Characteristic symptoms of tachycardia and what to do in case of an attack? Treatment of tachycardia at home with traditional medicine


Tachycardia is characterized by heart palpitations, when the pulse rate exceeds the limit of 96 beats. With rapid contractions, the ventricles cannot normally fill with blood, which leads to a decrease in cardiac function. If timely treatment of the pathology is not started, then there may be serious consequences and rehabilitation in the hospital will be required.

Causes of Tachycardia

Cardiac causes can provoke the progression of this pathology:

· heart failure;

Myocardial infarction;


Heart defects



Angina pectoris;

Bacterial endocarditis.

In some cases, pathology can develop for non-cardiac reasons:

Adrenal insufficiency;

Low blood sugar

A deficiency of sodium in the blood;

· Various endocrine disorders;


Withdrawal syndrome;

Diabetic ketosis.

Whatever the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to begin a timely cure.

Symptoms of Tachycardia

Tachycardia of the heart, depending on its type, can manifest itself with a variety of symptoms:

· Rapid heartbeat;

Inconstant rhythm;


· dizziness;

· cold sweat;

· feeling of fear;

Loss of consciousness and fainting;

Rapid surface breathing;

Pain in the ore cell.

Sometimes the pathology does not give any manifestations or the symptoms of tachycardia are very insignificant. Quite often, patients learn about the presence of pathology only when complications arise.

First aid for the treatment of tachycardia at home

Tachycardia, which manifests itself suddenly, can be treated independently. The following help should be provided at home:

1. The patient needs to wash with cold water and apply a cold compress on his forehead. It is also possible to overlay the collar zone with ice.

2. Take a horizontal position and count the pulse.

3. Massage the area of ​​the carotid artery on the neck.

4. Take a slow deep breath. At the height of inspiration, hold your breath for a couple of seconds.

5. Cough after the previous action, but do not overwork.

6. Close your eyes without closing your eyelids. Gently crush them for 20 seconds.

7. If there is no result from the previous actions, then hold your breath at the height of the inspiration. At the same time, press down on the area of ​​the solar plexus.

8. Be sure to use medications that slow down the contractile activity of the heart. It can be Asparkam, Digoxin, Corvalol, Metoprolol.

9. Count the pulse again. If after a quarter of an hour it does not decrease compared to the initial one, the attack does not go away, then it is imperative to call an ambulance team.

If the attacks are disturbed quite often, despite the fact that the patient manages to cope with them at home, you still need the help of a specialist.

What should be the treatment of tachycardia at home?

There are many recipes for traditional medicine that will help to cope with the disease and prevent complications. Such recipes are effective:

1. Nuts with lemon. Despite the fact that such therapy lasts a long period, the results will be felt. Relief occurs in the first days of taking the drug. To obtain a healing composition, two walnuts are needed. They must be ground into powder. Add a large spoonful of honey and the juice of one lemon slice to it. All ingredients should be mixed well and take the resulting composition before bedtime. There is no need to wash the product. After eating, you need to lie down and not burden yourself. The duration of therapy is three months. Then take a two-week break and repeat the course of therapy again.

2. Syrup of wild rose. It is possible to buy this product ready at the pharmacy or to cook it yourself. Add a large spoonful of syrup to a glass of liquid. Drink the product in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is up to six months. This will help strengthen the heart and boost the immune system.

3. Medicinal lemon balm. Soak 100 g of dry grass in 200 ml of alcohol for 10 days. Place the container in a dark place. After this period of time, filter the treatment fluid. For therapy, dilute a small spoonful of tincture in 50 ml of boiled liquid. Consume 5 ml four times a day for 5-7 days.

4. Melissa on the water. To prepare a healing solution, you need 100 grams of herb, which pour a glass of boiling water. Cover the container tightly. Leave for an hour. After the solution, filter and consume 50 ml twice a day for 10 days.

5. Lemon with honey. This is the best recipe that you can use every day to cure pathology. To obtain a healing composition, mix 5 ml of lemon juice and a large spoon of honey. Dilute the resulting mixture in ordinary tea. Use the product at the end of the day before bedtime. Treatment should last at least 4 months.

6. Gorse is dyeing. This herb is prescribed if the ailment is already running. An infusion is prepared for treatment. To prepare 2 large tablespoons of dry grass, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Leave the composition for a third of an hour and then filter. Use three times a day for 100 ml.

7. Thorny gorse. Grind the dried seeds of the plant in a coffee grinder and consume three times a day for a third of a small spoon. The powder can be diluted with water or honey. Or pour half a glass of grass into 0.4 liters of vodka, close the container tightly and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Use three times a day for 10 ml per 50 ml of liquid.

8. Hawthorn. A decoction of grass is a great way to relax after stress caused by insomnia. The tool helps to eliminate arrhythmia and regulate the work of the heart. Also, the grass is characterized by a diuretic effect. All excess fluid is removed from the body and thereby normalizes blood pressure. Pour a handful of fruits with a liter of water and put on a small fire. Drink half a glass three times a day before eating.

9. Adonis. It is necessary to boil the liquid and fall asleep 2 large tablespoons of grass. Put the composition on low heat for 5 minutes. After allowing to cool and filter it. Adults drink a tablespoon three times a day. Children under 12 years of age should take a small spoon once a day before eating. With the help of this herb, pathology can be completely cured.

10. Healing balm. For its preparation, 10 heads of garlic, a liter of honey and 10 lemons are needed. Garlic must be peeled and passed through a press. Squeeze the juice from the lemons. Mix it with a bee product. Mix all ingredients and leave for 10 days in a darkened cool place. Use a small spoonful of the drug four times a day. The composition must be absorbed, but not swallowed. With this tool, you can forever forget about the pathology.

11. Grape leaves. It is necessary to prepare a healing broth. A glass of crushed leaves will need a liter of hot liquid. Place the composition for 5 minutes on a small fire. The product should cool and only then filter it. Drink half a glass twice a day between meals. The duration of therapy ranges from 10 to 20 days. It depends on the severity of the disease. The leaves contain resveratrol, which strengthens the veins and gives them flexibility.

What can not be done when treating tachycardia at home?

When self-medicating at home, you must remember:

1. It is forbidden to smoke and take alcohol.

2. It is recommended to lower physical activity.

3. Avoid physical labor.

4. Walk as much as possible in the fresh air.

5. You must not break your daily routine.

With a constant stay at home, oxygen starvation, which the heart muscle experiences, is amplified. With constant neglect of walks in the fresh air, the risk of progression of serious difficult to cure ailments increases.

Pathology extremely rarely begins to develop due to an incorrect daily routine. Usually the cause is diseases of other organs. Therefore, in case of malaise, be sure to seek help from a specialist.

When playing sports, it is necessary to correctly distribute the load. No need to bring yourself to exhaustion. This is harmful not only for the heart, but also for the whole organism as a whole.


Watch the video: Heart palpitations. Cause Palpitations. Arrhythmia. Home remedies for Palpitations (June 2024).