What carrots are suitable for long-term storage: a selection of varieties with a description and photo. How to choose the best variety of carrots for different regions


Not every gardener manages to save a rich harvest of carrots until the new season. And the reason for this is not only dampness and improper storage conditions, but also an unsuitable root variety. Not all varieties of carrots are suitable for long-term storage. Let's see what varieties are worth paying attention to.

What varieties of carrots are better and longer stored

When choosing varieties for long-term storage, you should focus not only on the picture, but also take into account the characteristics of the root crop. A rich harvest and keeping quality will delight varieties that ripen for more than 115 days. They are less susceptible to cracking, disease, practically do not shoot.

Among these varieties, there are varieties with large and juicy root crops, as well as medium-sized crop hybrids rich in vitamins:

· "Canada";

· "Chance";

· "Samson."

Hybrid grade "Canada" is used for the preparation of juices, snacks and various preparations. Its growing season is long - it is a mid-late variety with large elongated root crops, the weight of which reaches half a kilo. The pulp of the root crop is saturated orange, juicy, moderately sweet. Hybrid is grown on any soil, carrots are unpretentious and gives excellent harvests on heavy soil.


Gardeners fell in love with the Chance carrot variety with medium fruits, which are perfectly stored until March. Root crops of a classical form, bright and juicy. The variety is considered fruitful, with proper agricultural technology gives up to 5 kg per meter of planting. However, this variety is grown only in open, well-lit areas and in nutrient soil.

Mid-season grade "Samson" is suitable for beginning summer residents, since it does not require special efforts. Carrots grow on heavy soils, and in any climatic conditions. The yield of the variety is good, root crops are distinguished by large sizes, even shape and bright color. The growing season of the Samson cultivar is more than 110 days; in the cellar the crop will last until May.

Description of the best early varieties of carrots long-term storage

Today, there are many varieties of early carrots, which is suitable not only for summer consumption, but also stored for a long time in the cellar. Varieties with a growing season of more than 80 days are considered early. The following varieties are popular among gardeners:

· "Fun";

· "Color";

· "Artek".

Carrot variety "Fun" refers to the early hybrid varieties that are grown for beam products and long-term storage. Root crops aligned, elongated, with a blunt tip. The pulp is sweet, saturated orange. The variety is unpretentious, does not cause difficulties when growing.

Carrot "Color" is appreciated in baby food, well stored for a long time. Productivity is high, from one square of the area it is possible to collect up to 7 kg of marketable products. The fruits are small, weighing up to 100 grams, a beautiful orange color. The variety is grown in well-lit areas, harvesting is carried out 88-90 days after planting.

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Variety "Artek" is perfectly stored in the cellar for a long time, for summer consumption of root crops of the head 1.5 months after emergence. The variety is resistant to the vagaries of the weather, does not rot, does not crack. The carrot is medium in size, saturated in color. Productivity is stable.

The sweetest late varieties of carrots for long-term storage: the best varieties

Later varieties of carrots are stored better than other varieties, in addition, they are rich in carotene, they are most often used in baby food. Late varieties include varieties with a growing season of more than 120 days. The advantage of late varieties is their resistance to shooting, diseases and pests. Experienced gardeners are advised to pay attention to the following varieties and hybrids:

· "Karotan";

· "Dolyanka";

· "The Red Giant."

Variety "Carotan" is considered the most vitamin, it contains a large proportion of carotene, which is visible by the dark color of the pulp. Fruits of the classical form, elongated, juicy. Yields are above average, root crops are well preserved until spring.

Polish grade "Dolyanka" is undemanding in care, has good immunity and high resistance to carrot flies. The fruits are aligned, saturated color, weighing a little more than 130 grams. In good conditions, the crop is stored until next spring.


The beloved Red Giant variety is distinguished by its beautiful large fruits, which take about 150 days to mature. The pulp is rich in carotene. Root crops are suitable for processing and long-term storage.

The best varieties of carrots for the middle strip, which are stored for a long time

The climate of the middle strip is not stable, so for long-term storage it is better to choose proven varieties of carrots:

· "Shantane";

· "Cardinal";

· "Queen of the Autumn."

Carrot "Shantane" is dark in color, rich in carotene. Root crops with rounded tips, small. The variety is grown mainly in a sunny area with fertile soil. Productivity is high, but depends on the region of cultivation. In the middle lane, you can get from 5 to 9 kg per meter of landings. The variety is resistant to cracking, there are practically no ugly and forked fruits.

The Cardinal variety is valued for its high sugar content. Fruits are conical, medium in size, dark orange. Carrots ripen for more than 140 days, suitable for long-term storage, processing and baby food. The cultivar "Cardinal" is grown mainly on loose soil. Productivity is good.


The most productive variety for the middle lane is the Queen of Autumn variety. From one meter of area you can collect up to 9 kg of root crops. Carrots aligned, elongated, bright color. They grow the "Queen of Autumn" on well-fertilized soil.

Popular varieties of long-term carrots are the best for the Urals and Siberia

The harsh climate of the Urals and Siberia does not allow growing late varieties of carrots. To get a good harvest for long-term storage, it is better to choose mid-ripening varieties:

· "Losinoostrovskaya";

· "Vitamin";

· "Forto".

Variety "Losinoostrovskaya" is considered to be medium early, it takes 90 to 100 days to ripen the crop. Carrot tolerates cold snap, gives large yields, is famous for its excellent taste. Root crops of cylindrical shape, medium size. The variety is ideal for baby food, juice preparation and long-term storage.

Carrots "Vitamin" is considered the sweetest and most healthy. The fruits ripen for about 100 days, differ in elongated shape and blunt tip. Harvest is well stored in any conditions, does not lose its qualities. The variety is unpretentious, but susceptible to pests.

No less popular is the variety "Forto" with sweet and juicy fruits that are perfectly stored until spring. Carrots of a classical form, blunt, with bright flesh. Productivity is stable, from 5 to 9 kg per meter of beds. Carrots ripen from 100 to 130 days, harvesting is carried out in mid-August - early September.


Watch the video: Growing Carrots from Sowing to Harvest (July 2024).