Russians will drink significantly less during these holidays


Few of the domestic New Year's tables so far cost the Russians without alcohol. Champagne is a classic, without vodka - there is no fun, wine - for a romantic dinner or several guests, whiskey or vermouth - for men's gatherings. Someone is able to embellish the celebration with a couple of sips of an invigorating drink, others, starting, can no longer stop. The statistics is inexorable - on New Year's holidays, due to irrepressible drinking, the number of alcohol poisoning, road accidents, frostbite, and injuries caused by domestic conflicts increases. The portal "Women's Opinion" conducted a survey to find out how much alcohol will be this year at the festive tables of the Russians.

Fortunately, more and more Russians are realizing that in order to have a fun New Year, you don’t need to get drunk at all. 41.8% of respondents said that this year they decided to buy less alcohol than in previous years. On average, women still prefer to meet the president’s speech and the chimes with a glass of champagne - so as not to break the tradition. But buying something over sparkling wine is considered inappropriate.

32.9% of respondents said that this year they will have as much alcohol on their table as in the past. However, they note that they are not lovers of excesses and have always adhered to measures in this matter.

And 21.6% of Russian families decided to completely abandon the alcohol tradition - they are sure that you can have great fun without heating, and traditions harmful to health are useless.

Only 3.7% confirmed that there will be more alcohol. However, some made a reservation that this was solely because of the greater number of guests, and not the desire to pump themselves with liters of alcohol.

In general, there is a positive trend in the refusal of Russians from alcoholic beverages during the New Year. Drinking has become unfashionable. And many have already appreciated the benefits of sobriety on that very night of the year:
-activity and cheerful mood throughout the night;
- lack of a hangover the next morning;
- reduced risk of falling into one of the troubles listed above;
- Pleasant memories that drinkers sometimes lack at all.

The survey involved 3,010 people from 20 to 45 years old, from 138 cities of Russia.


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