The simplest and most delicious cottage cheese casserole with cherries: fast, tasty, easy! Step-by-step photo recipe for amazing cottage cheese casserole with wine


How I want to please my loved ones with delicious and healthy dishes. And if such a dish is also accessible, and also does not require special culinary skills and time costs, then it can become one of the most beloved and often appears on the table. Cottage cheese casserole with cherry is just such a dish. Even a child can cope with it!

You need to mix all the ingredients, which, incidentally, are quite simple, and wait until the dessert is baked. I really like the casserole with cherries: a light sourness and a delicate pinkish color made her my favorite. But you can experiment: any seasonal berries and tastes will give the dessert its own taste and aroma. And now let's start cooking!


Cottage cheese - 400 g;

Kefir - 120 ml;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Sugar - 1/3 cup;

Semolina - 1/3 cup;

Cherry - 50 g.


The simplicity of this recipe is obvious: in order to prepare the dough, you need to mix all the ingredients in one container. We combine sugar, cottage cheese, eggs and semolina together.

Mix the components with a blender. Leave for 20 minutes to allow semolina to swell.

Lubricate the baking dish with butter, butter or cream, add half the dough. On the dough we hold cherries. It doesn’t matter whether you take fresh or frozen cherries; I used canned cherries in my own juice, after draining the liquid. The main thing is to get seeds from berries, so as not to spoil the pleasure of dessert. We spread the berries on the dough.

Put the rest of the dough on top of the cherry, level the surface with a spoon.

Put the casserole in the oven. Cook for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 180 *.

Ready casserole is allowed to cool, and then removed from the mold.

Tasty, delicate cottage cheese casserole with cherries, as you can see, is very simple to use and does not require much time. She is good warm and cold. Serve it with any favorite drink for breakfast or dinner. Enjoy your meal!


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