November 21: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Even Peter 1 formed 4 colleges, each of which was responsible for certain financial issues. Later, Empress Catherine II organized an expedition checking state revenues. Today, these bodies have the form of state tax inspectorates. The last time the State Tax Service was reorganized was in 1991, when, by decree of the President of Russia, tax inspectorates act independently, and not within the framework of the Ministry of Finance. In 1998, it became the Ministry of the Russian Federation for taxes and duties.

This is an unofficial celebration of employees of accounting services, on the day Boris Yeltsin signs the law on accounting. Accountant Day in the world was celebrated on November 10. In Russia, 3.5 million people work as accountants.

World Hello Day is celebrated annually. Two brothers McComack came up with this fun holiday: Michael and Brown. The Cold War was in full swing, a conflict broke out between Egypt and Israel. The brothers decided that a simple effective act would help relieve tension. They wrote simple letters of greeting and asked the recipients to forward these letters to someone else, at least to a few people. The idea was supported in almost 180 countries. Since then, people greet each other on this day. Major politicians, artists and industrial tycoons all use this occasion to greet citizens, creating a good mood and experiencing joyful emotions.

Television has long been a part of our lives. In March 1998, the United Nations proclaimed November 21 a television day. at the World Television Forum, which took place that day in 1996. The purpose of the holiday is the exchange of programs about peace and security between countries, the expansion of cultural exchange. Television appeared before the 2nd World War, in our country the first programs were broadcast in the thirties of the last century. The cathode tube was invented in 1933, and the mass distribution of television in Europe occurred much later - starting from the 60-70s of the 20th century.

Italians are very fond of their national holiday held in Venice. The Temple dedicated to Madonna rises on the banks of the largest canal. It was built in memory of the cessation of the plague in 1630. On this day, a solemn mass is held in the Temple, and on the streets festively dressed people buy souvenirs and sweets. At the "Madonna" they are preparing a national lamb dish - castradine.

No one will argue that confessing to people in their wrong actions is very difficult. It’s sometimes difficult even for oneself to say this, and to ask someone for forgiveness at all seems sometimes impossible. Public repentance is not yet considered acceptable in the world, however, the Protestant church celebrates a special day. Wednesday before the last Sunday of autumn is given to repentance and prayer. This holiday is celebrated in Germany, Austria, Switzerland. All work is canceled that day so that believers can reflect on spiritual values.

(November 8, Old Style) - Mikhailov Day

On the day of the celebration of the church holiday - the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael - honor angels and archangels. In the IV century, a date was chosen at Laodicean Cathedral according to the laws of numerology - 9 angelic ranks, and November - 9 month of the year. This day used to be called Mikhailovsky Mud - if it rained, they turned out to be protracted until the very day of Nikolaev - December 19. Frost testified to long frosts - "Mikhailo bridges bridges." Hoarfrost predicted large snows, the thaw fog. The Mikhailovsky holidays symbolized the end of all field work, feasts, festivities began, and wages were paid to employees. It is customary to go on a visit and host guests themselves, treat themselves to home-made beer and cakes made from freshly ground flour. Until the very post of Filippov, honey and fried meat were served at the table.

November 21, 1916 - the death of the ship "Britannic" in the Aegean

The twin ship "Titanic" was the largest ship at that time. During the First World War, he was an active participant in hostilities. The company "White Star Line" lost 5 ships during the war, on the 3rd of them - "Britannica" - His Majesty's hospital was set up. The ship was more perfect than the Titanic, took on board more than 3,000 patients. November 21, he flew into a mine, and sank in just 55 minutes. Almost all passengers escaped, 21 people out of 1,136 people became victims.

November 21, 1783 - the first ever human flight in a balloon took place

The Montgolfier brothers were obsessed with the idea of ​​creating an aircraft, wanting to raise a person into the air. At first, they came up with a device that, with the help of hot smoke, lifted a ball up without people. The next ball was much larger, two people were able to hold below. The king forbade the inventors to rise into the sky, and instead other people tried the ball. The ball was launched in a suburb of Paris, balloonists managed to ascend into the sky for 915 meters and in 25 minutes flew 9 km.

November 21, 1363 - the Lithuanian prince Olgerd attacked Moscow

The end of the 12th century was characterized by raids by the Lithuanians on the border lands of Russia. During internecine wars, the most favorable moments came for the Lithuanian conquerors. Olgerd attacked the detachment of the Old-Duke Prince Semyon and defeated the border places, he did not stop there and went deeper into Russia. Having broken the guard posts, he attacked Moscow. The Kremlin became a serious obstacle, Olgergard retreated, leaving behind the looted villages, taking away cattle and the captive population. The Lithuanian prince was also forced to retreat by troubles with the Teutons on their own border. It is known that the Russian troops made return trips.

November 21, 1965 - Children's Musical Theater opened in Moscow

Today, the theater bears the name of Natalia Ilyinichna Sats, a Russian director and theater figure. The first children's theater was opened immediately after the end of the civil war. The very young Natalya Sats fired up with this idea, and created a completely new type of theater, with its own repertoire and troupe. The first performance was "Mowgli", it was occupied by Garkavi, Babanova, Ilyinsky. The Central Children's Theater was opened in the early 1950s, the new building was nicknamed the Eighth Wonder of the World. This is an amazing building, with a winter garden, an aquarium with colorful fish, sculptures of fairy-tale characters.

Mikhail Andreevich Gluzsky (1918 - 2001), Russian and Soviet actor

Mikhail Gluzsky made his film debut in 1939. His first roles were in the films "Girl with Character", "Quiet Don", "The Secret of Two Oceans". His roles were negative, but he could give them characteristic features. The people noted and loved his work. Grotesque and comedic characters were shown with special skill. In recent years, Mikhail Andreevich was engaged in teaching and prepared many students.

Björk Goodmundsdottir (1965), singer and actress from Iceland

Björk's first album went platinum in Iceland. In her youth, she organized many projects. Her band The Sugarcubes performed alternative music, but broke up, and the singer begins a solo career. Her new album becomes platinum already in America, hits by Human Behavior and Bedtime Story from Madonna’s self-titled album became popular all over the world. The soundtrack for the film "Dancing in the Dark" received a golden palm branch in Cannes.

Voltaire (1694 - 1778 years), French thinker and publicist

Voltaire (Francois Marie Aruet) played a large role in preparing serious French minds for the French Revolution. At a young age he wrote the play "Oedipus", which the public accepted very favorably. Stinging remarks and calls for political freedoms led him to prison, and later he was expelled from the country. The famous "Philosophical Letters" were publicly burned, he again runs the risk of being imprisoned. Being in love with the Marquise du Châtelet, Voltaire spent 10 years in her castle and wrote many works. His last famous work is “History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great”.

Tamara Nosova (1927 - 2007), actress, star of the Soviet comedy

In the 50-60 years of the last century, Tamara Novsova was envied by many because of a successful career. She was called the queen of comedy. A striking comic actress starred in many films. Viewers remember her images in "Wedding in the Robin", "Carnival Night", "Hello, I am your aunt!" and many other films.

Nikolai Daniilovich Perumov (1963), Russian scientist, science fiction writer

He became interested in science fiction in his youth, in 1993 he wrote and published the first book - a continuation of adventures from the world of Tolkien. Nikolai Perumov is considered the founder of the Russian style of fantasy. His works: "Guardian of Swords", "Skull on the sleeve", "Skull in the sky", "Death of the gods", etc.

Goldie Hawn (1945), Hollywood actress

She received the first Oscar for her supporting role in the film "Cactus Flower". The famous comedian has earned several significant awards and prizes, including another Oscar and several Golden Globes.

November 21 is celebrated by the name-day of Mikhail, Gabriel, Martha, Raphael.


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