Men love bitch. True?


Statement: "Men love bitch!" - means that "men are masochists." Of course, among the stronger sex, there is a certain percentage of "lovers" who really like bitches. But he is not so great. As well as among women, there are those who like male dominance, which forces them to strictly observe all the whims of the male. This is a normal situation, because all cannot be the same. Both the first and the second can only be regretted, but trying to explain something to them is pointless. It’s the same as proving to a man of non-traditional sexual orientation that women are much better than Vasya from the next entrance. You just waste your time.

In fact, there is not so much bitch among women. Bitchiness is not an innate quality, but rather a model of behavior acquired at a certain stage in life. Another thing is when women, especially young ones, try to imitate someone or intentionally force themselves to do what they think a “bitch” would have done. This can be attributed to the influence of modern fashion. Of course, ladies sometimes like to play pranks, pat a little nerves of men, but this does not make them a bitch, but only says that a woman needs attention. Well, now about everything in order.

It’s fashionable to be a bitch

In modern life, talking about yourself as a bitch is simply fashionable. More than half of female girls who say: “I'm a bitch!” Can be compared to a child who bought fashionable sneakers and, putting them on, he says: “Mom, I'm cool!” That is why young girls in the company of friends create a characteristic image for themselves.

Sometimes ladies take revenge on a delinquent man by their behavior. But all this does not make women a pathological bitch and such vagaries only like men. The stronger sex adores women who know how to be different: in the soul they are kind and soft, and in acts extravagant.

A smart bitch will never flaunt her life credo. And the man will find out about this after a certain time, when it will be too late for him to go somewhere, and he will have to accept the situation as it is. Often, women themselves do not suspect that they are real bitch. They consider themselves "white and fluffy", and actions that irritate the male sex, explain the mystery of the female soul. These ladies are easy to offend, calling a bitch. Men will endure such women only if they have something in common with them: children, financial obligations, etc. Of course, they have an “outlet” with which they feel good, and sooner or later they will leave for her.

Bitch? What do you prove?

Today, the Internet, print media are simply overwhelmed with announcements of different courses for women: "Be a bitch", "School of a bitch", "How to learn to be a bitch", etc. Let us tell you a little secret: the authors of all these "bitchy schools" seek only to earn money . Such "courses" are based on psychological training, which allows you to program a specific behavior model in the subconscious. Students are taught that it is only necessary to perform certain actions and men, "herd" will begin to tag along, praying for attention. Such activities may add self-confidence, but they will not help to attract a normal man.

Where do bitches come from?

The main root causes of bitchiness are children's, teenage resentment, deep in the subconscious. For example, a boy once offended, at school no one paid attention, laughed at his appearance. The inability to communicate with the opposite sex, already from childhood begins to form an aggressive manner of behavior: "I am so! They should love me for who I am!". Such a model of behavior prevents a woman from seeking compromises in family relationships, and toward meeting a man. Only a qualified psychologist can help here.

Conclusions suggest themselves:

  • If a woman sometimes likes to pretend to be a bitch and shake her lover's nerves so that he does not relax too much - this is a big plus in a relationship. A man will not give the sight that he likes the behavior of his lover, but in the soul, of course, appreciate. And perhaps the next morning will bring coffee to bed or make a nice gift.
  • If bitchiness is a diagnosis, there is nothing good in it. Most normal men will try to stay away from such women.


Watch the video: Two Feet - Love Is A Bitch (July 2024).