Uterus and cervix during pregnancy


During pregnancy, doctors give great importance to the condition of the female uterus. Not only the course of pregnancy, but also the life, as well as the health of the child, directly depends on what tone, normal or elevated it is. Most often, when they talk about the tone of the uterus, they mean its increase or hypertonicity. This symptom can lead to spontaneous abortion in the early stages, and in later months to premature birth.

Tonus and hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy

Often the appearance of uterine hypertonicity is promoted by excessive physical exertion, nervous stress, overexcitation, fear or fear. Also, increased uterine tone may appear as a result of inflammatory processes in the female body, endometriosis or uterine fibroids. Excessive overstretching of muscle tissue that occurs during multiple pregnancy can lead to hypertonicity. Often hypertension appears after acute respiratory infections, sore throat, flu, pyelonephritis. Also, this unfavorable symptom often accompanies smoking women or expectant mothers who abuse alcohol.

Increased tone may be accompanied by aching or compressive pain in the lower abdomen, similar to sensations during menstruation. Sometimes there is a small spotting or excessive tension of the abdomen. If any of these symptoms occurs, immediate medical attention is required. Today, uterine hypertonicity is well treated. A pregnant woman needs complete rest and normalization of the psychoemotional state. In this condition, sexual activity and any physical activity are prohibited. Medications are often given to pregnant women, and patients are prescribed medications that relax the uterine muscles, vitamins, and sedatives.

Changes in the cervix during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the cervix undergoes significant changes. Due to the development of an extensive vascular network, it acquires a bluish tint, and its glands expand and become even more branched. In the initial stages of bearing a child, bleeding and the expansion of the internal pharynx of the cervix are especially dangerous.

In the last trimester, the cervix matures and softens. This indicates the readiness of the body to start labor. Immediately before birth, the neck is located in the very center of the pelvis, and its length is only 10-15 mm. During childbirth, the neck gradually opens and reaches a diameter of 10cm. Sometimes during the advancement of the baby through the birth canal, a rupture or crack of the cervix occurs. Then stitches are applied to the damaged areas.

Pathologies in the cervix during pregnancy

The cervix of some women is in a pathological condition called ismo-cervical insufficiency. The meaning of this disease is that the muscle muscles in the isthmus of the uterus does not contract, and the neck itself opens prematurely and is not able to hold the fetus. Due to the fact that the child gradually falls down, premature labor develops and a sudden miscarriage occurs. The causes of this ailment can be either congenital or acquired. ICI often develops as a result of hormonal malfunctions or underdevelopment of the uterus, injuries received during abortion or delivery by a large fetus.

Endocervicitis can be another cause of premature birth or spontaneous miscarriage. This disease occurs due to inflammation of the cervical canal. The causes can be very different, from sexually transmitted infections, to staphylococcus, Escherichia coli or streptococcus. This disease is accompanied by profuse mucous secretions with an unpleasant odor.

Uterine erosion during pregnancy

A common defect in the cervical mucosa is erosion. It occurs due to inflammatory processes, traumatic, chemical or any other damage. Also, erosion can be the result of a difficult birth, improper douching or abortion. Sometimes erosion by itself disappears after childbirth, in other cases it is successfully treated and does not affect the course of pregnancy.

Uterine fibroids during pregnancy

A rather difficult problem that can complicate pregnancy is uterine fibroids. Sometimes quite serious complications of this disease can occur. Which require early surgical delivery. The outcome of such complications may be the birth of an immature child with impaired neuropsychic or physical development. The causes of these complications may be the large size of the fibroids, its unfavorable location, as well as malnutrition of the tumor node. Other inflammatory processes and ovarian tumors, hormonal disruptions, mammary gland diseases, disorders of the thyroid gland or adrenal cortex are often combined with this disease.

Often, uterine fibroids is an active rapidly developing hereditary disease. Quite often, uterine fibroids are diagnosed in primiparous women with a burdened obstetric-gynecological history. The risk of spontaneous abortion increases when the fibroid is located below the placenta. The delivery method for patients with myoma is selected in each case individually, taking into account the number, size and location of the tumor nodes.


Veronica 03/26/2016
How many many dangers and diseases! For example, myoma, what does it come from? It’s how scary that a baby may be born with deviations ... You need to constantly monitor your health, only such a conclusion can be drawn ...

Jackdaw 03/26/2016
Thank God, I didn’t have anything like that. True, there was erosion, but it was cured. Erosion was even before pregnancy and I was worried that because of it I could not get pregnant at all. But, all this is behind. And as it turned out, all the experiences were in vain.

Angelica 03/26/2016
My pathological neighbor nevertheless managed to save and give birth to a child. True, almost the entire pregnancy lay in the hospital for conservation. thanks to the doctors, really high-class specialists came across.

Lika 03/26/2016
I had an increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy. My stomach was constantly aching and something was pulling there ... It was due to stress, and when the stressful situation disappeared, everything became in order. Pregnant women generally need peace and not any anxiety.

Kalinka 03/26/2016
My friend discovered a myoma during pregnancy, and even wanted to have surgery. But, nothing happened. Pah-pah, I didn’t have any problems. After all, there are different cases, even the uterus falls out. It was necessary to maintain a tone with special exercises.


Watch the video: Cervical Cancer During Pregnancy. Ashley's Story (July 2024).