Stewed cabbage in a slow cooker is a healthy dietary side dish. How to stew cabbage in a slow cooker: a step by step recipe with a photo


Each housewife, receiving a multicooker as a gift, asks the question - what to cook? Try to extinguish the saz in cabbage. Very tasty and uncomplicated dish that complement your lunch. It can be served alone or with meat, or used for filling in pies and pies.

You can stew cabbage in so many ways. We have found the best one and are in a hurry to share it with you. Instead of tomato paste, try taking ketchup somehow. The taste will be interesting. But tomato juice is for everybody. If you like sourness in a dish, feel free to replace the paste with juice.

The basic recipe that we offer is recommended to change at your discretion.


White cabbage - 600 grams;

Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;

Onion - 1 piece;

Carrots - 1 piece;

Laurel - 1 piece;

Allspice pot - 2 pieces;

Salt - 1 teaspoon;

Pepper - to taste;

Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;

Water as needed.


First, cut all the vegetables. Onions and carrots in cubes, or straws. Grate carrots is not forbidden.

Finely chop the cabbage on a large board. Use a special knife to speed up the action.

Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and spread the onions with carrots. In the panel, select the "Fry" mode. Time for frying minutes 7. Do not forget to stir.

If there is no frying mode in your multicooker, select “Baking”. This program fulfill the function of frying.

We spread cabbage to the fried vegetables. Immediately add tomato paste and all the spices. If the cabbage is of late varieties, it must be pre-stewed for 10 minutes without paste.

Mix the contents of the bowl, close the lid and select the "Extinguishing" mode. Cooking time 30 minutes. A couple of times to look into the slow cooker should be mixed and add a little water as necessary.

Ready cabbage is good both in hot form and in cold. Pickles, fried sausages are ideal for this side dish.

Cooking time - 50 minutes

Servings Per Container - 4

Per 100 g:

Kcal - 38.74

Fats - 1.77

Squirrels - 1.35

Carbohydrates - 5.08


Watch the video: Easy Ways to Cook Cabbage! (July 2024).