Fish under mayonnaise in the oven is an unpretentious dish! Baked fish recipes under mayonnaise in the oven with potatoes, cheese, various vegetables


Baked fish is no less tasty than fried. At the same time, it is prepared easier, faster, it turns out less fat and high-calorie,

even when using mayonnaise sauce. Make friends with popular recipes?

Fish under mayonnaise in the oven - general principles of preparation

For baking in the oven, sea or river fish, slices with bones, fillets or whole carcasses are suitable. In any case, you need to carefully

peel the husk, rinse the product, dry with napkins, cut if necessary.

Mayonnaise is used for filling dishes, pickling, or simply for lubricating the top layer. It is best to use fatty sauces. If a

on the packaging there are marks “light”, “low-calorie” or there are flavoring agents, the product may not behave very well during

heat treatment.

What fish is baked with:

• vegetables;

• cheese;

• mushrooms;

• olives;

• lemon.

For cooking, you need a form, a baking sheet, sometimes the dish is collected on foil or in a sleeve, you can stew fish in a pot, such a recipe

there is a little lower. The temperature in the oven depends on the type of additional ingredients, usually ranges from 170 to 200 degrees.

Simple fish in the oven with mayonnaise

To prepare such fish under mayonnaise in the oven, you can use any white fillet or portioned slices with bones and skin.

The simplest and most versatile recipe with a minimal amount of ingredients.


• 1 kg of fish;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 220 g of mayonnaise;

• 1 tsp seasoning for fish or just salt and pepper.


• We will prepare the fish according to all the rules, as described above. Cut into pieces so that the pulp is better soaked in sauce, it turns out


• Mix pre-shredded fresh garlic, mayonnaise, spices for fish or just pepper and salt.

• Add the mayonnaise dressing to the fish, rub each piece well with your hands, stir. If desired, you can leave for some

time for pickling. It will turn out even better.

• Put the pieces in a baking dish or just on a baking sheet. If the mayonnaise is good and greasy, then you do not need to lubricate.

• Bake at 200 degrees for half an hour. Fish does not like prolonged heat treatment, especially if small pieces are prepared.

Fish under mayonnaise in the oven with onions and carrots

The recipe for a delicious fish with vegetables under mayonnaise in the oven. We will take onions, carrots and pepper. But sometimes a little zucchini is added,

tomato, this can also be done.


• 2 onions;

• 700 g of any fish;

• carrots and bell peppers;

• 150 g of mayonnaise;

• spices, vinegar, oil.


1. We take any fish, you can filet. Cut into pieces of 50-80 grams. Mix mayonnaise with spices, add, stir well.

2. We clean vegetables. We chop the onion and pepper with a thin straw. You can also cut carrots into thin slices. Sprinkle the dining room

vinegar, just a little for taste and aroma, pepper and salt, then mnem hands. Juice should stand out from vegetables. You can take lemon juice

instead of vinegar, it will also turn out delicious.

3. Lubricate a small frying pan or baking dish with butter, lay out the vegetables, on top of the fish slices in mayonnaise.

4. Bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for about 30-35 minutes.

5. Serve fish pieces with vegetables, complement the dish with fresh herbs.

Fish under mayonnaise and cheese in the oven

To prepare this fish dish with mayonnaise in the oven, it is best to use fillets. Pieces with pits will not be very convenient



• 800 grams of fish;

• 130 grams of cheese;

• 160 grams of mayonnaise;

• clove of garlic;

• 2 pinches of pepper;

• some salt.


1. Rinse the fish fillet, cut across the strips, a width of not more than two centimeters.

2. Prepare the sauce: mix mayonnaise and one crushed clove of garlic, be sure to pepper, salt, mix.

3. Now you can put the fish in shape, gloss over the sauce. But it’s better to mix everything first. Then spread out. So mayonnaise will cover the pieces

from all sides.

4. We fall asleep with hard grated cheese.

5. Bake in the oven until golden brown on top at 180 degrees. Since the pieces are small, in time it will take about 25


Fish and Potato Oven with Mayonnaise

Fish and potatoes can be prepared in many ways, but both products are excellent in mayonnaise. For baking, use filet or

small pieces with the bones of a white river fish.


• 160 g of mayonnaise;

• 800 g of fish;

• 800 g of potatoes;

• 2 onion heads;

• salt pepper;

• 1 tbsp. l mustard.


1. Pepper mayonnaise, add mustard. Salt and stir.

2. The washed fish is cut into portions. It is not necessary to grind, so as not to overdry, as the potatoes are cooked longer.

3. Lubricate the slices with mayonnaise sauce. About half or a little more should go. Put in a bowl, cover to

the crust did not dry on top. Leave on the table to pickle.

4. For now, clean the bulbs. We cut them very thinly, almost transparently. You can make straws, rings or half rings.

5. Peel the potatoes. We cut it with plates, we make thickness about three millimeters. At the request of the potato, you can take more or


6. Add to the potato mayonnaise dressing with mustard, which remains. Stir, you can still salt or add seasonings for


7. Put a layer of potatoes on the bottom of the form. It can be beautifully laid out on the edge or lap.

8. Sprinkle with onion on top.

9. We lay out the fish, previously pickled in mayonnaise.

10. Cover the mold with foil. We send it to the oven for half an hour, cook at 180 degrees. Potato should reach half to


11. Then open the oven, carefully remove the foil. If you wish, you can now sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, a tasty crust will be. Or

re-grease with mayonnaise to make the fish even juicier.

12. Bake for about fifteen minutes.

Fish under mayonnaise in the oven (in pots)

The recipe for a wonderful dish of fish and vegetables in pots. It can be cooked in one large pot or used several small for

portion serving. In the first case, more time will be needed.


• 800 g of fish;

• 200 g of onion;

• 200 g of carrots;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 1 bell pepper;

• 200 g of mayonnaise.


1. Peel the onions and carrots, cut into thin rings. But carrots can be grated, only large. Shred pepper, straws, tomatoes

cut into small slices. If the tomatoes are large, then one is enough.

2. We drop all vegetables, except tomatoes, into one large bowl. Salt, season with other spices and add the whole mayonnaise.


3. We cut the fish in portions. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. You can just rub the pieces with fish seasonings from the bags.

4. We put fish and layered in pots, lubricated with butter from the inside, layered with vegetables. Finish assembling layers fresh

tomatoes Just stack a few pieces on top. Close the pots.

5. Send for an hour in the oven, put in a cold oven. We set the temperature for the fish to 170 degrees, you do not need to do it higher.

Oven mayonnaise fish casserole

To cook such a casserole, you will need boiled potatoes, as well as fish fillets. It can be absolutely anything at its discretion.


• 500 g fillet;

• 6 potatoes;

• 2 onions;

• 180 g of mayonnaise;

• 0.5 lemon;

• oil, spices;

• some crackers.


1. Cut the fish fillet into small cubes, sprinkle with spices, sprinkle with juice from half a lemon.

2. Onions, too, cut into cubes, fry in butter for a couple of minutes, just make the slices transparent.

3. Grate coarsely or chop finely boiled potatoes. Sprinkle with spices.

4. Grease the form, sprinkle with crackers. We spread half the chopped potatoes, fish on it, grease with half mayonnaise and

sprinkle with prepared onions.

5. Now lay out a new layer of potatoes, level, grease with the mayonnaise that remains. If desired, you can grind cheese, but

Little. If you want to get a crisp, then mix the grated cheese with a spoon of bread crumbs.

6. Cook the casserole for about half an hour in the oven.

Oven fish cutlets in the oven

A variant of juicy and tasty cutlets, for which we take any minced fish. For pouring, soy sauce is additionally required.


• 0.6 kg of minced meat;

• 2 slices of bread;

• 200 g mayonnaise;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• egg;

• onion;

• some milk, spices;

• clove of garlic.


1. Soak the bread in milk, you can just in water or any broth, knead, squeeze, add to the minced meat, break the egg there. Onion

chop and pour over. Put salt, pepper, stir. If suddenly the mass turns out to be weak, then add a spoonful of breadcrumbs


2. Sculpt round fish cakes, shift into shape.

3. We send for 15 minutes to the oven, the temperature is 200 degrees.

4. Mix soy sauce and mayonnaise, add garlic and 70-80 ml of water. Beat well until smooth.

5. Take out the patties, pour with mayonnaise, bring in the oven until cooked for about 15-20 minutes. Can be coated with a layer of grated cheese.

Fish under mayonnaise in the oven - useful tips and tricks

• If the fish is baked with potatoes, then the tubers can be previously lightly boiled in salted water, 6-7 minutes are enough. Then

they are cut, prepared according to the recipe. This technique will reduce and level cooking time with fish.

• If you want to get a ruddy and soft cheese crust on fish, then do not fall asleep immediately. Better apply a layer of grated cheese for minutes

15 to the end of cooking.

• Foodies believe that the best seasoning for fish is lemon juice. Feel free to pour slices of sour citrus!


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