Dough for buns on milk - we cook at home! Recipes for quick, classic, dough dough for milk buns


Homemade buns can not even be compared with purchased pastries! Lush, fragrant, soft products with raisins, cinnamon, jam, sugar are loved by adults and children. There are many options for fillings, but the main thing is to make a good dough. It is from him that success depends on 99%.

Dough for buns on milk - general principles of preparation

Bun dough is always made with yeast. It loves warmth, it takes several hours to rise and ripen. Yeast is usually dissolved in milk, sometimes dough is prepared from them with the addition of other ingredients.

What is put in the dough:

• Flour. Used white wheat. It is advisable to sift the product before use to saturate with oxygen.

• Sugar. It is added for taste and activation of yeast.

• Salt. Yeast dough cannot be prepared without it. The lack of salt will negatively affect the appearance and taste.

• Fats. This is oil, lard, margarine. They are added in melted or softened form. Vegetable oil is simply poured into the dough.

• Eggs. They are added in a small amount, in some recipes are missing.

All ingredients should be warm. You need to prepare them in advance, you can leave them on the table. Milk and other liquids can be heated additionally, but not to a hot state.

Dough for buns on milk with butter

The recipe for an ordinary dough for buns on milk, which is kneaded in a simple way and requires infusion for 2-3 hours. Therefore, you need to cook it in advance.


• 0.27 liters of milk;

• 100 g of oil sl .;

• 650-700 grams of flour;

• 8 g of yeast;

• 5 g of salt;

• 6 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 2 eggs.


1. Heat the milk. Pour dry yeast and granulated sugar.

2. Shake the eggs with salt, combine with sweetened milk, stir.

3. Butter needs to melt, cool. Pour almost everything into the dough, leave half a spoon.

4. Pour flour into the yeast mass, knead the dough. At the end, pour the remaining melted butter.

5. Carefully knead the lump with your hands until smooth.

6. We put in heat. To prevent the crust from drying out on the surface, cover the dish with a towel.

7. After an hour, check the dough. It should have risen well. With clean hands we lower it to the bottom of the dishes. Cover again and hold for another hour or a little more.

8. If the dough has risen well again, you can proceed to the formation of rolls. On the baking sheet, we give the finished goods a good lift, then grease them with eggs and send them for baking.

Quick dough for milk buns

One hour is enough for this test to reach readiness. Next, you can form buns or sweet cakes, cheesecakes.


• 1 kg of flour;

• 150 g of softened margarine;

• 120 g of sugar;

• 20 g of yeast;

• 1 tbsp. l salts;

• 450 ml of milk;

• 2 eggs;

• vanilla.


1. Activate dry yeast. To do this, mix them with sugar, add milk, it must be warm. To do this, heat up to 37-40 degrees. Stir, leave for 15 minutes. As soon as a fluffy cap of foam appears on the mixture, you can proceed to the direct kneading of the dough.

2. Beat eggs with a fork with one tablespoon of salt, pour into milk.

3. Enter half the flour and add softened margarine. It should be very soft, it can be slightly melted, but not to a liquid state.

4. Immediately pour vanilla, begin to knead the test. We introduce another flour, knead with hands. We do not make a steep mass, it should stick a little to the hands. Knead thoroughly.

5. Separately, in a saucepan we heat the water, turn it off. We put a bowl over hot water, cover with a towel on top.

6. After 20-30 minutes, the dough rises well. You can proceed to the formation of rolls.

Dough for rolls on milk in a dough

The coupled way of making dough allows you to get tender, airy and soft buns, cheesecakes, and other yeast products. It can also be used to bake large fruit pies. Fresh yeast, you can take a third of the dry product.


• 25 g of yeast;

• 0.3 liters of milk;

• a pound of flour;

• 150 g of cl oil;

• 50 g of races oil;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 4 eggs;

• salt 5 g


1. Heat the milk. Add all the shivers and a spoonful of sugar at once, dissolve.

2. Enter into a pair of 100 grams of sifted flour. Stir. Leave for an hour in a warm place.

3. During this time, the mass will increase, will be foamy, then fall. A sour smell will come from the dough.

4. Beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar, add the prescription salt to them, stir until dissolved. If necessary, you can leave one yolk to grease the buns.

5. Melt the butter or soften it very well, mix with eggs, pour it all into a dough.

6. We begin to stir and gradually introduce the flour. At the end, pour the vegetable oil. Knead the dough until smooth. It should not stick to dishes or hands.

7. Transfer to a large bowl, cover again with a towel.

8. We are waiting for a good lift. After about 30-40 minutes you can cut the dough, sculpt buns of any kind. Before baking, grease with yolk, you can add one or two tablespoons of milk to it.

Dough for buns on milk and vegetable oil

You can knead the dough for tasty buns not only with margarine or with butter. If you use vegetable oil, then the baking is even softer, the longer it remains fresh. Only select a refined product so that the buns do not have any foreign smell.


• 300 ml of milk;

• 80 ml of oil;

• 1 egg;

• 90 g of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• flour;

• yeast 10 g.


1. Dough without dough, but it is prepared with a talker. We raise sugar in milk, pour yeast and five tablespoons of flour, stir and forget about the talker for a quarter of an hour. If there are lumps in it, then it's okay. They will disperse in the batch.

2. While the talker is standing, you need to dissolve the salt in the egg, mix them with almost all vegetable oil, leave a spoon for greasing the dough at the very end.

3. Enter butter and egg into the talker, put the flour and knead the dough.

4. At the end, pour the left spoon of oil. We make a soft, smooth mass that will slightly spread in the hand.

5. Cover the dough with a napkin. We expect a double increase in the test. Now you can besiege him.

6. After the second rise, you can start sculpting buns, greasing, baking.

Dough for buns in milk with water

Two types of liquid are mixed for this test. You can use milk of any fat content, but it is better not less than 3%. It is better to use softened oil, but if it is solid, then the product is allowed to melt.


• 250 ml of milk;

• 150 g of water;

• 100 g of oil;

• 110 g sugar;

• 15 g of yeast;

• 1 tsp salts;

• egg;

• vanilla extract.


1. Dilute the milk with hot water to get a warm liquid that the hand tolerates.

2. First we dilute sugar with salt, then we introduce powdered yeast. Stir.

3. Beat the egg until light peki, pour into a yeast mixture.

4. Add a glass of flour, stir.

5. Enter the softened oil. As already mentioned, you can take melted, but it should not be hot. The same goes for margarine, which can be used to replace butter in dough.

6. Add the vanilla flour, knead the soft and smooth dough, transfer to a high saucepan.

7. We put the dish in the heat, we put a linen napkin on top, we expect the first rise.

8. Noticeably after 70-80 minutes the dough needs to be lowered. We are waiting for the second rise. It will happen sooner.

9. Now you do not need to knead the dough. Just shift it to the table, make buns of any size and shape.

Dough for buns on milk with sour cream

Recipe for butter dough with milk and sour cream. The buns made from it are very tasty, even if nothing else is added. The sour cream fat is arbitrary, you can take any oil in this recipe; it is used in small quantities.


• 250 ml of milk;

• 80 g sour cream;

• 11 g of yeast;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• 80 g of sugar;

• flour and salt;

• one egg and vanilla.


1. Mix the egg with sour cream and sugar, put salt on them. One teaspoon without a slide is enough. Stir until smooth.

2. Separately mix dry yeast with warm milk.

3. Combine the milk mixture with a mass of sour cream and egg, stir until smooth.

4. Pour vanilla and flour to them, knead the dough.

5. As soon as the mass becomes dense, we add vegetable oil or melted margarine, butter on a spoon. Bring the dough to a smooth surface.

6. It remains only to place the dough in milk in heat and wait for the second rise.

Dough for buns on milk without eggs on margarine

An economical version of the test for buns, which is prepared from a minimum set of products. If everything is done correctly, baking will please with taste.


• 300 g of milk;

• 100 g margarine;

• 80 g of sugar;

• salt;

• 11 g of yeast;

• flour.


1. Margarine need to melt, cool.

2. Combine the yeast in warm milk with sugar and salt, stir.

3. Add margarine, which should be warm.

4. Now we introduce the flour, vanilla can be added for flavor. Stir the dough.

5. Leave warm for 2-2.5 hours. During this time, it can be washed 1-2 times. Then proceed to the manufacture of buns.

Dough for buns on milk - useful tips and tricks

• If there is no time for several hours to wait for the dough to rise, you can add one spoonful of 40 ° vodka when mixing. The process will go much faster.

• A pan of hot water will speed up the dough. You need to put a bowl on it, if necessary, the water is additionally heated.

• For aroma, not only vanilla, but also cinnamon, ginger, various essences and extracts can be added to bakery dough.


Watch the video: dinner rollsmilk bread recipebunsoft &chewy -- Cooking A Dream (July 2024).