Moisturizing mask for dry hair with oils and nutrients. The best recipes for moisturizing dry hair masks


Dry hair is delivered no less trouble than oily. The strands look lifeless, the hairstyle falls apart, there is no volume. A moisturizing mask for dry hair is a quick help to curls. Prepare it yourself - it is not expensive, effective and useful.

Causes of Dry Hair

Most often, the hair becomes dry in the summer. The scorching rays of the sun, the ubiquitous dust, the harsh wind and the salty sea water are quite sufficient reasons for the structure of the hair rods to weaken. In winter, hair is also stressed by temperature extremes and warm, heavy hats.

Dryness and cross-section of hair can be a signal of metabolic disturbances. If the body lacks vitamins, fats, hair follicles get less nutrients, and the hair deteriorates.

Finally, improper care, the constant use of a hair dryer, ironing and curling irons also lead to dryness. To replenish your hair with health, firmness and shine, you need regular care and prevention.

Dry Hair Mask Components

To moisturize your hair, you can use inexpensive pharmacy oils and food products found in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinet as components of the mask.

• Natural dairy products perfectly moisturize damaged hair rods. Kefir, whey, yogurt, yogurt - all this can be done with the components of the mask.

• Cosmetic oils, among which the most popular and effective are burdock and castor. But the hair is gratefully accepted and edible oils - linseed, olive. They contain useful fatty acids, vitamins, phospholipids, which protect the scalp from drying out.

• Honey, chicken eggs - a source of many substances that moisturize and nourish hair.

• Glycerin, which can be bought at a pharmacy, is one of the best moisturizing drugs.

In addition, moisturizing masks for dry hair sometimes include solutions of vitamins E or A, extract or aloe juice. They have a beneficial effect on the roots and on the hair rods.

How to use homemade hair masks

After mixing the composition, immediately apply it to the hair. With dry scalp, rub the mask into the roots, then distribute it in locks. To quickly restore a healthy hair structure, make masks with a course of 10 procedures. Apply them twice a week. For preventive purposes, mask once a week or ten days.

To make the mask components better penetrate the scales of the hair shaft, apply clean, slightly damp hair. An exception is moisturizing hair masks with oils. Apply such formulations to dirty, dry hair.

Be sure to insulate your head. Cover your masked hair, put on a warm hat, or just make a turban from a thick towel. Heat enhances the action of the ingredients.

Oil Moisturizing Masks for Dry Hair

Oils for restoring dry hair and maintaining a normal level of hydration are very popular. The easiest option is to make a monomask, treating the curls with any cosmetic or edible unrefined oil. Preheat it by holding it over boiling water. Rub into the roots, gently apply along the entire length of the strands. Depending on their length, the procedure will take 2-4 tablespoons of oil.

Such a mask will deeply moisturize the rods, make hair smooth, shiny, strong. A similar effect will be obtained by mixing several types of oils.

With glycerin, egg and vinegar

This is an express mask that will give a result after the first procedure. Curls will begin to shine, become obedient and alive.


• three tablespoons of olive oil;

• a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar;

• a teaspoon of glycerin;

• a raw egg.

Beat the egg in foam. Heat oil over boiling water. Combine all ingredients and apply to hair.

Gelatin, vitamin solutions

This moisturizing mask for dry hair is a real salvation. The oil composition will fill the scales of the hair rods, restore their healthy structure and make the hairstyle beautiful.


• a tablespoon of gelatin powder;

• half a glass of water;

• a tablespoon of castor oil;

• a teaspoon of a solution of vitamins A and E.

Dissolve the gelatin according to the instructions or just pour warm water for about forty minutes, and then warm over low heat until the grains melt. Pour the oils into the cooled gelatin, stir and apply the composition to the hair. Be sure to wear a warming cap.

Restorative Moisturizing Masks for Dry Hair

Food is a great base for homemade masks. Honey, sour-milk products, aloe, onion are especially useful for dry hair.

Kefir mask

Kefir, yogurt, yogurt will help restore hair structure. The mask is very simple, but effective, especially if you use it as a prevention of split ends. Take 150 ml of fermented milk product (without sugar and additives), slightly heat in a water bath until warm. Wash your head. Rub into the roots, then apply liberally to the strands.

Mask on kefir, honey and olive oil

A more complex composition for deep hydration, shine, root nutrition and restoration of the hair structure. After the procedure, the hairstyle becomes perfect.


• half a glass of kefir, yogurt or yogurt;

• a tablespoon of liquid honey;

• a tablespoon of olive oil (can be replaced with almond).

Melt thick or candied honey in a water bath or microwave. Heat oil in a separate bowl. Mix the ingredients until a pleasant homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to the roots, then comb with wide teeth comb in strands.

Mask with yolk, coconut oil and aloe

A wonderful restorative and moisturizing mask for dry hair, which gives an effect from the first procedure. If you do not have homemade aloe juice, you can replace it with a pharmacy extract of the plant.


• half a glass of thick yogurt or kefir;

• two dessert spoons of aloe juice;

• raw yolk;

• a tablespoon of coconut or almond oil.

Hold coconut oil over boiling water to melt. Separate the yolk, hammer it with a fork. Combine all components and immediately use the mask.

Mask with honey, yolk and vegetable oil

Shiny hair, easy styling and lively elasticity of curls - this is what this composition gives.


• a large spoon of honey;

• two to three tablespoons of olive oil, almond or burdock;

• fresh yolk.

Heat the honey so that it becomes liquid. Separate and whisk the yolk. Combine everything in one bowl, mix thoroughly and gently apply to the strands along the entire length.

Multi-component mask

Each component of this mixture has a beneficial effect on curls. After the procedure, they are well moisturized, shine and delight in smoothness.


• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• raw yolk;

• half the average lemon;

• one capsule of solutions of vitamins A and E;

• two tablespoons of honey.

Separate the yolk and rub it with olive oil. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Melt the honey. Mix all the ingredients in a homogeneous mass and immediately distribute through the hair.

Sour cream, butter, yolk

This composition is good for curly hair. If curls ceased to obey, make this moisturizing mask for dry hair.


• a tablespoon with a slide of low-fat sour cream;

• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• a tablespoon of castor oil;

• fresh yolk.

Beat the yolk in a peeling bowl. Mix oils and sour cream, mix vigorously. Add the yolk to the emulsion, whisk again and use.

Mask with onion and aloe

This composition moisturizes hair of any type, and also heals the scalp. Saturates follicles with nutrients, gives a well-groomed appearance to the hairstyle.


• a leaf of homemade aloe (can be replaced with a teaspoon of pharmacy extract);

• small onion;

• a tablespoon with a slide of sour cream (it is better to take low-fat);

• a teaspoon of burdock oil;

• a large spoon of honey.

Squeeze the juice from aloe and onion. Melt honey over boiling water. Mix the ingredients and make a mask.

To get rid of the unpleasant onion smell, after washing off the moisturizing mask for dry hair, wash your hair with shampoo, rinse your hair with lemon or vinegar water. You can prepare a neutralizing rinse by adding five drops of peppermint oil to a liter of water.

Take care of your hair, do not let it dry at any time of the year and be beautiful!


Watch the video: $3 DIY MIRACLE MASK FOR DRY, DAMAGED HAIR! (July 2024).