Varieties of universal balsamins: their features, description and photo. The subtleties of growing varietal balsamins in the room


Balsam remains one of the popular plants. Today, many varieties of this culture have been developed that can be grown both in open ground and in a room. This is an unpretentious shrub, almost continuous flowering.

Balsam flowers are uncomplicated, but very beautiful. Terry varieties, whose buds resemble roses, are especially popular. Growing balsam is easy.

Universal types of balsam for indoor floriculture

Balsam comes from the rainforest. In its natural habitat, it grows as a perennial, but in our country it is most often cultivated as an annual crop. Some varieties form compact bushes, which are quite suitable for planting in containers or pots. Such a plant is grown in a room, on the veranda, in balcony drawers. Flowering continues until the frost, and if you remove the pot in a warm room, then throughout the winter the bush will be covered with buds.

Popular varieties for indoor floriculture are considered to be:

Balsam Waller;

Peters balsam

· New Guinea balsam;


Tomb Samb.

These undersized plants are most adapted to the conditions of detention. They are cultivated as perennial indoor flowers or potted annuals.

Well-known varieties of balsam Waller and features of care

Balsam Waller or the popularly known "Vanka wet" is distinguished by a variety of colors and the structure of the flower. Modern hybrids with double flowers and juicy green leaves are especially in demand among gardeners.

The first terry variety is considered to be "Tic-tac." Coloring flowers from pink to dark red. Modern hybrids are painted in white, purple or blue. The flowers are large, bright, quite attractive. Bred varieties with brown-red leaves.

Walsh Balsamine Series replenished with two-color varieties:



Rose Star

Novetta Star.

The flowers of these plants have characteristic white stripes on the petals and a colored core.

Fanciful Tropical Series includes varieties with semi-double flowers. The color of the petals is from coral to salmon.

Balsam Waller has its own growing characteristics, which are worth remembering. If the plant is planted in a container and in the warm season is on the balcony, then it must be protected from strong wind and rain. The stems are too fragile.

In indoor conditions, balsam often suffers from a lack of lighting and dry air, so the lower part is exposed. From this, the decorativeness of the flower deteriorates, it is required to cut the cuttings and root them again.

For abundant flowering, balsam requires a low temperature, which in room conditions is not always possible. "Roly wet" prefers moist soil, so watering should be plentiful. Between watering the soil should dry.

Varietal balsam Peters: care and maintenance in the room

Variety balsam peters in nature reaches up to 1 m in height. Only dwarf varieties of this plant are grown in the room. They form compact bushes up to 25-35 cm. Outwardly, this species looks like Waller's balsam, but it has dark foliage, and the color of the flowers is often bright red. Today there are varieties with purple, white and pink petals.

This flower is best placed on the southern or western windows. For full flowering, he needs about two hours of bright light per day. Water the bush 2-3 times a week. In the period of active growth, fertilize with complex mineral fertilizing. In general, the flower is not whimsical, does not require high humidity.

Varieties of balsam New Guinea universal purpose

The New Guinean hybrid is widely known as a houseplant. The seeds of this hybrid are grown in greenhouses, and potted plants are already on sale. It is not possible to grow a new instance on your own.

A distinctive feature of this line of balsamins are large flowers that bloom throughout the year. The color of the petals can be varied. The leaves of these plants are bright green or bronze. Outwardly, these are compact attractive bushes.

Everything New Guinean balsamic varieties combined in a series:

· "Harmony". The bushes branch well, the flowers are large, the leaves are bronze.

· "Mini Gini." A small-flowered plant with dark leaves, blooms continuously.

· "Exotic." Varieties with two-color petals.

· "Macarena". Variety with dark saturated leaves, the color of the petals is orange.

· "Jungle Rhine." Varieties with bed colors.

New Guinean balsamins prefer warmth and bright light, do not tolerate gusts of strong winds and drafts. They are grown in a room, on a terrace or in balcony drawers.

Compact bushes need regular watering and top dressing. Plant them in a peat substrate. Throughout the season, you need to monitor air humidity to avoid fungal diseases.

Balsam Fiesta: features of varieties and rules of care

Fiesta Series It is famous for terry flowers of various colors. Varieties are easily propagated by cuttings, which are cut throughout the season.

All popular varieties are collected in a series:

· "Tempo". These are low bushes up to 25 cm. There are varieties with peach-colored petals and an orange core. And also with pink flowers, the middle of which is crimson.

· "Accent". Plants are compact up to 15 cm. The color of the petals is two-tone in pink and salmon. The flowers are large.

· "Fareflyay". Bushes up to 25 cm, abundantly blooming. The flowers are small, delicate shades.

These balsamins prefer moderate air temperatures, so they are recommended to be sprayed on hot days. In this case, you must ensure that moisture does not get on the flowers. In winter, spray with caution, only in a warm room. If the pot with the plant is cool, then spraying is not carried out.

For irrigation use settled water. Another watering is done when the soil is 1 cm dry.

Balsam variety Tamb Samb and planting tips

This graceful plant with large double flowers was imported from China. But today it is grown everywhere as an indoor or potted plant.

Compact bushes are densely covered with elongated foliage. Flowers can be of various colors, but more often it is delicate pink tones. Terry petals, large. Flowering occurs in the first half of summer and continues until the end of autumn.

When growing in a room, flower growers face a lighting problem. Shoots often stretch and lose their decorative effect. This is especially noticeable in the cold season, which is why pink balsam is recommended to be grown as an annual, landscaping balconies and terraces.

The shoots of Tomb Samb are fragile, watery. Do not place pots in open areas and in drafts. The variety lends itself well to cuttings, so in the fall healthy shoots can be cut and rooted in a greenhouse. All winter, young balsam is kept in cool conditions in good light. In the spring, the plant is taken out to fresh air.


Watch the video: Размножение БАЛЬЗАМИНА черенками. (July 2024).