Female opinion: with neighbors - no friendship, no hostility


Over time, more and more people move to separate houses, townhouses and apartments, and the concept of "hostel" generally leaves our life forever. But still, if you are not a lonely monk, then you are surrounded by neighbors, people with whom you have to communicate and build some kind of relationship. What do you think of your neighbors and what do they think of you? And if these are really those people who know more about us than we ourselves, then who are they to us: friends, enemies, or just strangers uninteresting people?

Information portal "Women's Opinion" found out what kind of relations have modern neighbors.

As a result of the survey, it turned out that the majority (56.6%) of those interviewed did not have close relations with their neighbors. They do not see the need to make friends with strangers and prefer only to observe the rules of decency, greeting each other.

In contrast, 31.2% of respondents admitted that they are very friendly with their neighbors, and consider them closer than some relatives. “Who else but they can prevent a house theft or car theft, with whom you can leave your child and who to run to if trouble happened,” say the people who participated in the survey. These respondents are sure that even if the neighbors are not close by interests and age, you can still always find how to be useful to each other.
9% of people surveyed said that they don’t even say hello to their neighbors. This percentage was given by people who do not know their neighbors in person, they don’t know what their names are, and they don’t take the initiative in getting to know them.

And finally, only 3.2% stated that they hate their neighbors and not only are not friends with them, but they are at war. According to these people, they have objective reasons for this: neighbors scandal at night, arrange fights. And some respondents admit that it is difficult for them to live in the neighborhood with anyone else, and therefore sometimes their enmity with neighbors reaches considerable proportions.

Based on the results of the survey, it can be concluded that most modern people prefer to stay at a distance from their neighbors, limiting themselves to the elementary rules of decency. It is difficult to say that this type of relationship is the only right one or vice versa not true, it all depends on the circumstances. But how your relations with your neighbors turn out, first of all, depends on you, because, as Chinese wisdom says: “a good neighbor is closer than a relative”.

In this survey, 1221 people from 116 cities of Russia aged 20 to 38 voted.


Watch the video: How to Deal with Jealous People (June 2024).