Mick Jager will make a biographical film about the godfather of soul


Mick Jager, frontman of the cult band The Rolling Stones, has confirmed that he is currently working on a biographical film about James Brown.

James Brown is a legendary American singer in the style of rhythm & blues, funky. He has recorded more than 60 albums. When Rolling Stone magazine ranked the greatest musicians of the 20th century in 2004, his name was ranked 7th. The singer died in 2006 at the age of 73.

Mick Jager is confident that participating in the development of a film about such a huge musical icon is a great honor for him.

The film will be co-produced by Imagine and Jagger Films. Who will play the main role is still unknown. The management of both companies is actively searching.

As Mick Jager said: “The legendary James Brown. He was a bewitching performer with a fascinating life story. ” This is a story about a short boy who grew up in extreme poverty and violence to become one of the most influential black artists in history.

It is interesting that Imagine started to implement this project at a time when the singer was living and he himself took an active part in its development.


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