What is the dream of a friend?


The image of friends in a dream is a foreshadowing of new events that may occur in the near future. Most often, positive dreams about comrades mean unexpected meetings, small and major successes in business, interesting turns in personal life and much more.

Dreams in a negative way promise efforts or warnings about possible conflicts. But the dream-books do not give a clear answer, you need to remember the details of the dream, and then much can really become clear.

What to expect if a friend dreamed of?

To find out the meaning of a dream in which a friend had a dream, you need to remember exactly what he did or said, how he was, and how the dreamer interacted with him. Often, meetings with beloved companions in a dream promise to see you soon.

Healthy frienddreaming of good news sick or grieved- to ills or failures, says Miller’s dream book.

Why dream fellow in the guise of someone else? Such a dream predicts the possible intrigues of ill-wishers.

What to expect if new friends dream? The appearance of a new character in a dream with which the dreamer feels a strong friendship sometimes promises replenishment in the family.

Why dream of an old friend? According to the dream book of the White mage Longo, such a dream may portend a pleasant meeting soon. It can be connected not only with friendship, but also with business. Old comrades dream when a person subconsciously begins to yearn for the old times.

Best friends can dream to lucky coincidence and outside help.

Old comrades who have not met for a long time, dreams to justify effort.

What does the death of a friend in a dream mean?

Explanations dreaming dreams in which dreamed that a friend died are divided into two types: positive and negative.

What dreams of the death of a friend with a plus sign? It's about relieving or quietly leaving a friend in a dream. Often, interpreters predict renewal, successful changes in life, rejection of old habits, transition to a new level of life. Of the good options, dream books also suggest an early wedding. Some interpretations foreshadow merry or unexpected news.

What dreams of the death of a friend who is alive in a negative way? Such a dream is usually remembered with horror: a brutal murder, an accident or a severe death. This may mean health problems for someone close, adversity for those who were still in a dream.

Dreamed of a deceased friend

What dreams of a dead friend as a living? Such dreams are interpreted as a possible danger for the dreamer, who is waiting for him in reality in a short time. Other interpretations promise testing. But in the dream book of Hasse, these dreams promise to see you soon with your future intimate comrade.

Why dream late friend who is talking about something? Interpreters advise to listen to the words of a friend - they can help to put a lot in places.

If dreaming kiss or sex with a friend

Many dream of what they think or forbid themselves to think while they are awake. For example,what is the dream of a friend who likes? Everything is obvious here: this is a direct desire to develop relations with this person. But it is worth being cautious about your desires, and think carefully about all possible developments in advance, perhaps this will cause scandals and rumors.

What dreams kiss with a friend? Sometimes dream books call it a symbol of complete trust between friends. Other interpreters explain this dream story in exactly the opposite way - by incomprehension or unwillingness to listen to a comrade. Here, interpretation depends on the real course of friendship between the dreamer and the hero of his dreams.

What a dream kiss on the lips with a friend? The girl who dreams of such dreams, you can safely admit to yourself in feelings for this man. Smack on the cheek dream books explain the desire of tender love, but kiss on the nose - hope for intimacy.

Hugging a friend in a dream - to good, if you start to listen to the person in reality.

Why dream of having sex with a friend? The interpreters explain these dreams in the following way: when dreaming of an intimate relationship with a person to whom you don’t have any love feelings, this once again proves complete devotion to a friend and the existence of mutual understanding.

In another way, it offers to look at sex with a friend, Miller's Dream Book. Such dreams can be a sign of heavy disappointments in a person, the collapse of love relationships or troubles with relatives.

Dreams in which sex with a friend does not bring positive emotions and pleasant sensations means that in real life there is an occupation in which the dreamer spends too much time and effort, but it does not bring him happiness.

It often happens that girls or women can dream having sex with a boyfriend or husband. Freud's dream interpretation in this case advises the dreamer to speak frankly with his soul mate, and to tell about his innermost intimate desires.

If a the guy dreams intimate with the girlfriend of his friend - wait for troubles.

Quarrel with friends in a dream - what to expect?

In such dreams you should not see a bad subtext. Not necessarily a quarrel with friends dream to break the friendship. Sometimes this is the only way to see your mistakes or to pay attention to important little things that people in reality are often overlooked. However, if the friendship is destined to end, it is only a sign that the dreamer is ready for big changes.

Some dream books explain break friendship relations in a dream the desire for new impressions that can be obtained only by saying goodbye to the old attitudes, habits and people negatively affecting the dreamer.

Why dream quarrel with a friend? Often conflicts in a dream reflect the subconscious desire for emotional growth, and the former environment can interfere with this or simply not accept it.

Pretend betrayal of friends in a dream will help to pay attention to people who in real life are deprived of it, but they really need it. Such dreams often lead to the strengthening of family ties.

Fight mates can dream a person who decided to help someone, and the details of sleep are designed to draw the attention of the dreamer to this. Sometimes a fight predicts major troubles that are not related to friendship.

What dreams of former friends with whom you have not communicated for a long time? Such night visions can visit a person who subconsciously fears betrayal. We must be more careful and wary of detractors.


Watch the video: Meet Me In The Dream - Lucid Exploration With A Friend - Guided Process By Lilian B. Eden (June 2024).