What is the dream of a big dog: white, black, spotty, mad? Basic Interpretations - What a big dog dreams of


In a dream, not only people can appear, but also animals. What is the big dog dreaming about? How to interpret such a dream is worth understanding.

What a big dog dreams about - basic interpretation

The dream in which you had a big dog is clearly auspicious. But, it is worth paying attention to other details of sleep:

· Where did the dog come from in your dream;

· What color was she;

· What breed was the dog;

· Was the dog alone;

· What emotions did your dream arouse?

· Did you feed the dog.

If you dreamed of a huge dog that suddenly settled in your house - you should expect the arrival of a long-time friend who will come to your doorstep with good news. It will be a pleasant meeting and a pleasant pastime.

It is also worth preparing for the arrival of guests if you hear a dog barking in the distance. This will give you the opportunity to prepare for a pleasant meeting. But do not reveal your secrets on this day. It can hurt you. And the point is not that evil people will come to you, you just open your soul at the wrong time.

If you dream that the dog was white, you will have success in all your endeavors. You should prepare for pleasant surprises at work. If you see a white big dog laying at your feet - all the projects and plans that you have in mind are realized at lightning speed. You should only want this.

If you dream that someone gave you a white puppy, and then he turned into a huge dog, they will wish you good and happiness, wish love and joy, and these wishes will come true. Such a dream can also promise you a present from a pure heart. It will be a really useful and important thing for you.

The dream in which you comb out a large white dog means that you will free your past from negative experience. You can enter a new carefree life, filled with happiness and joy.

Try to pay more attention to the house if you dream of a big red dog. Such a dream promises you unreasonable jealousy and a lack of attention from you to your household. Now is the time to give them more attention. If you do not, your house will be swept by a wave of empty quarrels and clarifications. Passions will settle in it and will not allow you to calmly build relationships further.

If you dream of a big black dog - it is worth thinking about your health, maybe you are too tired, spend little time on rest. Overwork can negatively affect you. Try to devote more time to yourself and your health.

If you dream that you are stroking a big black dog, and in your hand there is a tuft of wool - someone from the past is ready to remember all your sins. You should not be happy to meet an unexpected guest - he will bring chaos and disorder into your life. Even if it will be one of your relatives, try not to trust that person too much.

Take a look at first, only then make a decision - to build your life, trusting this person. Such a situation may arise that you just really want to trust this person. Dream interpretation warns against this. For now, it’s worth to refrain.

If you see a dream in which a huge black dog lies down on you and it’s hard for you to breathe, such a dream says that routine, a huge number of cases will fall on you, and you will simply have to deal with each case individually. It will not be some minor chores. These will be long forgotten and discarded commitments.

You tried so long and carefully to get away from them. But now you better take the matter seriously. Otherwise, you will simply accumulate problems and obligations. Try to devote more time to your loved ones. And do not dive headlong into work. But, if the matter requires it - it is worth moving the rest and the trip. They will not bring you joy and happiness now.

If you dream of a spotty dog ​​that seems to be changing color, strange and elusive, but pleasant changes in life await you. Do not worry about this - the dream book advises to take everything for granted. You should lead a correct lifestyle in the near future and not arrange stormy parties if you dreamed of a short-cropped big dog.

Such a dream means that you can lose important vital values ​​for you, which until recently were considered basic for yourself. You can also lose your reputation and the trust of colleagues if you do not take yourself seriously and what you do.

If in a dream you are feeding a large dog from your hand, pleasant moments await you, which will be the result of your painstaking work. It is also important to remember if you are not afraid of a dog in a dream. If a chill runs down your spine when you see a dog, such a dream says that you are not ready for changes. You are not ready for active work on yourself. You will even be afraid to accept positive changes in your life.

If you pet a big dog and cry, such a dream means that you yourself lack love and affection. You need to give more love. Then you can joyfully and gratefully accept love and affection from the people around you.

If you dream that you are carrying a huge dog - do not take on too much. Even if you choose your business in joy, it will be too hard for you to do everything. Try to distribute responsibilities in a timely manner.

What does a big dog dream about in Freud’s dream book

In the dream book of Freud, it is said that a big dog dreams of a symbol of wealth in sex. You have tremendous energy potential and are ready to share it with your partner through sexual relations.

But, if you dream of a sleeping big black dog - such a dream suggests that your sexuality is not in demand. You should look for a partner who is more sexually active. Do not worry about your personal life if you dream that your partner has turned into a big dog.

He will initiate an active sexual experience. Your relationship will abruptly become diverse sexually. You will learn to perceive a partner as he is and to find exactly what is in sex that he likes more than anything else.

If a big dog barks at you in your dream, you should beware of slander. This dream may mean that someone has encroached on your relationship out of envy. But this is just slander and alien malice. Do not betray them so much value.

What is the dream of the big dog in the Esoteric Dream Book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that a large dog can dream of both a faithful friend and a sworn enemy. But who exactly of them has a greater impact on your life is the full interpretation of sleep.

If you dream that the dog has a huge head - you should be afraid of close attention from colleagues. You should not show emotions at work. You will be valued only for hard work, but not for personal problems and troubles. Do not transfer your personal problems to work.

If in a dream you see a dog with huge paws - such a dream will portend to you acquaintance with an influential person. He will be able to help you solve important life issues. But do not expect disinterested help. He may soon ask you to do him a favor.

If in a dream you see how a large dog blocks your path - you should be afraid of a stronger opponent. If you are in business, competitors will not keep you waiting. They will bring chaos and fear into your life, as they will not play fair. Do not be afraid to lose profits. Defend your position.

What is the dream of a big dog in other dream books

In the dream book Grishina says, if you are trying to hug a big dog, and it doesn’t work out for you - you should not shoulder big obligations. This will only increase nervous tension, and you will be constantly upset.

Why is the big dog dreaming of the Wanderer’s dream book? This dream book says that a big dog is often dreamed of as an auspicious symbol, which indicates that a new, long-awaited period of joy and understanding will begin in your life.

Do not be nervous if you have not succeeded for a long time. This situation was about to happen in your life. Now it will be only joy and success. Such a dream should inspire hope in a favorable outcome of any business. You should devote more time to plans for the future, so as not to plunge into routine and household chores later.


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