Effective weight loss using the Ducan diet, a menu for the week. Features of each phase of the Ducan diet: menu for the week


Ducan's diet is a universal diet for weight loss, which you can adhere to all your life, but with interruptions. Its essence lies in the nutrition of permitted products in the main stages. With the alternation of vegetable and protein days, the weight will go away evenly and safely for the body.

Dukan Diet: Weekly Menu in the Attack Phase

The first phase is protein, it is the shortest, but also the most saturated. The duration of 2 to 10 days, no more, will depend on the number of extra pounds. Example of a “attack” phase menu for a week.

Day 1: in the morning omelet from 2 proteins and 1 yolk with low-fat milk 1.5%, during the day beef steam cutlets (2 pcs.), eat bran with kefir as a snack, a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with two boiled eggs for dinner.

Day 2: in the morning porridge with bran, seasoned with cardamom, in the afternoon chicken puree, for a snack yogurt with bran, for dinner pork chops (take a low-fat portion of tenderloin).

Day 3: for breakfast, a boiled egg with a slice of turkey or chicken ham, for lunch, a salmon ear with onions and boiled eggs, chamomile tea, afternoon pancakes according to the Dukanov recipe of eggs, milk and bran, a glass of yogurt, in the evening waiting for a fish cake and mint-ginger tea.

Day 4: milk oatmeal porridge in the morning, two chicken minced meat patties in the afternoon, ryazhenka bite for bran, in the evening chicken dish with garlic sauce

Day 5: kefir pancakes with cottage cheese, pea soup for lunch on a broth of smoked chicken breast, afternoon coffee as a dessert quick cake, for dinner, fish-baked foil without butter with herbs.

Day 6: in the morning low-fat cheesecakes with sour cream, any hot drink, for lunch beef steak, ginger tea. For afternoon tea, yogurt with bran cookies, for dinner, a delicious dish in the form of an omelet with shrimp, herbs and onions, drink green tea.

Day 7: morning begins with an impressive sandwich - bran cake, ham and cheese, coffee. In the afternoon, eat noodle soup on chicken stock, a slice of tofu, homemade pasties for any afternoon snack and any hot drink, in the evening, turkey fillet stewed in yogurt sauce.

Diet for the phase of the "Alternation" of the Ducane diet: menu for the week

The essence of the next phase of "Alternation" is to support the trend in the body towards weight loss. This phase can last from 15 to 160 days, depending on the desired end result. You need to alternate protein days with protein-vegetable in a ratio of 1: 1, 3: 3 or 5: 5. Protein days can be taken similar to the previous stage. But protein-vegetable days should be saturated with plant foods. Olives, potatoes, avocados, corn and peas should be excluded. Example 5 protein-vegetable days:

1. On the first day in the morning, eat boiled eggs 2 pcs., Vegetable salad, you can season with a little olive oil, drink coffee. For lunch, cream soup from zucchini, broccoli with dill and egg. As an afternoon snack, curd cake with natural yogurt. In the evening, eat vegetable stew with steamed chicken, drink tea.

2. Start the next day with fried eggs of 2 eggs, ham and greens, eat a vegetable salad of cabbage, cucumber, carrots, and drink coffee. For lunch, prepare a soup of vegetables and chicken breast with greens, kefir with oat bran for afternoon tea, for dinner, any warm drink and an unusual salad using vegetables and seafood.

3. Cook omelet with tomatoes, herbs and cheese, drinking yogurt. For lunch, vegetable soup with beef, afternoon snack - toasts with salted salmon and tea, for dinner, baked fish on a pillow of stewed vegetables.

4. A portion of low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, black pepper, your favorite hot drink. At lunch, seafood soup, on the second fresh vegetable salad with the addition of canned fish, but without oil. For lunch, boiled mussels and yogurt, for dinner, steamed cutlets of turkey or chicken fillet, tomato cucumber salad, tea.

5. In the morning, cottage cheese casserole, boiled eggs, coffee, in the afternoon soup with meatballs and vegetable salad, kefir or yogurt, after lunch again a sour-milk product and bread with bran, in the evening stewed squid, grilled vegetables, green tea.

Dockan Diet Phase: Weekly Menu

The phase "Fastening" is necessary in the diet to normalize the results achieved. The body must get used to being in gained weight. To do this, the previous menu needs to be slightly diluted with the presence of fruits and berries, not too carried away by this permissibility.

Only one fruit or a handful of berries can be eaten per day, except for cherries, grapes, bananas, dried fruits. You also need to include in the diet cheese with a fat content of up to 40%, starchy foods, hard pasta. Dishes from these and other products are allowed to be consumed only 2 times a week. Each such meal is called a “feast"; every gourmet can enjoy any favorite dish on it, including sweets, cakes, alcohol.

The final stage of "Stabilization" in the Dukan diet, a menu for the week

The last stage of the stabilization diet can last forever. The diet itself is designed for this - the body gets used to eating properly healthy food, and excess weight no longer accumulates. In the last phase, almost any food is allowed, but in moderation. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from the diet. But a prerequisite at this stage is to allocate one completely protein day per week. Usually this day is Thursday. You should still refrain from drinking sugar, drink plenty of water - at least 2 liters, eat bran daily.

Example diet for 1 day:

• breakfast - a portion of cottage cheese, apple and carrot puree and kefir;

• lunch - chicken noodle soup (take noodles from durum wheat) with herbs and vegetables, steam chicken meat cutlets, tea;

• afternoon snack - homemade cake or ice cream;

• dinner - garnished with rice porridge, meatballs from pork minced meat, a salad of celery and vegetables, ginger tea.

Variety in the last phase is enough, the most important thing in the diet is to reach it without failures.


Watch the video: Dukan Diet Latest Trend in Weight Loss (July 2024).