Ascorbic acid: the benefits of vitamin C to humans. Can ascorbic acid be harmful, if not overdone with a dosage


Ascorbic acid is a vitamin that is recommended to be used not only during colds, but also for the prevention of various viral infections.

A valuable substance allows you to strengthen the human immune system, due to which the body is better resistant to various diseases.

The maximum allowable daily allowance for vitamin C is 100 mg (for an adult). In case of illness, the dosage increases.

Ascorbic acid, the use of which is very great, is not synthesized by the body itself. You can get it from many herbal products, or buy classic vitamins at a pharmacy.

Ascorbic acid: signs of deficiency, where can it be obtained

Deficiency in the body of vitamin C can negatively affect human health. The deficiency of ascorbic acid can be determined by the following signs:

• the ends of the hair are split, the curls are dry;

• gums bleed when brushing;

• skin peels, regardless of the season;

• a person perceives information worse, memory worsens;

• torment joint pain and muscle weakness;

• a feeling of weakness during the day;

• immunity is weakened, as a result, a person is often sick.

Ascorbic acid can practically do no harm. The approximate daily dose is 70-100 grams, 100 for adults, 30-50 for children.

In the event that there are signs of a deficiency of a substance in the body, you must include in your diet following products:

• citrus fruits, kiwi, currants (black), sea buckthorn;

• rosehip in the form of a decoction;

• leafy vegetables (any cabbage, broccoli, lettuce);

• chicken stomachs, liver;

• potatoes.

It is also additionally recommended to eat 2-3 pharmacy ascorbic acid per day for an adult (1-2 children) for prevention.

Ascorbic Acid: Vitamin C Benefits

Ascorbic acid is a biologically active substance that takes an active part in almost all life processes. Its deficiency leads to a general deterioration in well-being, as a result, the immune system weakens, a person is often exposed to viral, colds.

1. Allows the body to better absorb the iron entering it.

2. Stimulates the liver, takes an active part in the redox reactions that take place in the body.

3. Allows the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

4. Accelerates the healing process.

5. Strengthens bones, teeth, prevents gum bleeding.

6. Significantly strengthens the immune system, due to which the body at any time of the year perfectly "protects itself" from viruses and infections.

Often in a pharmacy you can see vitamin C with glucose. This type of ascorbic acid is allowed for use in the following situations:

• with weakness, severe fatigue, constant irritability;

• with regular bleeding of the gums;

• with excessively weak immunity;

• in the presence of liver diseases.

Ascorbic Acid: Beauty Benefits

Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants. Not surprisingly, it is considered an excellent remedy in the fight against the first signs of skin aging.

Ascorbic acid has the following cosmetic effects:

• actively blocks the production of free radicals by the dermis, which allows the skin to remain supple and elastic for as long as possible;

• helps to be absorbed by other substances important for the body - iron, proteins, fats;

• allows you to get rid of pigmentation, evens out the tone of the dermis, returns freshness to the face, a pleasant healthy glow;

• effectively tightens pores, copes with black points of the T-zone.

In order to prolong youth, beauty, and elasticity of your face, it is recommended to add 1 tablet of ascorbic acid (per teaspoon of the product) to the creams used. The tablet must first be crushed into powder. Do not use sweet glucose ascorbic for this purpose!

An overdose of ascorbic acid: what to do in this situation

Poisoning with ascorbic acid is almost impossible. There is no vitamin in the body. Everything that enters is instantly consumed, and the excess is excreted by the kidneys.

Symptoms of an overdose of ascorbic acid:

• heartburn;

• severe nausea;

• urticaria (severe allergic reaction);

• the appearance of kidney stones, blood impurities appear in the urine.

In case of an overdose of vitamin C, it is strictly forbidden to use activated charcoal. Sorbent in this situation will not give an effect.

What to do in case of vitamin C poisoning

1. The first thing to do is call an ambulance. Doctors should offer hospitalization in order to take tests and determine the order of treatment.

2. If you have vitamin A or E at home, you can drink one capsule. These substances will reduce the "aggressive" effect of ascorbic acid.

It is important to understand that, in spite of the relative "safety" of ascorbic acid, you can not use it in large quantities. Studies have been conducted that have shown that excess vitamin C can adversely affect heart function, as well as provoke an upset stomach, diarrhea.

Ascorbic acid: harm, important warnings

Ascorbic acid can be very harmful. If you know a few nuances of using vitamin C, remember the basic warnings, troubles are easy to avoid.

1. Ascorbic acid is characterized by a strong diuretic treatment. It is for this reason that, during the period of its use for therapeutic and preventive purposes, one must not forget to drink more water than usual.

2. It has already been indicated that vitamin C allows the body to better absorb iron. Therefore, ascorbic acid should be used with caution for those who suffer from the disease hemochromatosis. It is hereditary, characterized in that it stimulates the accumulation of iron in large quantities in the body.

3. If you consume too much vitamin C, it is likely that your blood sugar level will rise.

4. Ascorbic acid is not recommended for use during the course of chemotherapy. With weakened immunity in this situation, you should consult your doctor to determine a safe dosage.

5. Pharmacy vitamins should be carefully used during pregnancy, lactation. It was proved that if the expectant mother overdoes with ascorbic acid, at birth the child will experience an acute deficiency of it, will often hurt.

Ascorbic acid is a delicious vitamin with a pleasant acidity, the taste of which is familiar from childhood. Despite the fact that it is extremely necessary for the body in order to strengthen the immune system, you should not overdo it with the dosage.

It is best to enrich your diet with products that contain a lot of vitamin C. This will make the body stronger, allow it to better resist viral, infectious diseases. As a result, there will be no need to additionally use the pharmacy complex.


Watch the video: Too Much of a Good Vitamin (July 2024).