Why dream a wound, a dangerous wound or a simple scratch? Key Interpretations: What does a wound on a hand, leg or body dream of?


The world of dreams is so versatile that even the most bizarre pictures and events can appear to a person in a dream. Today, more and more people are interested in the interpretation of dreams. Why does a leg wound dream? It’s worth sorting out.

What a wound dreams about - basic interpretation

In wounds on the body in reality there is nothing good. They deliver a lot of discomfort and can limit the human capacity. The same can be said about wounds on a person’s body in a dream. Such a dream can cause some discomfort, and even fear in a person. Do not get hung up on negative emotions, but miss a warning from a dream - it’s also not worth it.

So what should you pay special attention to when interpreting a dream in which you have wounds?

• It is worth considering the reason why they appeared;

• It is worth considering the localization of wounds;

• It is important to remember who they were applied to;

• Wounds bleed or not - this is also very important.

Also, special attention should be paid to the place of localization and prescription of wounds. The thing is that if long-standing wounds are dreamed by a person on his arm - such a dream says that soon he will not be able to fundamentally change anything in life and he will have to adapt to the situation.

If the wounds are old in a dream on a person’s legs, he has not taken decisive action for a long time. Perhaps this is about changing your personal attitude to another person, about changing your place of residence. A more detailed interpretation can be obtained by interpreting all the symbols of the dream.

You may be dreaming that the mutilation occurred on its own - such a dream would mean that you are guilty of all the troubles that will soon happen in your life. You could not pay due attention to your soulmate, work inefficiently, or disregard other people's opinions.

If the wounds appeared due to the harm done to you by another person - such a dream suggests that you need to evaluate your environment from the point of view of devotion and willingness to always come to your aid. If you dream that the old wounds began to bleed again - such a dream means that you forgot about past grievances and troubles, but they will soon make themselves felt again. Someone will again put pressure on you in solving a difficult issue.

What is the dream of a wound on the leg according to Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that if you dream of a wound on your leg, you are most likely not ready for a new relationship, although you are actively persuading yourself in this. If you dream of a wound on someone else - it is your soulmate who will be to blame for breaking the relationship.

If a lonely girl has such a dream, she will soon meet a partner who will bring her only pain and disappointment, nothing good will come of this union. It is important to remember all the details of the dream, perhaps the secret of the mystery lies in them, why fate turned to the person with a negative side.

If you dream of a wound on you with blood - such a dream suggests that you will be actively discussed, and that you do not take action - gossip around you will be gossiping for a very long time. The reason for this situation was your excessive frankness and distorted perception of all your words by another person.

If a pregnant woman dreams that her wounds begin to appear all over her body, such a dream can speak of a serious illness, it can become a real threat to her life and health and to the health of her child. To avoid significant health problems - the girl will have to limit her circle of communication, because lingering problems in her life began precisely because of enemies.

Why dream of a wound on an esoteric dream book

What is the dream of a wound on a leg in an esoteric dream book? Such a dream portends a person to the cessation of all his important affairs, most likely, he will be involved in an adventure and will suffer significant losses. In order to change the situation, it is too late to take decisive action.

Why is there a wound on my arm? Such a dream portends a quarrel with friends, while it is important to remember the size of the wound and whether it was bleeding. If the wound was huge - such a dream means that it will be very difficult to restore relations, that it was better not to quarrel - this is a man’s mistake and now he will restore lost trust for a long time.

If you dream that the wounds on your arm either appear or disappear - such a dream means that you will be in a state of tension for a long time, some important business for you cannot be completed.

If a young girl dreams that she had a wound due to the bite of an unknown animal, she will fall under the influence of an autocratic person. Perhaps it will be a question of an unscrupulous employer, or a new acquaintance, who at first will be very flexible and only then show his nature.

In order to make an accurate forecast - the girl needs to interpret the dream as a whole. If she sees that her lover became the cause of her injury - the young man is seriously set to clarify the relationship, while he will not reckon with her point of view - the argument is meaningless.

Why dream of a wound in other dream books

The female dream book says that to be wounded in a dream - such a dream says that a series of misfortunes and fatal incidents awaits you. If you saw someone else wounded, such a dream means that your friends and close people will betray you.

If it is your loved one who is injured — losses will soon occur in your family — you will lose someone close to you. If you dream about how you can dress the wound, or soothe the pain - such a dream may mean that a very favorable time is waiting for you, during this period it is worth starting to plan important things. The dream interpretation indicates that if a person helps another in a dream to cope with bleeding, then in reality he has a big heart and a great desire to help others.

If you dream that your old wounds began to bleed - such a dream means that you will be involved in a discussion about your past sins. It is worthwhile to prepare in advance for tricky questions, otherwise you will just fall into a trap.

In the small Veles dream book it is said what the wound on the hand is dreaming of - to the loss of health by the husband. If you had a wound on your leg, such a dream means that soon you will have to make a very painful decision for you.

In the Ukrainian dream book it is said that the wound seen in a dream on your body promises a misunderstanding, a rather strange situation in which everyone will be the loser. If you dream of a wound with blood - in life you should expect a lot of losses, all of them will be associated with relationships with loved ones.

To be wounded on the hunt - in the pursuit of your interests you will forget about the importance of close and dear people, you just leave everything in the background, and do not want to return to solving these issues. As a result of this, you can not only lose respect and trust in the team, but also the location of your loved one.

In the dream book of Nostradamus it is said that the wound seen in a dream promises you spiritual suffering and one of your relatives and friends will become their cause. If you yourself injured a person close to you in a dream - such a dream suggests that you should be afraid of the machinations of ill-wishers, as they will try to bring to light all your negative qualities of character.

If you know who we are talking about - act in advance. Bring the ill-wishers themselves into clean water - this will provide you with peace in the near future. It is also important to heed such interpretations:

• If you treat wounds in a dream, you will receive important and good news;

• If you see a wounded bird in a dream - a real threat awaits your relationship;

• If you were wounded in a dream with a dagger - beware of lying friends;

• If the wounds bleed - you will be tormented by remorse;

• If already healed wounds begin to bleed, you should be careful with your desires.

No matter how negative the dream may seem to you, you should not take literally everything that happened in it. Perhaps at first it seems to you that everything is lost, and you are waiting for only a black bar in front, but often this is just prejudice. In order not to be afraid of what is happening - it’s worth building your life on your own, then you can confidently take even the most negative events positively. Dreams always tell a person the most faithful course of events - listen to them.


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