Cooking with pleasure: chocolate-orange cake. Recipes for simple and complex orange cakes with and without chocolate


People who don't like oranges or chocolate probably don't exist. Bright sunny citrus and velvet chocolate, complementing each other, only emphasize the taste of each other. By the way, both chocolate and citruses have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, cause a feeling of pleasure.

Do you want such an exquisite dessert not to be too complicated to prepare, and could you please your friends and relatives more often? Such recipes exist.

Chocolate-orange cake - basic technological principles

Of course, telling about the peculiarities of preparing all cakes with chocolate and oranges is an impossible task, within the framework of one article. Therefore, we dwell on the more significant technological aspects of those cakes, the recipes of which are attached below.

First group - cakes without baking, the easiest dessert by the method of preparation. There are several pleasant moments in the technology of making such cakes that any housewife will like, even if she had never before been interested in the secrets of confectioners:

A cake without baking is prepared very simply, bypassing the stage of kneading the dough, baking it. For the base you can use cookies, waffles, corn flakes, meringues - everything that tells the imagination and taste.

If the guests are already on the doorstep and there is no dessert, then do as the English housewives do: they collect all the sweets that were in the kitchen at that moment, cut them into pieces or just break them, pour them with melted chocolate, jam, condensed milk - and the refreshment is ready. They even get very interesting recipes.

You can combine the fruit with cottage cheese or "Mascarpone", fasten them with gelling components, and put on a biscuit or sand base. The American-style cheesecake is ready!

It is wonderful that for cakes without baking, exact adherence to the recipe is almost not required - therefore, boldly change the number of ingredients to your taste, you can even replace them with others.

If gelation is required for creams in a cake without baking, then use agar-agar - it sets faster and agar-based cream does not spread, standing on a table at 25 ° C. Agar-agar easily maintains a stable structure even at 45C, if you decide to serve dessert even on the beach in a hot summer afternoon.

Concerning second group cakes, where we don’t miss the stage of preparation and baking of the dough, here you need to be more careful about adhering to the recipe.

For example, for a standard biscuit cake mix, the ratio of liquid to wet dough ingredients should be exactly the same. Some deviations are allowed: if the flour has a high humidity, it is necessary to reduce the mass of eggs; if the eggs are of the first category, then the weight of one is about 70 g, unlike canteens, which have a mass of not more than 50 g. Remember that sugar, butter in the dough are liquid components, as they contain more water than solid .

The temperature regime during baking depends on the volume of the dough, the size of the mold, and the characteristics of the oven.

When preparing a cake according to any of the selected recipes, think over the working procedure in advance, prepare kitchen equipment, equipment: confectionery and their preparation in cooking - aerobatics, so sometimes, in the process, everything is decided by thoroughness and thorough preliminary preparation. But the main thing is desire. Any dish succeeds when you cook it with your soul.

1. Gourmet Chocolate-Orange Cake with Mirror Glaze (a complicated recipe)

For butter-chocolate sponge cake:

Sugar 75 g

Flour 55 g

Cocoa (99.8%) 20 g

Eggs, dietetic 2 pcs.

Oil (soft) 60 g

Baking powder (baking powder) 7 g

Orange zest 20 g

Vanilla essence 7 mg

For the second layer:

Hazelnuts 100 g

Caramel 120 g

Chocolate, black (100%), black 1 bar

Orange zest 40 g

Orange layer:

Peeled Orange Slices +/- 200 g

Fresh, orange 450 ml

Refined Sugar

Agar agar 8 g

For chocolate mousse:

White sugar 170 g

Starch, corn 30 g

Homemade or whole milk 350 ml

Zest and 200 ml of juice, fresh orange

Eggs of the first category 2 pcs.

Cream, warmed (33%) 350 ml

Agar agar 10 g

Chocolate, natural black (without fillers) 150 g

For glasssage:

Sugar 150 g

Invert syrup (light) 150 g

Boiled water 150 ml

Cocoa 30 g

Confectionery cream 170 ml

Dark chocolate 180 g

Instant gelatin 15 g

Cooking Technology:

Cover the biscuit dish (ᴓ24 cm) with a removable bottom with parchment. Preheat the oven.

Beat eggs with sugar until small bubbles of foam form. Add oil, vanilla extract. Combine the flour, baking powder and cocoa, mix, and sift the mixture into beaten eggs. Then mix the dough with a spatula, add fresh orange zest. Pour the dough into a mold, bake for 25-30 minutes, at 180C. Cool the biscuit on the wire rack. Take out the finished cake mix from the mold, turn it over with the back side, remove the parchment.

Make pralines. You can use caramel candies for convenience and speed of preparation: combine them with nuts, chop. Pour this mass with a melted chocolate bar, do not forget to add the orange zest, and also mix until smooth.

Put the cooled biscuit back into shape. On it is a layer of praline. Place the mold in the freezer so that the cake mix is ​​frozen.

Next is the orange layer: pour 100 ml of fresh citrus juice into a small saucepan, pour agar-agar into it, let stand for ten minutes, and boil the solution for 2 minutes, from the beginning of boiling. Add the rest of the juice and sugar to the mixture. Cool the jelly mass to 50C. Cut the orange slices into medium slices (do not forget to remove the membrane films and seeds from the fruits).

Slices of oranges lay on a layer of frozen praline and pour orange jelly. Place in the refrigerator until fully frozen (for about 15 minutes). After solidification, set the resulting cake blank in the same shape, but with a larger diameter (26 cm).

Start making chocolate mousse.

Boil milk with orange zest. Beat eggs with sugar (70 g). Add starch, sifting it through a sieve. Stir until lumps are removed. Hot milk, strainer through a strainer, to remove the zest, pour into the egg mass, stirring with a whisk. Put the cream on the fire again and cook until thick, with continuous stirring. Add chocolate to the hot cream so that it melts and mix until smooth. Cool at room temperature by covering the cream with a film so that it does not become crusty.

Agar-agar (10 g) is dissolved in orange juice (200 ml), add sugar (100 g) and bring to a boil. The syrup should thicken. Mix warm custard with fruit jelly.

Whip the cream and add them to the cream too. Fill the pastry bag with cream and fill the cake mold, pouring it first along the edge of the mold to fill the free space along the edges, and then the surface. To completely freeze the cake, put it in the refrigerator.

Transfer the frozen mousse cake to a stand and cover with a mirror of chocolate icing.

When the icing hardens, decorate the cake with slices of praline, chocolate chips, candied orange.

For chocolate glaze, mix half the water with gelatin, and pour the second part of the water into a small saucepan, mix with sugar and syrup. Boil the syrup. Add chocolate, cocoa, cream and dissolved gelatin, constantly whipping the icing with a whisk. It is necessary to cover the cake with icing at a temperature of 35C.

2. "Delicia" - chocolate-orange cake (high complexity of preparation)

For a biscuit base:

Essence, Orange 7 mg

Salt 2 g

Sugar 120 g

Baking powder 11 g

5 eggs

Starch 40 g

Flour 100 g

For orange jelly with fruits:

Ripe oranges 1.2 kg

Instant gelatin 25 g

Water boiled 300 ml


For the Bavarian cream:

Sugar 150 g

Yolks 5 pcs.

Vanilla Concentrate 4 ml

Water 70 ml

Chocolate bakery 200 g

Cream, fatty 320 g

Gelatin, food 20 g

Milk 400 ml

For decoration:

Cocoa Powder 50 g

Cream, hot 100 ml

Candied orange slices

Chocolate 300 g

Order of preparation:

Combine flour with starch and baking powder. Beat the eggs with sugar, adding the essence and a pinch of salt to a creamy consistency. Carefully, trying not to destroy the air bubbles in the egg mass, introduce the dry mixture by sifting it through a sieve. After adding the flour mixture, mix the biscuit dough with a spatula. Immediately pour the finished dough into a mold with a removable bottom lined with parchment. The diameter of the mold is 20-22 cm. Bake at 180С. Cool the finished biscuit on a wire rack, remove from the mold.

Transfer the prepared biscuit to a dish with a removable high side. Dissolve gelatin in water with sugar, brought to a boil. When boiling the syrup, add the zest of oranges to enhance the orange flavor. Pass the jelly through a sieve.

Place slices of oranges without films and stones on the surface of the biscuit, pour them with hardening jelly and move the cake form into the refrigerator.

For custard, beat the yolks with half the cooked sugar prepared for the cream. Dissolve gelatin in cold boiled water. With the second half of sugar, bring the milk to a boil. Pour the boiled milk into the yolk mass. Stir fast with a whisk. Pour the cream back into the pan and cook until thickened. Melt the chocolate in a hot cream, mix and add gelatin. Cover the cream with a film and set aside.

Whip the cream until a stable foam, and enter in them, cooled to 18-20C, cream.

Move the cake into a larger diameter dish and fill it with cooked mousse. Take the dish with the cake for five to six hours in the refrigerator.

Make a chocolate decor. Melt the chocolate in hot cream. Add rum or brandy (25-30 ml) if desired. Mix the cream and chocolate with a mixer and place in a pastry bag. Squeeze 10-12 chocolate rosettes or other figures onto the prepared sheet of foil. Transfer to the freezer for a few minutes.

Remove the cake from the mold, sprinkle the surface with cocoa, through a strainer. In a circle lay chocolate figures and slices of candied oranges.

3. Orange cake - tiramisu with cream without baking. Recipe for Beginner Confectioners


Sponge cake with cherry 2 pcs. 0.5 kg each

Agar agar 10 g

Oranges 1.5 kg

Sugar to taste

Cream 300 ml

Order of preparation:

Cut the finished roll into slices up to 1.5 cm. Take a large bowl with a rounded bottom and line it inside with a film. Tightly roll the rolls on the inside, starting from the center of the container.

Remove the zest from the oranges and put it in the cream. Add sugar to them, bring the cream to a boil. Peel the fruits from the peel and membrane walls, cut the flesh into pieces. Pour 300 ml of juice into a separate dish and dissolve agar-agar in it. To do this, put the juice on the stove and let it boil. Mix cream, pieces of fruit and jelly. Cool the cream to 50 ° C and pour it into a bowl with biscuit roll.

When the cream almost hardens, lay on top of it a layer of slices of roll. Remove to solidify. Turn the cake onto a dish. Garnish with orange zest and whipped cream. Put a few candied cherries on the cream.

4. "Tropics" - an orange cake with a coconut-almond flavor. A simple recipe without baking


For the basics:

White Chocolate 350 g

Cream, fatty 100 ml

Almond flakes 90 g

Coconut Chips 40 g

Waffles, lemon (or Artek) 500 g

Condensed milk 200 g

Oil 80 g

Amaretto (liquor or essence) to taste

For cream and a layer of jelly:

Mascarpone 400 g

Confectionery cream 350 g

Agar Agar 5 g

Water 100 ml

Gelatin, crystalline 20 g

Milk 200 ml

Oranges (peeled slices) 350 g


Icing sugar 250 g

For decor:

Sugar 170 g

Water boiled 180 ml

Invert sugar syrup (or glucose, confectionery) 120 g

Cognac 30 ml

White Chocolate 200 g

Gelatin, crystalline 15 g

Condensed 200 g

White dye, food grade (titanium dioxide) and green, gel

Cooking Technology:

Start by preparing white and green mirror glaze, because it should stand in the refrigerator for some time.

Pour gelatin with 80 ml hot water). Add sugar, glucose or syrup to the rest of the water. Preheat, but do not bring the mixture to a boil. Add condensed milk, mix. Melt the chocolate pieces in a hot mixture. Introduce a gelatin solution, cognac to add shine and aroma. Beat the blender while holding it tilted: try not to form bubbles. After whipping, pass the liquid mass through a sieve to remove impurities, as well as reduce the number of bubbles. Add titanium dioxide to whiten the glaze from white chocolate, as it will have a cream color. After separating the third part of the prepared glaze, add the green gel dye to it. Mix the dyes until a smooth and saturated color is obtained. Transfer both parts to a jar, cover tightly with foil and put in the freezer.

Fold the waffle crumbs, almond and coconut flakes in a large bowl, mix. In a saucepan, heat the cream, melt the butter and white chocolate in them. Add liquor or essence to the liquid mixture, combine with dry waffle and almond crumbs. Stir until smooth.

Put the prepared mixture on the bottom of the detachable form, a layer of 1.5 cm. Flatten and tamp, refrigerate.

Prepare the orange layer. Dissolve agar-agar in water, add 80 g of sugar, put the solution on a stove, boil and cool to 45-50 ° C. Put slices of oranges on a frozen base and pour jelly on the fruit. Put the cake back in the cold for an hour.

Beat cream cheese with sugar, whip cream separately. Combine the creamy and cheese mass, mix. Add strained gelatin solution (20 g per 200 ml of warm milk), vanilla powder.

Transfer the frozen cake into a larger shape, with the help of a pastry bag, deposit the curd cream, filling the entire form on the sides, covering the surface of the cake. Leave in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Then place the cake on a stand with a tray. Preheat the icing to 35C. Cover the cake first with white icing, completely, and then pour green to make dripping drops: white icing should be visible on the sides of the cake. Put candied wedges or orange jelly, almonds, coconut flakes on the frozen surface.

5. Chocolate-orange cake "Trio"

For the cake:

Flour 80 g

Corn Starch 30 g

5 eggs

Sugar 120



Sugar 200 g

Eggs 3 pcs.

Oranges 400 g

Gelatin 30 g

Oil 180 g

Milk 250 ml

Cream (38%) 500 ml

Strawberry 300 g

Agar agar 7 g

Powder 250 g

Water 100 ml

Cocoa, slices of oranges and strawberries in sugar, whipped cream - for decoration

Order of preparation:

For dry biscuit, mix dry ingredients. Beat whites and yolks with sugar separately, combine them. Sift the dry mixture into the total mass, mix the dough, pour into the prepared form; bake until tender.

Put the cooled sponge cake on the wire rack to stand it.

Soak the gelatin. Beat 3 eggs with sugar. Boil milk with fresh zest, strain, pour into the beaten egg mass.Brew a cream, add oil to it when it cools down and beat until stable peaks, enter gelatin, add sliced ​​pieces of oranges.

Put the chocolate sponge cake in the mold. Put the hardening cream on it. Chill the cake.

Whip the cream with powder and put the dissolved agar-agar. In a creamy cream, put strawberries, after washing and drying them: large berries can be cut into halves, and medium ones - put whole. Put the second cream on the cake, flatten the top and let it harden.

Sprinkle the surface by sifting cocoa on the cake. Remove the detachable form. Place the cake on a stand or dish. Use a confectionery syringe to decorate the side with whipped cream, and put orange slices and strawberries on top.

6. Orange jelly cake

Product Composition:

Biscuit 0.6 kg

Oranges 2 pcs.

Fresh, orange 300 ml

Agar-agar 10 g (for cheese mass and fruit jelly)

Cream Cheese 400 g

Powder 120 g

Chocolate 300 g

Meringues 150 g

Milk 100 ml

Water 70 ml

Operating procedure:

This cake is prepared in the same way as the previous recipes. The finished biscuit must be put in the form. Dissolve agar in 70 ml of water. Pour milk into a saucepan, put the chocolate and melt. While stirring the chocolate mass, pour in dissolved agar-agar. Pass through a sieve when it has cooled slightly. Whip the chocolate with butter cream. Crush the meringues, not very finely, and add them to the curd-chocolate cream. Shuffle. Put the mass on a biscuit base in the mold. Let the cream harden.

Scald the oranges with boiling water, cut into rings, together with the peel. Put them on the frozen cream.

In orange juice, add sugar to taste, boil, enter the second part of the agar. Cool a little orange jelly and cover with oranges.

Chocolate Orange Cake - Useful Tips

  • In order not to stand above the pan with a whisk, you can put a container with cream or icing on a steam bath, and it will not burn, and you will have to mix it much less.
  • The biscuit cake mix after baking, ideally, should be aged for at least eight hours. Cooking a cake, in general, consists of several time-consuming steps. Therefore, divide the work so that you do not have to deal with cooking cakes and cream in one day. Then the work will argue, the biscuit will acquire a stable texture after proofing, and, without feeling much fatigue, each housewife will bake cakes much more often.


Watch the video: 1939 Sour Cream Cake Recipe. Glen & Friends Cooking (June 2024).