The simplest and most effective exercises of Maya Gogulan, based on the K. Niche system. How to beat the disease with Maya Gogulan exercises


The name Maya Gogulan belongs to an incredibly strong woman who, from her own experience, knew what cancer is. Faced with cancer, she worthily accepted this battle.

Maya Gogulan resolutely abandoned her usual everyday life and went along the new, unexplored path of Nishe.

Combining special exercises and hardening the body with a special diet and the right psychological attitude, the woman emerged victorious from this battle.

Maya Gogulan exercises: description of the complex

The simplest exercises of Maya Gogulan do not just give people hope. This complex has already been tested in practice. It really helps to heal the whole body as a whole. We will tell you in detail about how to do the exercises of Maya Gogulan correctly.

Below are the most effective exercises of Maya Gogulan.

The first exercise - "Goldfish"

Before you begin the first exercise, you need to prepare your body, or rather - the spine.

Proper preparation of the spine to perform the exercise "Goldfish":

1. You need to lie on a hard surface (it can be a bed or floor) in accordance with the following rules:

• The face should be directed only upwards;

• Hands should be extended as far behind the head. You cannot bend your arms at the elbows;

• Legs, as well as arms, should be as extended as possible. Toes need to reach for the head all the time, feet should be raised as much as possible;

• The whole body should be firmly and confidently lying on a solid surface, even if possible squeezing into it as hard as possible. This is especially true of the calf muscles, the popliteal region and the back of the head.

2. Having settled down in accordance with the above rules, begin to stretch gently. Imagine that you need to stretch your body as much as possible in different directions. Enough 6-7 times sipping.

The correct implementation of the exercise "Goldfish" Maya Gogulan:

1. The starting position needs to be slightly changed. Bend your arms at your elbows and place your palms under your neck;

2. Maximize your whole body against a hard surface. This is especially true of the lower back, popliteal region, buttocks, calf muscles, neck and other "uneven" lines of our body;

3. Imagine a fish swimming. Start imitating the movements of a floating fish.


Performing twisting movements of a floating fish, be sure to monitor the position of your spine. The correct implementation of this exercise involves a fixed position of the spine. Remember that it should be in close contact with a solid surface. The effectiveness of the Goldfish exercise depends on this detail.

What do we get as a result of the exercise "Goldfish"?

The end result of the systematic execution of this exercise in accordance with all the rules is perfect posture. People suffering from curvature of the spine will achieve its evenness.

It is important to consider that in order to get a good result from the "Golden Fish", the implementation of this exercise must be combined with the first two health rules. We will talk more about them a little later.

The second exercise - "For the health of capillaries"

Exercise "For the health of capillaries" is a kind of recumbent jogging. The beneficial effect of healing capillaries, which gives the body jogging, is 100 percent achieved by this exercise.


The difference from jogging is that the exercise "For the health of capillaries" absolutely does not load the joints and heart of a person. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the exercise can be performed by absolutely all people - suffering from cardiovascular diseases, bedridden, elderly and so on.

The correct implementation of the exercise “For the health of capillaries” is described below:

1. Sit on a hard surface of the floor or bed while lying on your back. Straighten your body;

2. Take a hard roller or a hard pillow and put under the neck;

3. Hands should be raised up without bending at the elbows;

4. The legs also need to be lifted up so that together with the body they form a right angle. Place your feet parallel to your body;

5. Proceed with this exercise. Start shaking with your feet and hands, without stopping for 2-3 minutes.

It is important to know that in order to achieve a better result, this exercise should be performed twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening.


Maya Gogulan suggests stripping out before doing this exercise. She claims that this action will serve the triple recovery of your body - the health of the skin, heart and all organs.

The third exercise - "Closing the feet and hands"

The exercise consists of two parts:

• Preliminary part;

• Main part.

Each of them contains a system of specific exercises. What they have in common is their initial starting position.

The correct starting position of the exercise "Closing the feet and hands":

1. Sit on your back on a hard surface of the bed or floor;

2. Under the neck, put a dense roller or a solid pillow;

3. Clasp your hands in front of you;

4. Feet to take the position of a floating frog (bend your legs at the knee, close your feet and spread your knees as much as possible).

Let us consider in more detail the exercise system of the preliminary part:

• 10 times forcefully press the pads of each finger to each other;

• Press the pads of the fingers and pads of the palms 10 times;

• 10 times press palms to each other;

• Close your bent elbows as tight as possible. The palms also remain closed. Keep your hands in this position behind your head and begin to make, as it were, "cutting" movements along the entire body - from the head to the abdomen. In this case, closed hands should be directed to the head. It is necessary to make 10 such "cuts";

• Do the same “cutting”, only with a smaller amplitude and in the opposite direction. Point your hands to the side of your legs, move your hands from the pubic part to the stomach. There should also be 10 such short reverse “cuts”;

• Stretch your arms closed in your palms in front of you and begin to cut through them the air along your body (10 times);

• Position the closed hands on the solar plexus. Start moving your closed feet half the length of your foot the same 10 times;

• Simultaneous movement of closed arms and legs. For proper execution, imagine that you need to stretch your spine. The number of times ranges from 10 to 60.

The correct implementation of the main part of the exercise "Closing the feet and hands":

1. The starting position as a whole remains the same as in the preliminary part. Put your closed hands on your chest, fingertips should look at the ceiling;

2. Press foot on foot and spread your knees as wide as possible;

3. Relax other parts of the body and close your eyes. Wake up in this position for a while (5-10 minutes).


The purpose of the preliminary part of this exercise is to improve the diaphragm. As a result, cleansing and nutrition of the whole body. The main part of the exercise is aimed at overcoming absolutely all disorders in your body. The closure of the feet and hands significantly improves the functioning of the nervous system, heals the blood vessels, corrects muscle coordination and positively affects the work of the limbs.

The fourth exercise - "For the back and abdomen"

This exercise includes two stages - preparatory and main. As in the previous exercise, the starting position for the two stages is the same.

To take the correct starting position, you need:

• Sit on a hard floor with your legs bent under you. Spread your knees and place your heels under your buttocks. Watch for the full directness of your spine;

• Fix the tongue in the sky and tightly tighten the lips;

• Start breathing deeply and calmly.

The preparatory phase consists of two parts, each of which is represented by two sets of exercises.

How to carry out the exercises of the preparatory stage, as described below:

1. This part involves raising the shoulders. Raise your shoulders 10 times, after which you need to perform the following exercises:

a) In the initial position, extend both arms forward and place them parallel to each other. Turn around over your left shoulder and try to look from the tailbone and along the spine. Repeat with the right shoulder;

b) You need to perform the same exercise, only with this you need to stretch your arms up.


Exercises "a" and "b", described above, must be repeated after each exercise from the second part.

2. The second part is the following set of exercises:

• Head tilts left and right, forward and backward 10 times on each side;

• Turning the head to the right and left 10 times on each side;

• Tilt your head to the right and touch your right ear to your right shoulder. Then you need to make a smooth, but deep roll of the head from the right shoulder to the left shoulder on the side of the back. Repeat the same with the left shoulder;

• While in the starting position, stretch your arms forward and bend them at a right angle. Squeeze your hands into tight fists and lean your head back (the angle of the chin is looking up). In this position, take your hands back to the maximum, as if trying to close them behind your back. Repeat 10 times.

The following describes the correct implementation of the main stage of the exercise:

Sitting in the starting position, you need to mentally relax and begin to swing to the right and left.


For a better result, Maya Gogulan advises saying good words about herself when doing this exercise. For example, in this way: "Every day the disease leaves me, my body becomes strong and healthy ..." and so on.

Supplement to the Maya Gogulan Complex: Essential Health Rules

The result of the above exercises will be much better if, in combination with them, the health rules are followed. Without following the rules, the effectiveness of exercises is greatly reduced.

Health Rules by Maya Gogulan:

1. Hard mattress. For a healthy and proper functioning of the whole organism, sleeping on a firm, even mattress is very important. The health of the heart, liver, spine and other organs depends on this;

2. A firm pillow. Maya Gogulan recommends placing a firm pillow or roller under the neck at night.


Watch the video: 531: The Simplest and Most Effective Training System for Raw Strength w Jim Wendler - EP 168 (July 2024).