Cream cheese cake cream from the picture! Recipes for cream and cheese creams for soaking and decorating cakes


Cheese creams can be considered a model of suppleness and stability. And if the first advantage implies excellent compatibility with various fillers - nuts, fruit puree, liquors, cognac, then stability means excellent preservation of the given shape. The temperature and the percentage of the base with flavoring fillers have little effect on such creams.

Cheese cream for cake - general principles of preparation

• In the preparation of cheese creams for the cake, use pasty cream cheese or home-made low-fat cottage cheese. A wide range of such products allows you to choose them, including on the basis of financial capabilities. From expensive cream cheese you can choose Mascarpone and wonderful Philadelphia. More affordable counterparts include cheeses of the brands Riccott, Almette, President, Hochland and Violetto are also good.

• It is easy to prepare a creamy mass based on cottage cheese or creamy curd cheeses, and it turns out to be very tender and incredibly tasty. The cheese is whipped with granulated sugar or icing sugar, after which other components are introduced into it, whipping or stirring with a whisk. The success of the prepared cream depends not only on the quality of the products and proper proportions. Their temperature is also of great importance. If you do not follow the prescription recommendations, the mass may not whip. In violation of the recommended temperature regime of the products, an extremely unpleasant process of separation occurs.

• In cooking, for the preparation of cream cheese creams, in addition to the main curd product, use cream or butter. The mass is sweetened with granulated sugar or powder, flavored with vanilla, and for taste, berries, chocolate or chopped nuts are added to it. Cream cheese cream is not only an excellent filling for the cake, you can decorate it with dessert and even its sides. Most cheese creams are great for decoration, when properly cooked, they keep their shape perfectly and do not thaw when they are in a warm room for a long time. Using them to decorate the cake, you can additionally tint with food coloring.

A simple cream cheese cream recipe for a cake

A variant of cream cheese cream, in the preparation of which two types of cheese are used: Mascarpone and Philadelphia. Any cake layers can be interlaced, but it is most combined with biscuit and honey biscuit-type blanks. It can be used both for spreading and for decorating cakes.


• fatty, 35%, cream - 350 ml;

• 120 gr. powdered sugar;

• cream cheese Mascarpone - 250 gr.;

• a spoon of vanilla essence;

• 250 gr. Philadelphia Cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Put both types of cream cheese in a bowl and mix them, whisking at low speed with a mixer for two minutes.

2. Sifting through a sieve, add icing sugar and continue whipping, gradually increasing speed, until you get a fluffy mass.

3. Remove the mixer, mix the mass with a spatula, carefully removing the powdered sugar adhering to the walls. Add vanilla and continue whisking with a mixer.

4. When pouring in small portions, enter the cream. For the mass to beat well, the cream must be cold. Pre-place them in the freezer, but not more than 25 minutes.

5. A well-thickened air mass can be used to smear the cake immediately or put in the refrigerator for an hour, it will become thicker.

Cheese cream cake with cottage cheese and white chocolate

Chic cheese cream, which can be not only a great addition to any sponge cake, but also a dessert. It prepares quickly, and most importantly - simply, even an inexperienced culinary specialist can cope with its preparation. For a better bundle, cheeses need to be warmed up to room temperature in advance.


• not dry home-made cottage cheese - 280 gr.;

• 150 gr. white chocolate, non-porous;

• 200 gr. Mascarpone cream cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Grind homemade cottage cheese, add cream cheese and leave for some time in a warm room. In order for the cream to beat well and not to stratify, the products should be as close to room temperature as possible.

2. Break the white chocolate into pieces, melt it with a so-called water bath and set aside to cool.

3. Begin to beat both types of cheese with a mixer. When the mass becomes homogeneous, a teaspoon, without stopping whipping, introduce melted chocolate into it.

4. Place the prepared mass before applying to the cake in the general chamber of the refrigerator for at least two hours.

Universal cream cheese cake cream with curd cheese and nuts

Uncomplicated and quite versatile cream cheese cream for cakes and pastries. It retains its shape remarkably, only three products are required for cooking: powdered sugar, fresh curd cheese and fat cream. The last two ingredients should be chilled. It is noteworthy that the proportions of products can be selected, focusing on your taste preferences. But it is worth noting that the more curd cheese, the more confident the resulting mass will keep in shape.


• cream, high fat, not less than 33% - 100 ml;

• 100 gr. sugar, preferably homemade powder;

• Cottage cheese "Kaimak" - 400 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Beat curd cheese with a mixer for a couple of minutes with powdered sugar.

2. In a separate clean, completely dry bowl, whip the chilled cream.

3. Combine the two lush masses and mix them, whisking with a mixer at low speed.

Walnut cream cheese cream cake with cottage cheese and gelatin

The recipe for a dense cream cheese cream that definitely does not leak. Most suitable for leveling the cake. It is recommended to lubricate only well-soaked biscuit cakes.


• a pound of fat homemade cottage cheese;

• a third of a teaspoon of chopped lemon peel;

• 250 gr. fine white sugar;

• a glass of fatty 33% cream;

• two spoons of “fast” gelatin;

• 1 gr. vanilla sugar;

• a small handful of walnuts.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cottage cheese on a sieve, so that the mass is more fluffy and does not contain grains.

2. Pour the gelatin according to the instructions on the packaging with half a glass of cold water.

3. Fry the nuts in a dry frying pan. Cool and chop finely with a knife.

4. Beat the grated curd with the addition of regular and vanilla sugar.

5. Whisk, enter the lemon zest and swollen gelatin.

6. In a separate, dry bowl, whip the cream and, gently mixing, introduce them into the whipped cottage cheese.

7. Add chopped roasted nuts, mix and refrigerate for two hours.

Cream cheese cream for butter cake

A variant of the cream for decorating the top of the cake and aligning its sides. Decorated cake can be warm for a long time without losing beauty. In cooking, it is important to observe the correct temperature regime of the products - the cheese should be chilled and the butter slightly melted.


• vanilla extract - 2 tsp;

• 100 gr. powdered sugar;

• half a pack of butter, high fat butter;

• 340 gr. creamy fresh Mascarpone or Philadelphia cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Cut softened butter into pieces and beat with the addition of powdered sugar into a lush mass.

2. Continuing whipping, add cream cheese on a spoon.

3. The cooked cream is enough to decorate a cake with a diameter of 25 cm. If you also need to grease the cakes, increase the rate of products, taking into account the proportions given.

Cheese cream cake with butter and berries

To the main components in cheese cream are added fresh or berries that have been frozen. Before use, frozen fruits must be thawed properly, and so that they do not have excess fluid left, withstand for some time on a sieve or in a colander. As a flavor, vanilla powder is used. It can be replaced with vanilla extract (1 tsp).


• half a glass of powdered sugar;

• 340 gr. any cottage cheese;

• a teaspoon of vanilla powder;

• a pound of fresh or frozen berries;

• 120 gr. creamy "Traditional" butter.

Cooking method:

1. A couple of hours before cooking, put the cheese in the "warm" compartment of the refrigerator, closer to the back wall. Remove the oil, on the contrary, to soften.

2. At medium speed, beat slightly melted butter with icing sugar for seven minutes.

3. Add the vanilla, put the cheese in the creamy mass and walk through it again with the mixer until you get airiness and uniformity.

4. Blend the thawed berries with a blender and carefully mix the cooked mashed potatoes into the cream.

5. Berry cheesecake cream can be used immediately, before leveling the sides of the cake, it is better to cool it slightly.

Cake Cheese Cream - Cooking Tips and Useful Tips

• It is advisable to whip all the components separately, if cream is used, it is recommended to whip them only in a clean, dry and always pre-chilled container. In the process, they first start to foam, and then thicken. The main thing is not to overdo it, with prolonged and intensive whipping, the cream can turn into oil.

• It is undesirable to pour all the granulated sugar or powder into the curd or cream cheese at once. In order for the sweetener to disperse more evenly and the sugar crystals to completely dissolve, try adding it in small, 1-2 spoonfuls portions while continuing to whisk continuously.

• If you put mastic decorations on a cake greased with cream cheese, grease the places of contact with melted chocolate - the mastic does not melt.

• For beater, both a mixer and a blender are suitable. The main thing is to use nozzles that will not unnecessarily saturate the mass with air. An excessively airy cream is harder to lay on a cake.

• To put cheese cream on the cake, you can use a spatula or a ruler. For applying jewelry, it is better to use a pastry bag with a variety of nozzles.

• Many of the cream cheeses have a light, salty taste. This will not spoil the taste of the dessert, but only give it a peculiar accent. In addition, the cream can always be sweetened by increasing the rate of icing sugar or sand.


Watch the video: Italian Vanilla Cake Recipe Vanilla Pastry Cream Cake & Pastry Cream Recipe (July 2024).