Stacks of minced meat in the oven under a fur coat: a step by step recipe. Alternative to cutlets: minced meat shavings in the oven under a cheese coat


Meatballs, meatballs, meatballs - many beloved meat dishes. They cook quickly, they turn out to be surprisingly tasty, soft and aromatic. But sometimes even they become boring. We offer you step-by-step recipes for an interesting mincemeat dish: a stack under a fur coat. Moreover, the "fur coat" for the cutlet-huts can be different each time, which means that there will always be a new dish on your table. So, it is dedicated to all lovers of hot minced meat.

Step-by-step recipe for minced meat stacks in the oven under a fur coat: general principles

For the preparation of minced meat, you can use beef, pork, chicken. Tasty stacks of mixed minced meat. Do not take too fatty pieces, pulp with small fatty layers is best suited.

Add minced egg, spices and salt. The mass is carefully beaten, oval or round cutlets of flattened shape are formed from it.

On the prepared stacks lay out a "fur coat". The composition of the "fur coat" may include a variety of products, it all depends on your taste preferences:

• mushrooms;

• potatoes;

• boiled grated eggs;

• greenery;

• bow;

• tomatoes;

• grated cheese;

• and much more.

Depending on the recipe, the additional ingredients of the dish are pre-boiled or fried, or placed on the surface of the prepared cutlets in raw form.

Next, the stacks are laid out on an oiled baking sheet and sent to the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.

To make the stacks tastier and more palatable, sprinkle with grated cheese before baking.

1. Stuffed minced meat in the oven under a fur coat: a step by step recipe


• pork - a small piece;

• fillet of young beef - a small piece;

• three chicken eggs;

• onion head;

• three potato tubers;

• a slice of Dutch cheese;

• finely ground salt - ten grams;

• vegetable oil - five large spoons;

• 3-4 stalks of fresh parsley for decoration (optional);

• three branches of fresh dill for minced meat.

Meat stoops will turn out tastier and more aromatic if you add various seasonings, so prepare any spices to your taste in advance, for example, seasonings for meat dishes, paprika, a pinch of black allspice.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare minced meat for the stove tops in the oven: thoroughly rinse the pork, if necessary cut the films, excess fat, cut the flesh into small pieces. Rinse the young beef fillet and cut into slices. Grind pork and young beef in a meat grinder or in a blender, mix well.

2. Pour salt, any seasonings, and pepper into the minced meat. Add chopped dill, mix everything thoroughly.

3. Put the minced meat from the bowl and beat it, throwing it on the table, so the mass will become airy, so that the finished products will turn out soft and will not fall apart during baking.

4. Wash chicken eggs, put in a small saucepan, pour in water, cook after boiling over moderate heat for about five minutes. After boiling, cool the eggs in cold water. Peel and grind with fine teeth.

5. Cheese also grate. You can use any other hard or semi-hard varieties instead of Dutch cheese.

6. Peel the onion, cut into small crumbs, put it in a frying pan in the heated vegetable oil, fry a little, stirring, until light brown.

7. Peel, wash, grind the raw potatoes on a grater.

8. From the cooked minced meat with your hands slightly moistened in water, make round slightly flattened meatballs.

9. Take a baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil, put the formed patties at a distance of at least 2.5 centimeters from each other.

10. On top of the cutlets, lay the first layer of fried onions, then eggs and potatoes.

11. Sprinkle the grated cheese over the stacks.

12. Place the baking tray with the huts in a preheated oven and bake for no more than thirty minutes at a moderate temperature. And so that the bottom stacks do not burn, put a container of water on the lower tier of the oven.

13. The readiness of the stacks is determined by the beautiful light brown cheese crust.

14. When serving, put the stacks on the serving plates, garnish with parsley branches. If desired, lay sliced ​​slices of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers next to them.

2. Stuffed chicken mince under a fur coat: a step by step recipe with tomatoes


• three medium chicken legs;

• onion - two heads;

• fresh tomato - one piece;

• mayonnaise - four large spoons;

• 15 grams of salt and black pepper;

• wheat flour - two handfuls (for crumbling stacks);

• fresh parsley - four branches for decoration;

• fresh dill - four branches in minced meat;

• spices;

• vegetable oil - 50 ml for greasing a baking sheet.

Scoops will turn out prettier and tastier if sprinkled with cheese crumbs, so take another slice of any hard cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Defrost chicken legs, carefully separate the flesh from the bones. Throw away the bones, and twist the flesh through a meat grinder.

2. Pour salt, pepper, spices, chopped dill into the resulting meat mass, mix well.

3. Form flattened meatballs in round shape from minced chicken. Sprinkle flour on both sides of the flour.

4. On the greased baking sheet, place the formed stitches (you can not grease, just cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment paper).

5. Peel two onions, cut into strips, lay them on top into stacks.

6. Wash the tomato, cut into slices and lay on top of the onion.

7. Grind a slice of Dutch or any other hard cheese, sprinkle them with tomatoes.

8. On top of the cheese, draw a pattern in the form of a mesh of mayonnaise.

9. Place the baking tray with meat steaks in a hot oven and bake for half an hour at moderate temperature.

10. Serve hot, nearby you can optionally put any side dish: of stewed vegetables, boiled potatoes, boiled rice. Garnish the dish with sprigs of fresh parsley.

3. Stuffed minced meat in the oven under a fur coat: a step by step recipe with mushrooms and spices


• pork tenderloin - a little less than half a kilogram;

• small fresh champignons - seven pieces;

• one potato;

• one egg;

• garlic - five cloves;

• wheat flour - half a glass;

• onion head;

• a bunch of leeks;

• Gruyere cheese and Cheddar cheese - in a small piece;

• olive oil - 70 ml;

• ten grams of black pepper and salt;

• ground cumin, paprika - half a pack;

• fresh marjoram - five leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tenderloin under running water and pat dry on paper towels. Grind the meat in a meat grinder.

2. Salt minced meat, pepper, season with a small amount of ground paprika, caraway seeds.

3. Add a raw egg, stir well, lightly beat on the table.

4. Grease a flat baking sheet with olive oil.

5. With wet hands, form small cutlets from the cooked pork minced meat, press them lightly with your hand, making a flat cake. Sprinkle each cutlet with sifted flour and put on a prepared baking sheet at a distance of three centimeters from each other.

6. Peel the onion with garlic, peel the onion into small pieces, and squeeze the garlic through the garlic.

7. Peel, wash, grind the raw potatoes on a grater.

8. Hard cheeses also grate on the same grater as potatoes.

9. If necessary, clean fresh mushrooms from dirt, wash, cut into cubes, put in a frying pan in warmed olive oil, add chopped onions, garlic, potatoes to them and fry, stirring, for about 12-13 minutes.

10. Pour the remaining paprika, caraway seeds and any other seasoning for meat dishes into a pan with mushrooms with vegetables, fry for another three minutes.

11. Put the cooked fry over the entire surface of the stacks, sprinkle well with cheese.

12. Place a baking sheet in a hot oven and bake at a moderate temperature for about half an hour until the cheese is completely melted.

13. Put the prepared stacks directly hot on portioned plates, decorate with fresh marjoram leaves.

14. Next to the stacks on each plate you can put a side dish of boiled buckwheat, rice, pasta and pour some sauce, for example, sour cream, tomato.

Step by step recipes for minced meat in the oven under a fur coat: tips and secrets

• Stacks from fresh, previously not frozen minced meat are tastiest.

• Unlike cutlets, do not put a soaked bun in the mincemeat of the stacks.

• Eggs added to minced meat can make the finished product harsh. To avoid this is simple: put only the yolk in the meat mass or use no more than one egg per kilogram of minced meat.

• The stacks will be softer and juicier if you add a little boiling water to the minced meat.

• To prevent the ground beef stews from becoming dry, add a little fat to the ground beef.

• When spreading the stacks on a baking sheet, be sure to leave a gap between them so that they bake on all sides at the same time.

• Prepared patty cutlets, if desired, can be sprinkled with breading: ground crackers, flour, semolina, sesame seeds.

• The taste of the prepared stacks depends not only on the products and meat used for the coat, but also on the choice of spices. Try to add aromatic herbs, paprika, allspice, fresh herbs, chopped raw or fried onions, a little tomato paste to the minced meat.

• Usually, the stacks are served without a side dish, supplemented only with fresh or canned vegetables. But you can optionally serve boiled rice, buckwheat, and mashed potatoes for them. Enjoy your meal.


Watch the video: The Best Ever Bacon And Meat Lovers Recipe (June 2024).