Rinsing your mouth with sugary drinks helps increase self-control


Often you lose your temper, and lack of willpower prevents you from getting rid of bad habits? It doesn’t matter, according to American experts. Feel free to pour a glass of any non-alcoholic drink and ... rinse your mouth! The main thing - do not forget to sweeten it with natural sugar (ideal water with jam, compote or fruit drink), and everything else will be done by glucose, according to a new scientific study, which can significantly increase and strengthen the sense of human self-control, increasing our chances of maintaining chastity and prudence in struggle with your own shortcomings.

The basis for this conclusion was the results of an experiment conducted in the USA, at the University of Georgia, with the participation of 51 students. According to the conditions of the study, all participants had to perform the so-called Stroop test. During its passage, on the screen near which the person was sitting, various words appeared, which are names of a certain color. Moreover, they were painted in a color different from the one that they designated - the participants should have named it as quickly as possible. The difficulty was that the students, to some extent losing control of their subconscious, began to read the words, pronouncing the name not of the color in which they are depicted, but of the one that they designate.

Before starting the assignment, the volunteers were divided into 2 groups. Half of them were asked to rinse their mouth with lemonade, in which sugar was replaced with an artificial sweetener, and the remaining participants in the experiment had to do the same with a similar drink, but previously sweetened with sugar. The use of precisely lemonade in the study was determined by another goal of scientists - to find out whether a sweetener is able to stimulate the brain.

So, having carefully analyzed the results of the assignment performed by students, the experts found that the second group, rinsing their mouth with sweetened lemonade, managed to achieve more significant successes relative to the results of the test they passed than the first, who used a drink with a sweetener, which, in addition to everything, had absolutely no effect on their body.

In other words, the test showed that the highest level of self-control at the time of the assignment was carried out by those students whose brain was not long before exposed to the influence of glucose directly contained in sugar. According to the head of the study, professor of psychology Leonardo Martin, this effect, first of all, can be caused by the ability of glucose to stimulate carbohydrate sensors in the human language, through which transferring additional energy to the body. In turn, entering the brain, it has a beneficial effect on some of its important indicators, making us more attentive and purposeful, and also helping us to believe in ourselves due to motivation.


Watch the video: I Drank Only Soda For A Month And This Is What Happened - Funny Challenge (May 2024).