weeks before use.

Basil: contraindications to the use of plants

Despite the huge number of medicinal properties of this fragrant plant, there are some nuances of its use.

Basil: contraindications

1. It is advisable for women during pregnancy and lactation to refuse dishes with the addition of basil, as the reaction of the child's body may be unexpected.

2. In the presence of diseases associated with the heart muscle, it is better not to use the plant.

3. Refuse the spice in diabetes.

4. The presence of individual intolerance - basil is prohibited both for medicinal purposes and in cosmetology.

Basil, whose beneficial properties and contraindications were presented, is a plant full of vitamins important for humans. You just need to remember that everything is useful in moderation, therefore, abuse of spice in any form is not recommended.


Watch the video: Essential Oils As Medicine: Essential Oils Guide (July 2024).