Vanilla buns - the aroma of homemade muffin. Recipes of vanilla buns from yeast and cottage cheese dough: according to GOST and home-made


Delicate airy buns with a delicate aroma of vanilla, what could be better for tea drinking in a narrow family circle? Homemade vanilla pastries give the usual atmosphere a special atmosphere of comfort, care and warmth.

General principles for making vanilla rolls

• Vanilla buns are baked mainly from yeast dough. There are plenty of ways to cook it, and each is good in its own way. There are no fundamental differences in the technology of kneading: any used yeast is activated in a warm liquid with sugar, and allowed to stand until foaming. Then mixed with other products. There are recipes for simple baking from cottage cheese dough and more complicated - on a dough.

• Vanilla aroma for baking gives vanilla powder or sugar mixed with dough with its addition. Typically, this flavoring is sold in small bags. If the pack contains powdered vanillin, they usually say “Vanilla” on them, if it is mixed with sugar, indicate “Vanilla sugar”. In either case, you can use both of them, but you need to note that you need to take twice as much vanilla sugar.

• Form buns in different ways. Someone puts the dough on a baking sheet in the form of balls, others form peculiar curls from it, or add to the filling.

• For a special flavor, greased buns are sprinkled with baked vanilla flavoring before baking.

Awesome eggless vanilla buns with sugar from aerial dough


• high-grade, wheat flour - 300-350 gr.;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• 18 gr. pressed natural yeast;

• vanilla powder, crystalline - 1/2 tsp;

• sweet cream butter or margarine - 20 grams;

• for sprinkling vanilla sugar;

• a glass of pasteurized, medium-fat milk;

• one egg, the first category.

Cooking method:

1. In a small bowl with your fingers we color the yeast. Add a teaspoon of granulated sugar, grind. Then we pour a glass of warm milk, add a little flour and stir thoroughly. We make sure that some of the yeast does not remain at the bottom. Set the bowl aside, closer to the heat, and wait for activation.

2. Melt, cool the oil (margarine) to air temperature.

3. When the yeast mass begins to foam and rises with a hat, pour it into the sifted flour, add the remaining sugar, vanilla powder and salt. Knead the dough. We melt the melted fat at the end. The resulting plastic dough is collected in a bowl, put in a deep pan greased with vegetable oil. Cover with a cloth and leave for an hour. We put the container closer to the heat, make sure that there is no draft.

4. We spread the dough from the container onto the table, crumple a little and cut into small balls.

5. Lubricate the roasting pan with non-aromatic oil, lay out pieces of dough on it, giving them an oval shape. On each workpiece we make three longitudinal cuts. Caution! Do not cut to the end at least a centimeter. Cover with a cloth, leave for a quarter of an hour.

6. Beat the egg, grease them with the suitable buns, sprinkle them with vanilla sugar and put in the oven. Bake for 25 minutes.

Butter Vanilla Dough Buns


• a glass of milk;

• pressed fresh yeast - 20 grams;

• half a glass of sugar;

• two eggs, perfect;

• 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• 50 gr. "Peasant" butter, interchangeable with good margarine;

• 8 grams of vanilla powder.

For coating:

• raw yolk;

• a spoonful of greasy cream.

Cooking method:

1. Warm up the milk. It should not be hot, otherwise the yeast bacteria run the risk of dying, and the pastries will be spoiled. Make sure that its temperature does not rise above 40 degrees, ideally up to 38.

2. Pour about a third of the milk into a small bowl, preferably narrow and tall. Bring a spoonful of sugar in it, add crumbled yeast. Stir until they completely dissolve, and leave for a while. We are waiting for intense foaming.

3. We prepare other products. Beat the eggs, melt and cool the butter.

4. In a wide, sufficiently capacious, bowl, sift the flour. Add a little salt, all the remaining sugar and vanilla powder. We pour already beaten eggs and vegetable oil to the flour. Pour the melted butter, the remaining milk and the activated yeast, knead. After manual kneading on the table, you should get a soft, plastic dough.

5. Putting in a greased bowl, put the dough formed into a ball for 60 minutes in heat. Do not forget to cover the container with a tissue, so as not to wind off.

6. Having risen well, almost tripled, we cut the dough into 15 pieces of equal size and roll it into balls. Cover with a towel and forget about them for a quarter of an hour.

7. After that, we roll the balls with oblong layers, 8 cm wide, then bend them lengthwise and turn them into rather dense rolls. We spread on the oiled, laid on the frypot, parchment, cover again and once again leave the dough for a distance, but for 30 minutes.

8. Lubricate the approached buns with an egg whipped with cream, put in an already hot oven. Cook baking for at least half an hour.

Fast Vanilla Curd Dough Buns


• half a kilo of cottage cheese and flour;

• half a glass of sugar;

• a spoon of soda;

• 10 gr. vanilla crystalline sugar;

• four selected eggs;

• a teaspoon of Extra fine salt.

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl with grated cottage cheese, break the eggs one by one and mix thoroughly each time until smooth. Then add vanilla and regular sugar, quick soda, salt a little and stir well.

2. Parts, well interfering, sprinkle flour to the curd mass. At the end, it should not become dry, it should turn out to be moderately sticky dough.

3. We cover the roasting pan with parchment, apply thinly sunflower oil on it, grease it with our hands.

4. Form buns from the dough, give them a rounded shape and lay them on a baking sheet. If necessary, add a little oil in the palm of your hand.

5. Put the baking sheet in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove the buns from the roasting pan when they cool slightly.

Yeast vanilla buns on kefir


• one and a half glasses of kefir;

• two eggs;

• granulated sugar - 75 g .;

• a little more than half a packet of creamy margarine;

• drinking water - 50 ml;

• vanilla powder - 2 tsp;

• a small bag of yeast granules weighing 8 grams;

• 3.5 cups flour in the dough and half a glass for adding.

Cooking method:

1. Mix yeast with a spoonful of sugar. Add warm water to them, stirring intensively, bring to uniformity. The mixture should not contain undissolved yeast.

2. Pour warm kefir into a deep bowl, stir it until smooth with eggs. Add melted, cooled margarine, a small pinch of salt and the remaining sugar. Thoroughly stir, pour the flour. First, with a spoon, and then with your hands, knead the dough. You can use the mixer by installing a special nozzle. Let the dough stand in the heat for at least an hour. Be sure to cover the container with something "breathable", for example, a linen towel.

3. Sprinkle the table with flour, transfer the raised dough onto it and cut it into small pieces. We roll them with thick, elongated flagella, tie them into knots.

4. We spread the resulting "pretzels" on an oiled roasting pan. Let stand warm for about half an hour. Lubricate the workpiece, beat with a spoon of yogurt kefir, bake, setting 200 degrees, about fifteen minutes, until cooked.

Butter vanilla buns according to GOST - "Nostalgia"


For dough

• fresh, preferably alcoholic, yeast - 8 g .;

• 250 gr. white flour;

• milk 75 ml;

• 65 gr. drinking water.

Into the dough

• high-quality wheat flour - 250 gr.;

• 8 gr. alcohol yeast;

• water - 70 ml;

• half a spoon of salt;

• sweet cream, medium fat oil - 75 gr.;

• two large eggs;

• 75 ml of milk;

• vanilla powder - 3 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Preparing the dough. Rub the pressed yeast into the bowl with your fingers, pour sugar, fill it with a warm mixture of milk and water, stir. Having received a homogeneous mixture, we pour flour into it and again mix well. There should be no lumps.

2. Covering the dough with a linen napkin, leave it for three hours in the room without drafts, closer to the heat.

3. When the dough rises well and begins to fall, we proceed to the test. Melt the oil in any convenient way, cool. In a small bowl, while weaving, but not whipping, we bring the eggs to homogeneity.

4. Sift the flour into a large, wide bowl, add the crushed yeast, sugar, then vanilla and salt. We add eggs, but not all, but only 65 g., Pour the dough and grind everything with our hands, then carefully knead. At the end of the process, we introduce the whole melted margarine.

5. We spread the dough in a high capacity and let it approach in the heat. We stand for at least two hours.

6. Well-suited dough without crushing, cut into nine pieces, about the same weight. Having rolled into balls, we lay out on a brazier, leaving gaps of no more than one centimeter, and leave for an hour.

7. Pour a little milk into the remaining egg mass and beat well. You can add a little sugar or powder to make the crust sweet.

8. Carefully, so as not to accidentally precipitate, lubricate the workpieces with an egg-milk mixture and set to bake for half an hour. Ready vanilla rolls carefully, so as not to break the layer, transfer from the fryer to a towel or wire rack, cool.

Original vanilla buns made of yeast dough with mayonnaise - "Sour cream"


• kilogram of flour;

• 50 gr. natural yeast;

• half a liter of milk;

• half a pack of margarine;

• a little over 0.5 cups of sugar;

• four tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 40 grams of vegetable oil.

To the filling

• 400 gr. oily sour cream;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• 60 grams of "Peasant" oil;

• four tablespoons of flour;

• one protein;

• a bag of vanilla powder.


• one yolk.

Cooking method:

1. In slightly warmed milk we breed two tablespoons of sugar with yeast. Add three tablespoons of flour and, slowly stirring, bring the yeast mixture to homogeneity.

2. Pour the remaining sugar in a wide bowl, put mayonnaise, salt, vegetable oil and melted, cooled margarine, mix. Pour in the suitable yeast here, sift the whole measure of flour and knead the dough. Tightening the bowl with a film or covering with a towel, we put in heat.

3. When the dough increases markedly in volume, after about an hour, we crush it and wait for a second rise. Then we transfer to the table, having washed several times, we cut into 18 balls. We lay them out on a table powdered with flour, cover and leave for half an hour.

4. While the workpieces rise, prepare the filling. We spread the sour cream in a bowl, pour the protein to it, put the rest of the products and mix thoroughly.

5. Cover the large roasting pan with parchment paper and apply on a little vegetable oil. We shift the increased balls from the table to the baking sheet, press each bottom of the glass cup.

6. Pour a little water to the left yolk, whisk. With the prepared mixture, grease the billets laid out on a baking sheet. We fill in the recesses with vanilla filling from sour cream, set the roasting pan in the oven. Bake "Sour Cream" 30 minutes.

Vanilla Muffin Tricks and Tips for Recipes

• A yeast-dough dough must take time to rise. It should at least triple in volume, at least - double. Only from well-aged, correctly risen dough will you get soft buns.

• In the presence of vanilla extract, loose fragrances can be replaced by it. For this, the proportions recommended in the instructions attached to the bottle should be strictly observed.

• The surface of the vanilla rolls will have a glossy shine if greased with sugar syrup or whipped yolk. By adding vanilla extract to such a smear, you can get a more aromatic baking.


Watch the video: DIY Trolls Squishy: Vanilla Scented Cupcake! TROLLS (June 2024).