The secret to losing weight from American nutritionists


American scientists from the Brimagh Women's Hospital set out to study how eating time affects weight loss. To do this, an experiment was conducted in which 420 volunteers who were overweight took part.

The participants were divided into two groups, one of which dined before 15:00, and the second after. The diet, the amount of food consumed, as well as sleep and physical activity in both groups was the same.

The experiment yielded unexpected and curious results: participants in that group who ate food before 15 hours lost weight faster and were less likely to be at risk for diabetes.

Previous research has come from the fact that it is the time of eating that affects calorie consumption. The experiment once again proved this assumption.


alex 11/27/2016
I want to offer dear women a way not only to lose weight, but also to look better and with all this also earn! Come on //


Watch the video: How To Lose Weight. By A Dietitian Nutritionist (July 2024).