Salad recipes. Mimosa salad, Caesar, Greek, chicken, crab ...


Salads can be safely attributed to the most popular dishes. This is due to the fact that any everyday salad can be prepared very quickly by cutting and mixing several components and seasoning with mayonnaise or another dressing. In addition, salads look very beautiful and appetizing, they are varied and tasty.

The main requirement for any salad is the compatibility of the tastes of its components and a harmonious texture. When serving salads, choose the most suitable dishes for them and try to decorate them so that they always look bright and mouth-watering. And so that they always come out delicious with you, we present to your attention recipes of salads that diversify both your everyday table and the festive one.

The most popular salad recipes

Mimosa Salad Recipe


  • 1 can of canned fish
  • 2 medium sized potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt to taste

Cooking method

  • Mimosa salad is one of the most popular due to its amazing taste and bright appearance, which is appropriate on any table. In addition, it is very inexpensive and easy to prepare. If you follow our recipe, you can be sure of it.
  • Boil and peel potatoes, carrots and eggs. Finely chopped the onion, pour it with boiling water and let stand 10 minutes, then drain the water.
  • Then three on a fine grater in a separate bowl carrots, potatoes, egg whites and yolks.
  • Drain the canned butter, chop the fish pieces with a fork.
  • Now lay out all the prepared products in layers, greasing each layer with mayonnaise: 1 - fish, 2 - grated proteins, 3 - carrots, 4 - onions, 5 - potatoes (after onions, the potato lies immediately, without greasing with mayonnaise, and the potato layer is slightly salted and smeared )
  • The last layer is grated yolks, it was because of this that the salad was called a bright spring flower.
  • Useful advice: Mimosa salad looks best in a glass dish in which all its layers are visible.

Greek Salad Recipe


  • 3 large ripe tomatoes
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 1 sweet red onion
  • half pepper
  • 30 pitted olives
  • 3 tbsp. l olive oil
  • 120 gr. feta cheese
  • 1 cup dried oregano
  • 120 gr. feta cheese
  • ground black pepper and salt to taste

Cooking method

  • This salad is not only very tasty and healthy, but also looks very festive on any table. It is important to remember that its quality is determined by the main and mandatory components: tomatoes, feta, onions, olive oil and oregano. For other ingredients, variations are allowed.
  • We cut tomatoes into slices in a salad bowl or in large cubes, cut the cucumber into thin slices, cut in half along it. It can be peeled before this, but you can leave it.
  • We cut the onion in rings or half rings (the type of slicing depends on the size of the onion), and also send it to the salad bowl.
  • Next, cut into strips or large cubes half the pepper, peeled from seeds (if possible green), add to the salad.
  • Next, put olives in a salad bowl, salt and pepper, add 2/3 tbsp. oregano.
  • We season with olive oil, and then slightly mix all its components.
  • At the end, cut feta into cubes (not too small), put them in a salad, sprinkle the remaining oregano on top - and our salad can be served on the table.

Caesar Salad Recipe


  • 200 gr. white bread
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 300 gr chicken fillet
  • 50 gr parmesan
  • 1 bunch of lettuce
  • 2 yolks of boiled chicken eggs
  • 2 teaspoons mustard
  • 1 clove of garlic (pre-crushed)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon 6% vinegar
  • 100 milliliters of olive oil
  • pepper, salt - to taste

Cooking method

  • A very original and piquant salad, having prepared which you will please your guests and win the glory of an excellent hostess.
  • Mix olive oil with crushed garlic, leave to brew for 15 minutes.
  • We cut the loaf into small cubes and fry them in our garlic butter until they turn a golden color.
  • Cut the chicken into small pieces, fry it until tender, salt and pepper.
  • We make dressing, for this we grind the yolks with mustard and add the garlic. Mix everything, add lemon juice, vinegar, olive oil, mix well again, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Next, grate the parmesan.
  • We tear the salad with our hands and arrange it on plates. Spread the fried fillet and crackers on top, pour the sauce, sprinkle with parmesan. Our salad is ready!

A very satisfying and at the same time quite tender salad, attractive with a good combination of products and aesthetic appearance is Chicken Salad. It is appropriate and available at any time of the year, therefore it is very popular. Here's how to cook it:

Recipe: Chicken Salad


  • 200 g of boiled chicken,
  • 50 g ham
  • 2 pickles,
  • 50 g of any hard cheese
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs,
  • 4-5 lettuce leaves,
  • dressing mayonnaise

Cooking method

  • Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, chop.
  • Cut lettuce into thin strips.
  • We cut the ham, pickles, cheese, eggs with medium equal cubes.
  • Mix everything and season with mayonnaise, after which the salad can be served on the table.

Crab salad not only has an original taste that many people love, but also looks great on the festive table, thanks to the bright and varied colors of its constituents. Here is his recipe:

Recipe: Crab Salad


  • 4 eggs
  • 50 gr rice (a quarter cup)
  • 1 pack of crab sticks
  • 1 can of corn
  • 1 onion
  • mayonnaise
  • salt

Cooking method

  • Boil, clean and finely chop the eggs.
  • Cook rice for about 10 minutes, then rinse it in cold water.
  • Finely chop the crab sticks.
  • Carefully drain the liquid from the can with corn.
  • We clean and finely chop the onion.
  • Now we mix all the ingredients, salt to taste, season with mayonnaise and mix again gently.
  • After a little cooling, you can serve.

For many, the salad “Herring under a fur coat” is as obligatory on the festive table as “Olivier”. It is simple to prepare and very affordable in terms of essential products. Here is his best recipe:

Salad recipe: Herring under a fur coat


  • 300 g herring fillet
  • 300 g of potatoes, carrots, beets, apples
  • 150 g onion
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method

  • Boil potatoes, carrots, beets until cooked, then peel them.
  • Finely chop the onion.
  • Cut the herring fillets into small pieces.
  • Next, in a separate dish we rub the beets, carrots, potatoes on a fine grater.
  • After cleaning the apple, rub it on a medium grater.
  • Now, taking a flat dish, lay out the prepared components in layers, lubricating each layer with mayonnaise: 1 - potato, 2 - herring, 3 - onion, 4 - carrot, 5 - apple, 6 - beet.
  • On top of the beets, we also grease with mayonnaise and decorate with greens.
  • A little tip: a fur coat will be much tastier if it stands for several hours and its components are saturated with mayonnaise.

Perhaps one of the most healthy salads that we used to see on the festive table is Vinaigrette. Each of its components is a source of various vitamins and minerals, therefore, the more often Vinaigrette will be on your table, the better. It is prepared simply:

Salad Recipe: Vinaigrette


  • 400 g beets
  • 300 g carrots
  • 400 g of potatoes
  • 200 g sauerkraut
  • 200 g pickles
  • 150 g onion
  • vegetable oil
  • salt

Cooking method

  • Boil beets, potatoes and carrots until cooked, peel and cut with medium cubes.
  • Finely chop the onion.
  • We also cut cucumbers into cubes.
  • Finely chop the cabbage (if necessary, pre-rinse).
  • We mix all the prepared components, salt to taste, season with vegetable oil.

Vegetable Salad Recipes

Codru Salad Recipe

120 gr. boiled potatoes, 80 gr. pickled mushrooms, 100 gr. cucumbers and 120 gr. cut the tomatoes into slices, 1 onion - rings, 120 gr. sweet pepper (Bulgarian) - straws.
For the sauce we combine 3 tbsp. l sunflower oil, salt and red pepper to taste, 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic, 2 tbsp. l wine vinegar and mix well.
Mix vegetables and mushrooms, pour sauce and sprinkle with 2 tbsp. l chopped dill.

Brynza radish salad recipe

100 gr. chop the onion into strips, 250 gr. tomatoes and 200 gr. feta cheese - in cubes.
Next 150 gr. cut the radish into thin slices, and tear the green salad with our hands.
After mixing all the ingredients, salt and pepper to taste and season with sunflower oil.

Salad Recipe "Vinaigrette with Herring"

Boil until cooked, peel and cut into small cubes vegetables: 1 medium beetroot, 1 carrot, 2 potatoes. We also cut 2 pickles into cubes.
Grind 1 onion, pour over boiling water and cool. Cut into small pieces 250 g. herring fillet. Add 150 gr. green peas.
Salt to taste, pepper salad and season with a mixture of vegetable oil and 1 tsp. mustard.

Assorted Salad Recipe

Cut the crust from 2 slices of bread and cut the crumb into cubes of one and a half centimeters. Fry well in vegetable oil in a very hot pan and cool.
Cut into slices 200 gr. lettuce, 1 bell pepper cut into small cubes, 2 sprigs of celery - thin straws. Add 50 gr. olives and mix everything with chopped salad.
To prepare the sauce, mix 40 gr. blue cheese with mustard (1 tablespoon), wine vinegar (2 tablespoons), port (2 tablespoons) and olive oil (3 tablespoons), season with salt, pepper and sugar. Finely chop the leaves from a half bunch of basil, add them to the sauce, mix well and pour the salad on them.
We spread the salad on plates and immediately before serving, sprinkle with toasted bread cubes.

Holiday salads

Olivier Salad Recipe

Boil until cooked 150 gr. beef. Without peeling, cook 2 medium potatoes and 1 large carrot. Hard boil 2 eggs. Immediately after boiling, dip the potatoes and eggs in cold water to make them easier to peel.
Next, peel and cut into cubes (medium-sized) potatoes, eggs and carrots, also cut 2 pickled cucumbers. It should be cut with medium-sized cubes, then the salad will not only look more aesthetically pleasing, but also have a much better taste.
Then mix everything and add 100 gr. canned green peas.
Add salt and pepper to taste. We prepare mayonnaise-sour cream sauce for salad dressing, mixing mayonnaise and sour cream in equal proportions (however, you can season with one mayonnaise).
An important detail: after mixing the salad well, it should be placed in the refrigerator and let it soak, then it will be much tastier.

The beef in this salad can be replaced by boiled chicken fillet or even boiled sausage to taste, because in this version this salad was so loved by Soviet people.

New Year's salad recipe

Boil until cooked 300 gr. fillet of turkey or chicken and chop finely, salt.
We take 5 boiled eggs and, separating the yolks from the proteins, rub them separately on a fine grater.
100 gr. chop walnuts in a blender or chop finely.
Finely chop 150 gr. prunes, rub on a fine grater 100 gr. hard cheese. Boil one medium carrot (to decorate the salad).
Next, lay out the products in layers, each lubricating with mayonnaise: 1 - boiled chicken, 2 - grated yolks, 3 - prunes, 4 - cheese, 5 - nuts, 6 - grated proteins.
We decorate the salad with a dial made of thinly sliced ​​small strips of boiled carrot.

Pomegranate Tongue Salad Recipe

We cut in rings 2 onions and pickle them for half an hour in a mixture of vinegar, vegetable and olive oil. Then the onion should be washed and let it drain and dry.
Cut into thin strips 300 g of boiled tongue.
4 boiled potatoes, 6 boiled eggs and 300 gr. grated cheese on a coarse grater.
Then we lay out all the components of the salad in layers, each of them lubricating with mayonnaise. The sequence of layers is as follows: 1 - potato, 2 - onion, 3 - tongue, 4 - eggs, 5 - cheese.
Pour each layer with mayonnaise.
Ready salad should be decorated with pomegranate seeds and parsley.
Some people make 6 layers in this salad, adding fresh cucumber cut into small strips.

Meat salads

Chicken and Olive Salad Recipe

Cut into small cubes 1 boiled chicken, 1 large orange and 4 eggs. We will also need 100 gr. Korean carrots. Grate 100 gr. cheese. We lay out all the ingredients in layers: 1 - boiled chicken, 2 - Korean carrots, 3 - eggs, 4 - orange, 5 - cheese.
We smear all layers with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with olives, chopped rings, and green onions.

Bavarian Salad Recipe.

Boil and dice 3 potatoes.
Cut into strips 400 g smoked sausage, 150 gr. hard cheese and 1 pickled cucumber.
Dressing with mayonnaise, mix gently so that the products retain the appearance of straws.

Chicken Ventricle Salad Recipe

Boil 1 kg of chicken ventricles and, having cleaned it well, cut into thin strips. Cut into strips 3 sweet bell peppers.
Frying in oil 1 tbsp. l sesame seeds, add them to the pepper and ventricles, and on top we put 3 crushed cloves of garlic with a small piece of hot paprika (chili). We fill everything with warmed oil and mix.
Tip: if you use pepper of different colors to prepare the salad, it will look very bright, mouth-watering and festive.

Puff Salad Recipes

Salad recipe "Mushrooms in the meadow"

Boil 4 eggs, 3-4 potatoes, 1 large carrot and cut them into cubes.
After boiling the chicken and cutting it into cubes, fry in sunflower oil. Finely chop 30 gr. onions, straws - 250 gr. pickled mushrooms (champignons).
We spread all the components of the salad in layers, smearing each with mayonnaise, in the following sequence: 1 - mushrooms, 2 - onions, 3 - eggs, 4 - potatoes, 5 - carrots and 6 - fillets.
When the salad is saturated, turn the plate on the dish.

Ham and Cheese Salad Recipe

Cut into strips 100 gr. ham, 1 cucumber, 1 sweet (Bulgarian) pepper, 2 boiled eggs.
Grate 100 gr. hard cheese.
We lay all the components in the wine glass in layers, each of them lubricating with mayonnaise, observing the following order: 1 - ham, 2 - cucumbers, 3 - eggs, 4 - pepper, 5 - cheese.
Decorate the cocktail salad with cucumber slices, pepper and herbs.

Salad Recipe “Puff with Apples”

100 gr. boiled potatoes, 1 apple and 1 egg, cut into cubes.
100 gr. scald onions and cut into cubes, 100 gr. boil the carrots and grate.
100 gr. finely chopped walnuts.
We put it in layers in a salad bowl, observing the following sequence of layers: 1 - potato, 2 - onion, 3 - carrot, 4 - apple, 5 - eggs, 6 - nuts. We grease each layer with mayonnaise (it will need about 250 gr.).

Fish and Seafood Salads

Salad recipe "Herring under a fur coat (Fur coat)"

1 beetroot, 1 carrot and 3 pcs. boil potatoes until tender and peel.
Cook 2 hard boiled eggs, cool and clean.
Peel and finely chop 1 onion.
We clear 1 herring from skin and bones and chop finely.
Next, we lay the prepared products in a salad bowl in layers: 1 - herring, 2 - boiled potatoes grated, 3 - onions, 4 - eggs grated on a coarse grater, 5 - carrots and 6 - beets grated.
We grease each layer with mayonnaise, decorate the top of the salad with greens.

Mexican Salad Recipe

2 baked whole bell pepper pods, then peel and cut into squares.
Scalp 2 tomatoes with boiling water, peel, remove seeds, cut the flesh into cubes.
Peel and cut into circles 3 bananas, and finely chop a half bunch of cilantro.
We combine the prepared products with 150 gr.boiled rice, 1 can of canned corn, 150 gr. boiled shrimp, season with a mixture of half a glass of vegetable oil and juice of one lemon (salt and ground pepper to taste), mix.
When serving, sprinkle with chopped peanuts (50 gr.) And half a bunch of finely chopped cilantro.
This salad is very good as a side dish for grilled meat or poultry.

Fish and Crabs Salad Recipe

Boil 200 gr. potatoes and 200 gr. fish fillet, then cut into cubes.
We also cut into cubes 2 salted or pickled cucumbers, 2 tomatoes and 20 gr. pulp of canned crab or shrimp. Cut green salad into strips.
We combine the products, season with mayonnaise and decorate with seedless olives (100 gr.), Herbs and 1 lemon, cut into slices.

Fruit Salad Recipes

Melon Salad Recipe

We take 100 gr. the flesh of a melon, which we cut out with balls into a round notch. Cut into slices 50 gr. plum pulp, green salad (20 gr.) cut into strips.
We combine the prepared products, adding 50 gr. seedless grapes.
Putting in a salad bowl, pour a mixture of 2 tbsp. l sour cream and juice of half a lemon.

Dried Apricot Salad with Whipped Cream Recipe

Fill with hot water 200 gr. dried apricots and 100 gr. raisins and leave for about 15 minutes. Then cut the dried apricots into small pieces and mix with 100 gr. pine nuts and raisins. We clean one middle tangerine, divide it into slices and, removing the skin from them, put the whole to the rest of the components.
Then we mix everything and put it in a bowl or glass, pour whipped cream on top and sprinkle our finished salad with dried apricots with cookie crumbs.

Avocado Salad Recipe

We chop the kernels of 4 walnuts and soak them in hot water for about half an hour.
At this time, cut into cubes 1 ripe avocado and mango (to get 0.5 cups of mango at the output).
Mix nuts with avocado and mango.
Grind the pulp of pineapple to get 1 tbsp. l., and also prepare 2 tbsp. pineapple juice.
Cooking dressing: mix 1 tsp. walnut oil, juice of one lemon, prepared pineapple and pineapple juice, 0.5 tsp. grated fresh ginger, 1 tsp. finely chopped fresh basil, add salt and pepper to taste.
Pour our nut-fruit mixture with this sauce and mix gently.

Original Salad Recipes

Snack Salad Recipe

Mix half a liter of milk with 6 eggs and 1 tbsp. l Starch, whisk. We bake 12 thin pancakes in sunflower oil.
Fry in oil 400 gr. mushrooms (champignons), 250 gr. cut the ham into cubes, 3 tomatoes into rings.
We layered pancakes with filling, spreading alternately ham, tomatoes and mushrooms. Each pancake is lubricated with mayonnaise. The last pancake, abundantly greased with mayonnaise, sprinkle with dill.

Tuna Salad with Cherry Recipe

200 gr. we break canned tuna with a fork into small pieces.
Dice 200 gr. hard cheese, 4 boiled potatoes, 4-6 pcs. pickles.
Put fish, 1 cup canned corn, cheese, potatoes, cucumbers in a salad bowl, mix and season with 1 cup mayonnaise, which is mixed with half a teaspoon. wine vinegar.
Garnish with cherry berries, fresh or frozen (80 gr.) And pitted olives.
This salad should be served with dry white or carbonated wine.

Salad Recipe “Orange with Bananas and Pistachios”

oranges - 6 (six) pcs.
cinnamon (ground) - on the tip of a knife
bananas - 4 (four) pcs.
pistachios (peeled unsalted) - 80g
cognac - 2 (two) .5 (five) tablespoons.
dark chocolate (grated) - 60g
powdered sugar - 1 (one) tablespoons.
coffee (ground) - 5 (five) tablespoons.
butter - 20g

Wash oranges with cool water, wipe dry and with a specially designed knife cut small strips of orange peel (zest). Blanch the obtained pieces of zest in boiling water, and then fold them into a colander to drain the remaining water. With a sharp knife, cut off the white peel from oranges, and then from each piece and the existing thin film. Grind coffee with cinnamon and 250-275 milliliters of water directly to a boil and strain through a coffee filter. After this, the resulting extract is mixed with chocolate, cognac and honey until a homogeneous consistency. Peel the bananas, cut them into circles 1 (one) cm thick and put them in the resulting coffee sweet sauce together with slices and zest of oranges, and then mix gently. You can serve a fruit salad on a platter or laid out on sockets or fruit plates. Pour powdered sugar and pistachios into the coated pan, put grated butter and lightly glaze. Put the resulting mass on top of the salad.

Banana Cocktail Salad

mayonnaise - 10g
bananas - 20g
sour cream - 10g
almonds - 5g.
lemon juice - 10g
pineapples - 20g
testicle - 20g

Peeled bananas are cut into circles, pineapples into squares. Soft-boiled eggs are finely chopped. All is placed in a vase on lettuce leaves, sprinkled with lemon juice and seasoned with mayonnaise along with sour cream. Sprinkle with chopped roasted almonds on top.

Banana Salad with Spaghetti

lemon - 1 (one) pcs.
dark and red peppered pepper - to your liking
sour cream - 8 (eight) table. spoons
walnuts - 100g
cheese - 100g
banana - 2 (two) pcs.
young canned peas - 6 (six) table. spoons
spaghetti - 250g
salt to your liking
tomatoes - 2 (two) pcs.
apples - 2 (two) pcs.
parsley - to your liking

Boil spaghetti in a salty water mass until ready, pour out the water mass, cool the spaghetti. Wash the bananas, apples and tomatoes carefully. Peel the bananas and cut into circles. Cut the apples into halves and remove the center. Peel the halves from the peel and cut into pieces. Cut tomatoes into circles. Throw the young peas into a colander and let the liquid drain. Cheese cut into large strips. Put everything in a salad bowl and mix gently. Peel the walnuts from the skin and, dividing the kernels into halves, lightly fry in a skillet. Make a sauce of sour cream, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. Before serving, decorate the salad with parsley and halves of walnut kernels. Serve the sauce separately.

Grated carrots with bananas

parsley - 1 (one) bunch
lemon - 1 (one) pcs.
carrots - 200g
banana - 2 (two) pcs.
pepper - to your liking.
salt to your liking
sour cream - 2 (two) tables. spoons

Rinse the young carrots, grate, put in an even layer on the dish. Peel the bananas, cut into small pieces, lay on top of the carrots. Cover with sauce made from sour cream, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Sprinkle very finely chopped parsley.

Recipe for Egyptian Salad with Pistachios

onions - 100g
tomatoes - 480g
pistachios - 240g
red pepper (ground), salt - to your liking.

Tomatoes are peeled, seeds removed, finely chopped, mixed with chopped onion, crushed pistachios, salt and crushed red pepper. The consistency should stand for 10 minutes, after which the salad is ready to serve.


Natalia 08/23/2016
After the phrase "one can of canned fish" to read further somehow immediately got sick. Check your authors for spelling.

Veronica 03/20/2016
And I have a rule - I don’t eat vegetable salads in winter. I watched one show and just read a lot about it - in winter all vegetables are “empty”. In them, without sunlight, there is nothing at all. No vitamins and nothing useful. It's like chewing simple grass. But even worse is the grass because there are no vitamins there, but any chemistry is enough. So for me vegetables are just what grows in their garden in the summer. They have both taste and good. And I do not advise anyone to poison greenhouse poison.

Lisa 03/20/2016
Summer in a plate is not only Greek salad but also fruit! 🙂 This is where brightness, beauty and juiciness are. Simply adore. I usually make the simplest: mandarin (orange), apple, pear and grapes. It tastes great. These fruits are very well combined. If you add something else there, it turns out to be wrong.

Ira Kolosova 03/20/2016
And I love Greek salad most of all. First of all, for its beautiful unusual appearance. Usually, salads are a kind of light gray mass mixed in mayonnaise. 🙂 But Greek is a completely different matter. Bright. Juicy. So fresh looking. It’s kind of Mediterranean cuisine and therefore I associate it with such a sunny day. Right summer in a plate 🙂

Elena 03/20/2016
You won’t believe it, but throughout my life I have never eaten Caesar salad. I knew that there was one, but it was never cooked in our family. Yes, and at a party I have not tried. And here I just recently suddenly tried. It was just REVELATION! :))) This is by far the most delicious salad I've eaten in my life! Now I will always cook it, for every holiday. Yes, and without any reason.


Watch the video: Mimosa Salad. classic recipe. How to make layered salad Mimosa with canned (July 2024).