Cucumber juice. What is the use of cucumber juice and what harm does it have?


Cucumber is a vegetable with a minimal calorie content. Its juice is identical in structure to the composition of the liquid of which the human body consists of 85%. In therapy, cucumber juice is not famous for its popularity. Although our ancestors used this product in cooking and in folk medicine. The effect of cucumber juice on the human body is unique. It stabilizes the activity of organs and all systems, rejuvenates the body and removes toxins from it. Ripe vegetable enzymes help the absorption of other foods. Fiber has a beneficial effect on the digestion of food and removes cholesterol. Cucumber juice is more valuable than the fruit itself, since all the beneficial elements quickly enter the bloodstream.

Composition of Cucumber Juice

The product contains many medicinal substances:

- organic acids;

- vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, H, PP;

- essential oils;

- cellulose;

- folic acid.

The composition of cucumber juice is also rich in mineral trace elements: iodine, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, lead, chlorine, nickel, silver, zirconium. Vegetables grown in the open air, and not in hotbeds, are more saturated with useful properties.

Beneficial effects of cucumber juice per person

Today, mainly, the benefits of cucumber juice are used in cosmetology: skin cleansing, getting rid of freckles, lightening pigmentation, etc. Most companies that manufacture cosmetic products take it as their basis.

In addition to cosmetic healing qualities, this product is used as an antitoxic and analgesic, it can reduce fever and works well as a diuretic. The benefits of cucumber juice are manifested in:

- jumps in blood pressure;

- disorders of the thyroid gland and endocrine system;

- pathology of the digestive tract in the phase of remission;

- obesity (cucumber is a low-calorie vegetable that is a component in any diet);

- violation of the cardiovascular system;

- kidney stones;

- dropsy (removes uric acid and excess sodium, maintaining an optimal level of salts and acids);

- diseases of the liver and gall bladder;

- coughing;

- constipation and heartburn;

- periodontal disease;

- Toxicosis in women in position.

To enhance the benefits of cucumber juice, nutritionists advise mixing it with other vegetable or fruit fresh: carrot, beetroot, squash, grapefruit, tomato, apple. You can add honey, herbs, kefir to the drink.

This vegetable contains a lot of calcium, which contributes to the normal development and functioning of bone and muscle tissues, as well as blood vessels. The drink contributes to the stable functioning of the endocrine system and the restoration of vital hormones. If every day you drink freshly squeezed juice from a cucumber in a glass, the body will be provided with a daily norm of calcium.

Sodium is one of the many components of a unique vegetable with its positive properties. He is responsible for blood pressure. Deficiency of this element has a negative effect on the nervous system. The content of retinol in the drink, which is a natural antioxidant, improves the functioning of the bladder, gastrointestinal tract, straightens vision, and helps to strengthen bones. Tartronic acid prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol and carbohydrates. Do not forget about the above trace elements. The drink is a dietary medicinal drink that provides the human body with the necessary complex of nutrients.

In addition to the listed positive properties of this vegetable, the presence of natural fiber should also be noted. Product research has shown that the benefits of cucumber juice are invaluable. As a prophylaxis, its juice is taken in case of a violation of the digestive tract. The drink balances the content of acids and alkalis in the body. Assorted cucumber spinach and carrot juices accelerate hair growth. A delicious mix of juices helps in the fight against high blood pressure and rheumatism. It is especially useful for people of advanced age who suffer from atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease.

Cucumber juice has a calming effect on the central nervous system and helps people with insomnia. The common people mention the antimicrobial benefits of cucumber juice. Previously, it was used to treat festering wounds. He shows healing qualities in diseases of dropsy, jaundice, hepatitis, and colitis.

Making Cucumber Juice

There are many options for making a drink. Cucumbers contain a lot of liquid. Get it is not difficult. You can grate the vegetables, pass through a meat grinder or use a blender. The easiest way is to use a juicer. What matters is not the cooking method, but the rules for its use. Juice needs to be drunk just done. Within 30 minutes, its usefulness gradually leaves the fresh drink.

First you need to wash the cucumbers thoroughly. Peeling is not worth it, it also has useful substances. The main thing is that the product is not overripe. Then fresh will be upscale. There is a judgment that cucumbers with bitterness are more nutritious and, accordingly, more effective. So far, this statement has not been proved or refuted.

Juice from cucumbers is mixed with other vegetable or fruit fresh. And adding kefir, herbs and squeezed out a little garlic, there will be a full, nutritious and satisfying dish.

How to consume cucumber juice

Pure, without additives, cucumber fresh is good to drink a glass on an empty stomach. The body will receive a daily dose of calcium. More during the day is not worth it. Two hundred grams of a fresh drink without salt is enough to benefit from cucumber juice for the whole day. You can add celery, lemon, mint to it. You get a drink from a complex of vitamins, which helps to normalize weight and help prevent the onset of various diseases. Any breakfast can be replenished with a cocktail of cucumber juice with kefir and herbs.

Colds can also be treated with cucumber fresh. They drink it little by little with honey all day long.

Many are not indifferent to tomato juice. It is also successfully combined with our drink. The result is a very healthy drink with a pleasant taste. Only in this combination the diuretic qualities of the product are reduced.

If remission of an ulcer or gastritis suddenly manifests itself, acidity increases, the use of freshly squeezed cucumber juice with the addition of honey in a half cup twice a day one hour before meals will benefit. Juice can not be cooked, but just eat cucumbers with honey.

Regular consumption of a cocktail with the addition of fresh carrot juice to cucumber juice is recommended for people suffering from metabolic disorders and skin diseases.

For various skin problems, the desired drink is mixed with salad and carrot juices. They are taken regularly. Acne will disappear, the skin will change, become elastic, its color will take on a fresh and healthy appearance. The result will depend on your patience and perseverance. It is important to be able to determine the reaction of your body to those or other changes in the diet of dietary nutrition.

Cucumber juice harm and contraindications

Abuse of the drink has a negative effect on the structure of mother's milk, and some substances that make up the cucumber can provoke an upset stomach in an infant.

Cucumber juice is also harmful at the time of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. In case of gallstone and urolithiasis, liver failure, you need to get recommendations from your doctor how to consume cucumber juice.

Juice cucumbers should be selected elastic and without yellowness, so that there is a fresh green tail at the end. You should not buy a too brilliant product, as such beautiful vegetables may contain an excessive amount of nitrate compounds.

Juice must be drunk freshly squeezed, as it quickly deteriorates. Instead of the benefits of cucumber juice, a health condition (poisoning, skin rash) will be harmed. Moreover, it is tasteless.

When drinking a drink, moderation should be observed so as not to harm cucumber juice to your body with an undesirable outcome.


Watch the video: Cucumber Juice Amazing Health Benefits - The Green Miracle (July 2024).