How to teach a little puppy teams. We train our puppy on our own: the simplest teams


In order for a dog to grow up educated and obedient, you need to start training it from an early age. Training and joint walks play a very important role in the relationship of the pet with its owner.

Basic rules for training a puppy

As soon as the puppy got accustomed to a new place and began to get used to his master. When he understood his name, and began to respond, he needed to start raising the baby. The best time to start training is the fourth, fifth month of his life.

Many owners of four-legged resort to the services of professionals (dog handlers). But if it was decided to train the little dog yourself, you should at least use the tips and tricks for training dogs with experienced people.

• It is necessary each time during walks, first for several minutes, then longer, to conduct classes;

• You can’t start training a puppy when he is feeling ill, unhappy or hungry. He should be morally predisposed to pastime and communication with the owner;

• Start learning teams in turn, start the second only after the baby clearly understands the first. Trainings should be held in one permanent place, when the first team is learned and fixed, it is necessary to change the place for walking and repeat the learned material;

• To prepare the puppy for the assignment, you must first pronounce his nickname, then give the command. He will subconsciously begin to understand that something is required of him.

• The dog should have a good grasp of the owner’s tone, so the command word should be clearly and seriously voiced. As soon as the dog does everything right, one must praise him more gently. Encouraging the puppy to give his favorite treat;

• Do not shout or beat the baby. You need to patiently repeat the same command from time to time until the pet remembers it. After all, even dog breeds take more than one day to train one team.

How to teach a puppy to sit on command

The sit command is not the most important, but necessary. Performing it, the four-legged doggie should sit in one place and not move when it is required of him.

During training, you need to get up from the back of the animal, take the leash in your hands, pronounce the name of the dog, then the command. At the same time, a little harness is pulled back and to the bottom, with little emphasis on the croup.

During the whole puppy should lower to the hind legs and sit down. Of course, the dog will immediately want to get up, it is worth repeating the lesson again and again. When the animal sits down and makes no attempt to jump in, you need to praise it and treat it to a yummy treat.

Lying team training

As soon as the four-legged pet learns to sit on command, now we need to learn to lay it. In order for the dog to understand that he needs to lie down, it is necessary to fasten the leash to the collar. On the harness between the dog and the hand, step with your foot. Do all movements slowly and carefully so as not to scare or injure the baby.

Then, with your hand, pull the leash over yourself, respectively, he will pull the dog’s neck down. Over time, the animal must lie down. It is necessary to repeat this lesson for 15 minutes daily, while walking, to praise and treat the puppy each time. When the student learns the team, you can start doing it without a leash.

How to teach a puppy to give a paw

If the dog is already well trained in the sit command, it is worth teaching her to give a paw. It is necessary to put the puppy in front of itself, it is desirable that the eyes of the owner and the baby are practically at the same level.

In the fist of your right hand, hold a piece of delicious food for your pet. Then bring your fist to the puppy’s nose to smell the goodies. The natural reaction of the baby is an attempt to get food. He will pick his fist with his paws.

Say a command to the dog and with your left hand hold the raised foot from below. At the same time, unclench the right hand and treat the student. It is worth repeating the exercise several times. The next day, refresh the material studied, but in a different setting and place.

It is necessary to train a puppy until he independently raises a limb. All the time you need to praise the dog for his efforts and encourage.

How to teach a puppy to walk nearby

This is a necessary team for the animal, while walking in public places, an adult dog must behave culturally and educated. Walk near the owner, be in sight, and not run back and forth tugging at the leash.

Start training when the dog goes for a walk. During movement, the dog is moved to the right side of its owner. The team "nearby" should make it clear that he needs to go at the same pace at the right foot of the owner.

Keep the leash in a tight position at a distance of 30 cm from the person. At first, the baby will become confused between the legs, so you need to regularly pull it up to you and return it to its place.

When the dog begins to understand that it is time for him to start jogging or turn right, left. The puppy must always be near the right leg at the same distance.

The command is not

This forbidding team and it must be studied very first. Curious kids, exploring the world around them, may be injured or injured.

Trainings are as follows. Take a piece of meat or other goodies, put it in the dog's field of vision. Fasten your pet to a leash. As soon as he makes an attempt to get food, you need to say "no" and pull the harness. Repeat the lesson until the student understands that he is forbidden and remains seated. Only then praise and treat the baby.

Give command

It is similar to the aport command, the dog must understand that he needs to bring and give the owner any item. "Aport", as a rule, is used for large and service dogs. And to teach the word "give", you can a small indoor dog.

It is necessary with a hand gesture to indicate the item that the dog needs to bring. When the pet learns to do this, be sure to encourage it. The lesson should be held no more than those times and the animal should rest, otherwise the hunt for further study will be lost.


Watch the video: How Puppies Train To Be Guide Dogs (June 2024).