Cake "Minute" - fast and tasty! Simple recipes for honey, sour cream, puff and curd cake "Minute" in a pan


Cake "Minute" - a recipe can be a real salvation for those housewives who, for whatever reason, have to do without an oven or simply with a lack of time.

Thin cake cakes are baked in a pan literally in a matter of minutes, and in no way inferior to those cooked in the oven. They are just as gentle, fragrant and well-soaked in any cream.

Honey, chocolate, sour cream, the most tender curd, or the famous puff "Napoleon" - there are many options. Choose any, and please loved ones.

Cake "Minute" in a pan - general principles of cooking

• For baking cakes, you will need a wide frying pan with non-stick coating or a thick-walled, cast-iron. To mix the components of the dough or cream well, it is not necessary to beat with a mixer, this can easily be done with a whisk.

• Cake consists of thin cakes. They are baked from steep or rare dough, the preparation of which depends on the specific recipe.

• So that the crusts from the dough are well baked, after kneading it is divided into parts and rolled out in circles about 7 millimeters thick. Batter - poured into the center of the pan, and then evenly distributed with a spoon.

• Bake billets over moderate heat. Before rolling out the dough into a pan, be sure to pierce it several times with a fork so that it does not bubble, and turn over when baking. The readiness of such blanks is determined by eye, they should only lightly brown.

• Bakeware baked cakes under the lid and do not overturn. To determine their readiness, it is enough to touch the surface with your fingers, if it does not stick, you are done.

• Ready cake layers are coated with warm or chilled, it all depends on the type of cake. How to properly coat the blanks is specifically stipulated in the recipe.

• Cakes baked in a pan are easily soaked with any cream, but most often, custard or sour cream masses are prepared to smear the Minutka cake. To diversify the taste of dessert, fruits or cocoa can be added to them.

• For decoration use crumbs made from scraps of cake and the main cream. The crumb can be supplemented with finely chopped nuts, crushed chocolate, coconut, or fresh fruit.

• Ready cake "Minute" is never served immediately, so that the dessert is well soaked it should be placed in the refrigerator overnight.

Delicate curd cake "Minute" in a pan with apricots


• large egg;

• 200 gr. 9% cottage cheese;

• a glass of beet sugar;

• butter, high quality, cream - 50 gr.;

• ripper - two spoons;

• 350 gr. wheat flour.

In cream:

• milk - 400 ml;

• 80 gr. sugar

• a tablespoon of starch, dry, fresh;

• one egg;

• a teaspoon of flour;

• 50 gr. liquid, greasy cream.


• 300 gr. fresh apricots;

• dark chocolate - a medium-sized tile.

Cooking method:

1. Place a fine-mesh metal strainer on a wide bowl. Put the cottage cheese mixed with sugar in it, add the softened butter and grind with a spoon. Remove the sieve, break the egg into the curd mass and, thoroughly grinding, intervene.

2. Mix and transfer the cultivator with flour, add to the cooked mass and knead the dough with your hands. It should not be steep and at the same time stick well from the hands. Divide it into six approximately equal parts. Form them into balls and put them in the refrigerator.

3. Prepare the cream. Pound sugar with egg, add flour and immediately pour 3/4 of milk. Stir, crushing the lumps with a spoon, set to cook on medium-low heat. To keep the mass from burning, stir constantly, each time trying to reach the bottom of the pot. Remove the thickened cream from the stove, stir the vanilla in it and leave to cool.

4. Whip the cooled cream with the remaining milk and mix with the cooled brewed base, temporarily put in the refrigerator.

5. Roll the slices of chilled dough thinly, immediately trim the edges and bake until golden on both sides.

6. Not hot, but still warm cakes; during baking, coat with cream and stack. Each preparation should take no more than two spoons.

7. When laying the last cake, do not coat it. For impregnation, remove the cake for two hours in the refrigerator, put the remaining cream in the same place.

8. Remove the seeds from the apricots. Leave a few halves to decorate the cake, and beat the rest with mashed blender and mix with the rest of the cream.

9. Lubricate the sides of the cake and align the sides.

10. Garnish the surface of the dessert with the adjoined apricot halves and sprinkle with fine grated chocolate.

Cake Recipe "Minute" in a pan with custard (from cakes on condensed milk)


• GOST state condensed milk - standard can;

• 450 gr. wheat flour;

• one egg;

• 2 tablespoons of baking powder.

For custard:

• a glass of unrefined beet sugar;

• two large eggs;

• three tablespoons of wheat flour;

• vanilla powder - 15 gr.;

• 150 gr. high fat, 82.5% butter;

• milk - 750 ml.

Cooking method:

1. In a low enameled bowl of suitable volume, beat the eggs in a foam. Mix the egg mass with condensed milk, add the flour sifted with a cultivator, and knead the dough. If you do not immediately succeed in collecting it in a ball - do not add liquids, just knead a little longer.

2. Roll the dough into a sausage, divide with a knife into eight equal pieces. Roll them into thin circles, a little wider than the pan. Fry each side for about a minute, until light brown.

3. Fold the finished blanks in a stack, trim the edges with a sharp heavy knife. Collect the scraps and grind them into crumbs.

4. Take a glass of milk and stir flour in it, transfer the mixture to the remaining milk, mix.

5. Add the grated sugar with eggs, stir again.

6. Place the pan on medium-high heat and, constantly stirring, boil until thick. Set aside from the stove, put the oil on, and, having mixed, allow to cool.

7. Slightly warm the mass, spread the cakes, forming a cake out of them, and distribute the remaining evenly on the sides.

8. Sprinkle dessert on all sides, made from scraps of crumbs, and place in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Honey cake "Minute" in a pan with a simple sour cream - "Ginger"


• two eggs;

• two tablespoons of honey;

• a spoon of quick soda;

• 2 cups of first-class flour;

• 50 gr. margarine or butter;

• unrefined sugar - a glass.

In cream:

• fine white sugar - 200 g .;

• oily, 30%, sour cream - 800 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Put honey in a suitable volume bowl, add chopped butter, grated sugar and soda with eggs. Put the container to heat in a water bath and, continuously stirring, warm up until all products melt and the mass becomes homogeneous. This usually takes up to five minutes.

2. Remove the container from the stove, pour the twice-sifted flour into the foaming mass, quickly knead the dough.

3. Cut it into seven balls, wrap each with cling film and place in the refrigerator for half an hour to rest.

4. After that, roll thin cakes and bake them in a dry frying pan. The main thing is not to overdry, otherwise they will be poorly saturated.

5. Using a mixer, beat sour cream with sugar. In order for its grains to dissolve well, introduce sand when whisking in small portions, about two tablespoons.

6. For stacked honey cakes, align the edges and coat them with cream. Coat the sides of the cake with the remnants of the cream mass.

7. Decorate the top with crumbs from the scraps remaining after leveling the cakes.

Recipe puff cake "Minute" in the pan - quick Napoleon


• 1.5 cups of sugar;

• 450 gr. high-quality flour;

• three eggs;

• a spoon of 9% vinegar;

• half a pack of butter or high-quality margarine;

• a pinch of salt;

• a spoon of soda.

In cream:

• a liter of unpasteurized milk;

• three eggs;

• a glass of refined sugar;

• a pack of oil, of good quality;

• one gram of fresh vanilla powder;

• two tablespoons of fresh starch or flour.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the eggs into a bowl and begin to beat them with a whisk. When the mass begins to turn white, continuing to beat, gradually introduce sugar. Then add a little melted warm oil. At the end, enter the soda, extinguishing it with vinegar.

2. Then, stirring the liquid with a spoon, add in small portions the whole measure of flour and knead a steep, light dough.

3. Roll it into a sausage and divide it into 12 pieces, which are formed into balls. Roll each such piece around and bake cakes. They cook very quickly, and you need to carefully monitor so as not to burn. As soon as the bottom is slightly browned, immediately turn over.

4. Allow the baked cakes to cool well, and then align the edges with a knife. Put the scraps in a bowl and chop, crushing with a crush, into crumbs.

5. Beat the eggs with sugar, pour in the flour, pour the milk and, stirring well, put on moderate heat. Stirring regularly, wait until the beginning of boiling, then enter vanilla into the thickened mass, stir and remove from the stove.

6. Cool a little, put the butter and beat well.

7. Coat the cooled workpieces with chilled cream, coat them with the sides.

8. Sprinkle the finished dessert with the crumbs from the scraps or chopped nuts.

Recipe sour cream cake "Minute" in a pan with sour cream cream with cocoa


• three glasses of flour;

• fresh egg;

• granulated sugar - 200 g .;

• a spoon of soda;

• a glass of rare sour cream;

• food vinegar - a dessert spoon;

• 100 gr. butter, high quality butter.

For chocolate cream:

• 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder;

• 800 gr. high fat sour cream;

• a glass, or a little less, of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl with sour cream, add sugar, mixing, pour the egg and beat well with a hard whisk. Make sure the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. Quench with vinegar and add soda to the mass, mix. Soak for five minutes, add flour and knead a thick, uncooked dough. Divide it in six pieces.

3. Rolling each in a circle 0.6 cm thick, bake cakes in a pan.

4. After all the billets have been baked and laid out in a stack, trim their edges, cutting off the excess with a knife. Save the crop.

5. Prepare the cream. Mix cocoa with powdered sugar and transfer through a fine sieve.

6. Put sour cream in a high bowl or pan and beat with a mixer for a minute. Then, whisking in the same way, add all the cocoa tinted icing sugar, adding a spoonful.

7. Spread all the cakes with the cooked cream. Coat the sides and surface well.

8. For decoration, use delayed scraps of crusts crushed into crumbs. You can add it with crushed nuts or coarsely chipped chocolate.

A simple recipe for a cake "Minute" in a pan with bananas (on kefir)


• warm kefir - 1 tbsp .;

• 200 gr. sugar

• two eggs;

• sweet cream butter or margarine - 50 gr.;

• one and a half tablespoons of cocoa powder;

• soda - 1/2 tsp;

• wheat flour, first-class flour - two glasses;

• a spoon of spices mixed in equal proportions: cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg powder.

For banana cream:

• 0.8 l of cow's milk;

• two tablespoons of dry starch;

• three fresh eggs;

• a glass of refined sugar;

• 1/2 tbsp. l baking flour;

• creamy natural butter - 100 gr;

• two small bananas;

• a small lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Kefir must certainly be warm so that soda is better repaid. Therefore, if you forgot to remove it from the refrigerator in advance, warm the kefir by placing the package in a container with hot water.

2. Pour the fermented milk product into a bowl, add soda, mix and temporarily set aside.

3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with sugar. Melt and cool the butter.

4. When the kefir begins to bubble, first enter the egg mass into it, mix. Then pour in the melted and cooled oil and stir again.

5. Pour into the prepared base no more than a glass of flour, add cocoa with spices, whisk, achieving uniformity.

6. Gradually filling up the remaining flour and carefully stirring it, prepare a rare dough like homemade sour cream, and let it “catch its breath” for a quarter of an hour.

7. On a low heat, put a thick-walled pan and, after it warms up well, start baking cakes.

8. To do this, pour no more than three tablespoons of chocolate dough into the center of the pan and immediately spread it with a spoon all over the bottom, cover with a lid. After about two minutes, the cake will be ready. No need to turn it over. To check readiness, touch its surface with your hand, it should not stick.

9. A total of seven such blanks will be obtained. Stack them and leave to cool under a towel.

10. Mix starch with flour. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with sugar into the foam and, adding the starch-flour mixture to them, beat again.

11. In a thick-walled saucepan, put milk on a small heat. Stirring the boiling milk intensively, introduce the egg mass into it and leave to cook, stirring continuously, until thickened. Cool the cream.

12. Cut the bananas into slices, add softened butter to them, pour in the juice from a whole lemon and beat with a blender.

13. Mix the cooked banana puree with cream and spread the cooled cakes and sides of the cake with the resulting mass.

14. You can make such a dessert with coconut, crumbs from cake scraps or chocolate chips.

Cake "Minute" in a pan - technological tricks and useful tips

• Rolling the dough, it is not always possible to correctly calculate the size of the cake. In order not to miss, use the pan cover as a template.

• It will be more convenient to transfer the dough from the table if it is wound a little before it on a rolling pin.

• If it is necessary to cool the cakes before assembly, lay them in a stack and cover them with a slightly dampened towel, then the workpieces will not dry out.


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