Reduces the feet: the main causes of pathology. First aid and treatment if reduces the feet


A cramp is a rather painful process in which one muscle or a whole group of them contracts. Such a spasm lasts up to two minutes, but it is necessary to try to find out the cause of the pathological condition and try to prevent a repeated spasm. There are many methods of first aid and treatment for seizures.

Reasons to drive your feet

There can be many causes of spasms. The most common cause is vitamin deficiency. In addition, the following reasons are distinguished:

1. Muscle fatigue. This condition is often seen in athletes who train too much and overload their legs.

2. If a person is on a diet for too long, taking medications that have an effect on lowering blood sugar, then there is a lack of glucose.

3. Overstrain of muscles as a result of excessive physical exertion. When wearing heavy weights, using uncomfortable and poor-quality shoes, muscle failure occurs. For this reason, the risk of seizures increases.

4. Almost one hundred percent risk of cramping with a deficiency in the body of mania, potassium and calcium.

5. With poor circulation, a lack of oxygen appears. The limb muscles begin to contract incorrectly, which becomes the cause of the pathological process.

6. Diseases of blood vessels and veins leads to cramping.

7. Inconvenient posture at the time of sleep.

8. Chronic renal failure and kidney disease.

9. Diseases of the spine, osteochondrosis.

10. With sudden changes in body temperature, convulsions appear.

11. Lack of nutrients. this causes the muscles to become weak.

Before starting treatment, the code reduces the feet, it is necessary to determine the cause. Perhaps it is not just a surge.

What to do reduces your feet - first aid

People who quite often encounter a problem need to know what first aid you can give yourself. What should be done at the time of the attack? There are several methods that can help relieve pain and speed up muscle relaxation. It is important to calm down and not panic, you need to breathe as deep as possible.

If a cramp occurred at night, then you need to crouch and pull the thumb of the reduced leg towards you. Due to this, the muscle will stretch, and the spasm will stop. It is also recommended that you stand barefoot on a cold floor and walk on it.

An effective method is foot massage. It is necessary to actively rub it, knead, move your fingers. It is necessary to disperse the blood so that it begins to circulate normally. Sometimes experts advise you to prick a sick muscle with a needle or a pin, but this option is painful and unsafe. It’s better to just pinch your leg, beat with nails or blunt objects. To relax the muscle as soon as possible, you need to use a warming cream.

The role of proper nutrition in treatment if it reduces the feet

The main cause of seizures is a lack of vitamins and various trace elements. If cramps in the legs appear very often, then it is possible to prevent them by adjusting the nutrition. The main treatment is a balanced diet. It is imperative to include foods that are rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium. Vitamin D also plays a special role. A sufficient amount of mania in foods such as legumes, seaweed, oatmeal, greens.

Every day you need to eat cottage cheese, milk, cheese. It is important that dairy products are not fat-free. There is a lot of potassium in baked potatoes, meat and fish. Baked potatoes are best consumed with the peel, since it is in it that there is a lot of potassium. In summer, eat as much sweet cherry as possible. It is a healthy and tasty berry that is rich in calcium and potassium.

Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium in the body. The main source is the sun. Vitamin production in the body will occur if you go for walks daily. In autumn and winter, it is necessary to include as much butter, raw egg yolk, and oily fish in the diet as possible.

What to do reduces the feet - folk recipes

Traditional medicine can help patients with seizures. There are some simple recipes that have proven themselves and can help with cramping. The most productive are as follows:

1. To use chamomile tea, which contains glycine. This substance calms the muscles. Drink at least one liter of a healing drink daily. The duration of therapy is 14 days.

2. Honey will help to get rid of convulsions. Every day you will need to eat two small spoons of the product of bee production.

3. Acetic acid helps to produce muscle stimulant - acetylcholine. This acid contains brine and mustard. It is enough to consume a couple of grams of brine or 15 ml of mustard every day. Thanks to this, you can permanently get rid of spasms.

4. A lot of potassium is in apple cider vinegar. You will need to mix a teaspoon of honey and two small tablespoons of vinegar. Dissolve this mixture in a glass with a warm liquid. After drinking the resulting solution.

5. About 50 g of dry bay leaf mix with a glass of vegetable oil. Leave the mixture for two weeks in a closed container. After filtering and applying to the lesion site. Such a composition can be stored in the refrigerator, so if a spasm occurs, preheating can be applied.

6. Mix vaseline with celandine juice in a ratio of 2 to 1. Thoroughly mix the entire mass to obtain a homogeneous consistency. The resulting tool to handle places where seizure seizes. The procedure is carried out once a day. The duration of therapy is two weeks.

But it’s not always worth it to self-medicate, since it can be harmful to health.

Reduces feet: treatment and prevention of attacks

Another cause of seizures is dehydration. It is important to prevent this condition. Therefore, you will need to consume as much fluid as possible. A day, an adult should drink at least 1.5 liters. You will need to abandon the use of coffee and black tea. If this is difficult to do, then drinks should be replaced with chamomile tea with honey. It is also useful to consume water, in which a tablespoon of vinegar is added.

Treatment of this pathological condition should begin with the rejection of bad habits. This is tobacco addiction and alcohol. It is also necessary to wear comfortable shoes so that the leg is free and not squeezed. It must not be allowed to be locked in the wrong position. If there is a need to wear heels, then wear them no more than two hours a day. When playing sports, avoid overload.

Treatment is with herbs. It is necessary to make healing baths. Valerian and mint are characterized by a relaxing effect and will help prevent attacks. After the procedure, self-massage is recommended.

Massage should begin with stroking the feet. After kneading the limb in those places where the seizure seized. With your thumb, rub the point in the center of the foot. In addition to all these actions, you can also do special exercises. All exercises are aimed at stretching the muscles. Sessions are recommended after sleep. The most effective:

1. After waking up, do the exercise. Lying to pull the limbs down with all the effort so that the muscles tighten. Socks on the feet must be pulled over.

2. Stand near the wall and lean on it with your hands. Do not tear off your hands from the wall and at the same time take small steps backwards until the muscles begin to pull.

3. Stand on your toes and stretch up. After abruptly descend to the whole foot. Repeat the procedure several times.

In the evening, do exercises that are aimed at calming the muscles. This will help avoid attacks at night. Effective are:

1. Sit on a chair, put your legs straight in front of you. Try to grab fingers and pull them towards you. Slowly bend to your knees and do not let go of your fingers.

2. Lie on your stomach, bend your leg and reach the foot. Tighten the foot towards the head.

These exercises are designed to prevent seizures. It is recommended to do stretching every day. Thanks to her muscles relax, pass stagnation.


Watch the video: Gout - Mayo Clinic (June 2024).