Milk ice cream at home is a natural product! Homemade delicious ice cream recipes


What kind of ice cream is not in the store! Chocolate, vanilla, with cream, nuts, condensed milk. There are a huge number of species, but all of them are united by one thing - composition with all sorts of EEs, taste enhancers and incomprehensible numbers. It is difficult to talk about the benefits and harmlessness of such a delicacy. But there is a reason to prepare ice cream at home, especially since there is milk in any refrigerator.

Milk ice cream at home - general principles of preparation

You can prepare a cold treat from any milk. But, the fatter the product, the brighter the creamy taste will be. If milk is only skimmed, then you can pour a little cream into it or add dried milk. This will make the taste much better.

What else is added:

• cream;

• egg yolks;

• butter;

• sugar.

It must be remembered that after cooling, the delicacy seems less sweet than it actually is. Therefore, sugar can be put more. For taste, add cocoa, nuts, caramel, various fruits and berries, raisins. There are ice cream recipes with frozen bananas, one of which is just below.

It is most convenient to use specially designed molds for freezing. They allow you to make a treat of the same size, beautiful, neat. They are convenient to use. But it does not matter if there are no special molds. Small cups will work, you can take disposable ones.

Milk ice cream at home with bananas

The recipe for a very tender and simple milk ice cream at home. Due to the special consistency of bananas, the delicacy is very similar not real, only much tastier and more natural.


• 2 bananas (ripe);

• 60 ml of milk;

• 1 tsp lemon juice;

• 1.5 tablespoons of sour cream.


1. Ice cream will be delicious if ripe but not black bananas are used. We clean them, cut them into pieces, transfer to a bowl and put in the freezer for 1.5 hours.

2. We take out the frozen bananas, add to them all the ingredients according to the recipe. If you need to get a sweeter delicacy, then add additional sugar.

3. Beat the mass with a blender. The mass should be homogeneous, smooth.

4. Immediately laid out on the tins.

5. Sent to the freezer until completely frozen.

6. Optionally, add whole slices of bananas or strawberries to this ice cream. For aroma vanilla will perfectly fit here.

Milk ice cream at home (egg recipe)

The recipe for real milk ice cream, which will require egg yolks and butter. You also need some corn or potato starch.


• liter of milk;

• five yolks;

• 1 tsp starch;

• 2 tbsp. Sahara;

• 0.5 packs of oil.


1. Pour milk into a saucepan from a stainless steel, boil.

2. Combine the yolks and sugar, grind the mass until smooth. At first it will be loose, but gradually the sugar will melt. Pour a spoonful of starch. It can be replaced with flour, but not desirable.

3. Introduce a little hot milk so that the sugar mixture resembles a cream.

4. Cut the butter into slices and also add to the cooked yolk mass. We put it on the stove, we start heating.

5. Enter the rest of the milk, cook. Do not leave the pan for a minute. The mixture may burn or digest. We constantly stir with a spatula.

6. Once the cream thickens, remove from heat. You can put in cold water to cool the mass faster.

7. Immerse the mixer, beat the ice cream for a couple of minutes.

8. The cooled mass is laid out in tins, sent to the freezer for 4-5 hours, that is, until completely solidified.

Milk ice cream at home (with cream)

The recipe for real ice cream from milk at home. Cream for the recipe must be used fatty, which will well break into foam.


• 500 ml of milk;

• 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;

• 4 yolks;

• 0.5 l of flour;

• 300 ml cream;

• vanilla.


1. Mix the yolks with half the sugar, add 0.5 cups of milk and flour. Triturate until smooth.

2. Pour the second part of sugar into the rest of the milk, stir until smooth and put on the stove.

3. As soon as the mixture on the stove begins to heat up, we introduce the yolk mass and stir quickly. Cook the cream until thick. But shoot before it starts to boil. Otherwise, slices of yolks may be cooked.

4. First, cool the cream at room temperature, then cool it for an hour.

5. Whip the cream until lush foam with a mixer.

6. Combine the cooled cream with whipped cream, stir until smooth, but do it carefully so as not to precipitate the foam.

Homemade milk ice cream from milk

Hazelnuts are used for this ice cream. But, if there is a desire or need, you can use any other nuts.


• 5 eggs;

• 250 g of sugar;

• 200 g hazelnuts;

• a glass of milk;

• 150 g of sugar for caramel;

• vanilla.


1. Fry hazelnuts in a pan or dry in the oven. It is important not to burn the nuts, just lightly brown or dry, so that the taste and aroma are better.

2. Cooking caramel. Pour 150 g of sugar into the pan, add 4 tablespoons of water, start cooking.

3. Place the hazelnuts evenly on the silicone mat.

4. As soon as the caramel turns brown, remove it from the heat and pour the nuts, you can stir, leave until the caramel hardens.

5. Separate the yolks, beat with sugar and milk until smooth. We put on the fire.

6. Cook the cream until thickened, remove and cool.

7. Whip the cream, combine with the cooked cream.

8. Add caramel nuts to ice cream. Caramel from a silicone mat can also be removed and poured into the total mass.

9. Stir, put into molds, send the treat to the freezer for several hours.

Chocolate ice cream made from milk at home

For this ice cream from milk at home you will need bitter or good milk chocolate. Cream with a fat content of at least 30%, any milk.


• 3 yolks;

• 5 tablespoons of powder;

• 6 tablespoons of cream;

• 120 g of chocolate;

• 1.3 tbsp. milk.


1. The third part of the chocolate is rubbed coarsely, sent to the refrigerator.

2. Combine milk with sugar, add the yolks. Turn on the mixer and beat thoroughly until smooth.

3. We chop the chocolate into cubes and send it to milk.

4. Put the mixture on the stove, cook until the pieces of chocolate are dissolved. We warm the mixture well, bring it to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cooling down.

5. Beat cream in a lush mass, mix with previously prepared chocolate cream. It should be cold.

6. We get chocolate chips from the refrigerator, mix in ice cream.

7. We lay out in forms. We send to freeze in the freezer for four hours.

Homemade Cocoa Milk Ice Cream

Another version of chocolate ice cream, but it needs only high-quality cocoa powder. It is desirable that it be dark and sugar free. Use fatty milk at least 3%.


• 0.25 liters of milk;

• 2 l. cocoa;

• 5 l. Sahara;

• 50 g of oil;

• 1 egg;

• 1 tsp starch.


1. Take out the yolk, grind with sugar and a teaspoon of starch.

2. Add cocoa powder immediately, stir so that no lumps form.

3. We introduce milk in small portions, pour everything at once.

4. Cook on the stove the cooked mass until slightly thickened. After cooling, it will become even thicker.

5. Add butter to the warm cream, stir until the lumps are completely dissolved.

6. Cool the ice cream.

7. Immerse the mixer, whip the cream for 3 minutes.

8. We lay out in the molds, send frozen for three hours.

Milk ice cream at home (with milk powder)

Ice cream recipe with two types of milk. If there are no walnuts, then you can take a little peanuts, hazelnuts will do, it tastes good with seeds and fried sesame seeds.


• 500 ml whole milk;

• 100 g of milk powder;

• 1.5 tablespoons of nuts;

• 50 g of oil;

• 1 tablespoon of starch;

• 2 yolks;

• 1.2 tbsp. Sahara.


1. Powdered milk is mixed with granulated sugar, add a little fresh milk and egg yolk.

2. Triturate the mass until homogeneous and introduce starch.

3. Pour the remaining milk. We send to the stove.

4. Cook custard over low heat.

5. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, immediately remove from heat.

6. Add the butter, cut into small pieces. Stir until everything melts. Cooling down. We put it in the freezer for an hour.

7. First, fry nuts in a dry frying pan, then chop into pieces.

8. We take out a bowl of ice cream from the freezer, add nuts. Stir well.

9. We put another quarter of an hour into the freezer.

10. Re-extract, stir again. Now you can put the ice cream into molds and freeze it.

Milk ice cream at home - tips and tricks

• If the ice cream does not want to pop out of the tins, you need to lower them for several seconds in boiling water.

• Ice cream for adults can be prepared with the addition of liquor, cognac. But you need to add alcohol in small quantities, only to give flavor.

• Ice cream is not necessary to lay out in small molds. You can store a treat in a large container, only it needs to be tightly closed. Otherwise, the dessert will absorb odors from the freezer.

• The eggshell contains a huge number of bacteria, including those dangerous to the body and causing serious diseases. Therefore, eggs should always be washed before use with soda or laundry soap.

• You can make ice cream not only from whole milk. You can take a diluted dry concentrate of milk or cream, condensed milk. Often in the recipes there are several types of product, which provides a creamy taste of goodies.


Watch the video: Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe Only 3 Ingredients. No Eggs. No Ice Cream Machine (July 2024).