November 16: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


The history of this holiday is interesting in that in 2005 it was initiated by a commercial structure, the Rospipe group of companies. The first events related to the celebration of designers took place in St. Petersburg, a year later the holiday was also celebrated in Moscow and Novosibirsk, and already in 2007 designers from all over the country joined them.

The day of Ukrainian signalmen began to be celebrated after the decree of the President of Ukraine in 1994. It is thanks to communication and information workers, who today number more than 250 thousand, that the population of Ukraine has the opportunity to watch TV, call their relatives on the phone, listen to radio news, etc. Those who work in this field provide services to 12 million subscribers fixed telephony and 40 million mobile subscribers. About 94.5% of the population are television viewers, and more than 8 million residents of Ukraine are Internet users.

On this day in 1995, UNESCO adopted the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, and since 1996, on November 16, the International Day of Tolerance began to be celebrated. As part of this holiday, various thematic events are held to combat intolerance and violence and to protect victims of discrimination of various kinds.

Other memorable events on November 16:

The All-Russian festival EthnoModa has been held in St. Petersburg since 2006, as part of the city’s program to strengthen tolerance. The aim of the festival is to revive interest in various national cultures, interethnic cultural exchange and unite creative representatives of various professions who work in the field of fashion, design and applied creativity. In recent years, the festival has acquired a multicultural format: for example, in 2012, the ranks of its participants will be replenished by musicians, hairdressers, makeup artists, body art artists. The geography of the festival is expanding, which today is represented by participants from almost all corners of Russia.

St. Cristobal is Christopher Columbus, the seafarer who discovered America. In October 1492, Columbus arrived in Cuba. In Havana there is a small chapel of El Templet, next to which grows a powerful ceiba tree, revered by the Cubans as sacred. On the day of St. Cristobal, which is considered the heavenly patron of Havana, many of its inhabitants go to the chapel to make a wish and walk around the tree three times, in the hope that it will certainly be fulfilled.

The festival is a colorful sports festival, attracting more and more guests each time. By kitesurfing, or kiting, we mean the sliding movement on the board along the waves behind the kite - a large kite. Kitesurfing is considered a very extreme activity, requiring considerable endurance and strength. Spain is one of the world centers of this new sport, thanks to its white sandy beaches and constant strong winds. The Spanish coast provides excellent conditions for kitesurfing not only for professionals, but also for beginners, who are taught by experienced instructors in kitesurf schools.

On November 16, they honor the memory of Anna Vsevolodovna, who was the daughter of the Kiev prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich. According to legend, Anna was the bride of the Byzantine prince. However, this marriage was not destined to come true, since the princess decided to devote her life to serving God. Around 1086, Vsevolod Yaroslavovich built a female Andreevsky monastery for his daughter, of which Anna became the first abbess. The abbess did much to improve the monastery. The monastery opened the first school in Europe for girls who studied there in literacy, singing and crafts. Anna Vsevolodovna also actively participated in government affairs.

On this day, it was customary to observe the weather. The absence of snow on Anna predicted a good harvest of bread. A cold day, on the contrary, promised hunger. Well-burning firewood in the stove and flames rushing into the chimney roared foreshadowed the storm. Low floating clouds spoke of the coming of a severe cold. Young girls on this day began needlework.

On this day, Agap, Anna, George, Dmitry, Joseph, Michael, Edmund congratulate the name day.

In 1848 in London, at the annual Polish ball, the last concert of Frederic Chopin, the great Polish composer and pianist, took place. During the last concert, Chopin, weakened by his illness and damp English climate, was so exhausted that the game lasted only an hour. A week later, after returning to Paris, the great composer died, and the urn with his heart was transported in accordance with his last will to Warsaw. Since 1927, the Polish capital every 5 years gathers the best pianists in the world to the Chopin International Competition.

In 1921 The Moscow Higher Literary and Art Institute (VLHI) was opened, headed by Valery Bryusov. It was founded to train Soviet writers, poets, playwrights, critics and translators. In 1924, Bryusov died, and in 1925, the All-Russian Agricultural Institute was transferred from Moscow to Leningrad and joined the Philology Department of Leningrad University.

In 1933 diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA were restored, which were first established in 1807. But in the 19th century, countries contacted only to resolve issues related to Alaska and other Russian possessions in North America. In the First World War, Russia and the United States had allied relations, however, the States did not recognize the Soviet government, which came to power after the revolution, moreover, in 1918-1920 they supported the White Army and took part in the intervention of Soviet Russia. In the 1930s, the Soviet leadership was interested in expanding relations with other states, and the United States adhered to the need for cooperation because of Nazism, which raised its head in Germany. Against this background, an agreement was signed between the Soviet Union and the United States on the establishment of diplomatic relations.

In 1945 in London, 37 governments established UNESCO. This United Nations is called upon to address the issues of Education, Science and Culture. UNESCO's goal is to expand the cooperation of peoples in these areas, to strengthen peace and security, and to strictly observe the rule of law and human rights that are spelled out in the Charter of the United Nations for people of all races, genders, languages ​​or religions. The location of UNESCO Headquarters was Paris.

In 1965 Soviet scientists launched the unmanned spacecraft Venera-3, which successfully landed on Venus. The purpose of this automatic interplanetary station was to study the planet Venus. The station reached the surface of Venus on March 1, 1966. Due to the failure of the station’s control system, it never transmitted data about the planet to Earth, however, thanks to this flight, mankind received a lot of valuable data on interplanetary flights.

Tiberius (42-37 BC), the Roman emperor, whose rule was remembered for improving the economy, reducing military spending, strengthening borders and developing provinces, reducing taxes and building roads.

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (1673-1729), associate and friend of Peter I. Being a native of a poor family, he accidentally fell into the service of Lefort, and from the age of 14 he became a batman for Peter I. Menshikov showed heroism in many battles, for which he was granted the rank of Field Marshal, lands and serfs. The troops under his command liberated Poland, Courland, Pomerania and Holstein from the Swedes. At the request of Peter I, who greatly appreciated his merits, he received the title of count, and later - the prince of the Roman Empire, and from 1707 he became the brightest prince of Izhora. For the construction of harbors and fleets, Menshikov became rear admiral. When Peter I died, Menshikov helped his wife Catherine I take the throne, later Peter II awarded him the rank of full admiral and the rank of generalissimo. After losing influence on the emperor, Menshikov was exiled to the Ranenburg fortress and deprived of all posts, awards and property, after which he was sent to the Tobolsk province, where he died in 1729.

Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak (1874-1920), Admiral, Russian politician. After the February Revolution of 1917, he headed the Russian naval mission in the UK and the USA, from mid-October 1918 he was appointed military and naval minister of the Government of the Directory, and in November became the Supreme Ruler of Russia. Having created an army, Kolchak was able to occupy the Urals, however, then a streak of defeats and setbacks began. In January 1920, Kolchak was extradited by the Czechs to the Bolsheviks in Nizhneudinsk, and was shot dead on February 7, 1920.

Alexander Nikolaevich Malinin (Vyguzov), (born in 1958), Soviet and Russian pop singer, winner of the Jurmala 88 contest, Lenin Komsomol Prize winner, Honored and People's Artist of Russia.

Diana Croll (born in 1964), Canadian jazz singer.


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