The best varieties of large-fruited and beardless remontant strawberries. What varieties of repair strawberries are better: recommendations of gardeners, description


Removable strawberries attract gardeners with their productivity, large berries and excellent taste. Today on the market there are many varieties of this culture, which of them to choose for your garden, you decide.

The best repairing varieties of large-fruited and fruitful strawberries for open ground

Large-fruited strawberries bear large berries, which sometimes reach 70-100 gr. The productivity of such bushes is high, the berries are harvested several times a season. Large-fruited strawberries propagate by dividing the bush or by daughter sockets that form on the mustache. But the second method is more time-consuming, since the formation of mustaches in large-fruited varieties is low. Among summer residents, the following varieties are in demand:

• "Albion";

• "Monterey";

• "Evie 2".

Variety "Albion" American breeding is considered one of the best. The berries are dense, tolerate transportation well, weigh about 50 grams. The palatability of the fruit is good, the strawberries are juicy, sweet, aromatic. Bushes are tall, powerful, resistant to weather vagaries, fungal diseases and pests. Productivity up to two kg per bush per season, fruiting undulating, stretched. The first crop is harvested in May, the last berries are harvested in September. However, you need to update the landing every three years.

Strawberry "Monterey" mid-term ripening gives up to two kg of berries from the bush. However, with prolonged drought, yield decreases, berries ripen without gaining weight. The variety is appreciated for the transportability of fruits, good taste and large berries. Fruiting wave-like, begins in the second year after planting, lasts no more than a year and a half.

Variety "Evie 2" was bred by American breeders, took root well in central Russia. Bushes tolerate drought, heat, sudden fluctuations in temperature and severe frosts. The culture perfectly winters without shelter, if the frost does not fall below -22 ° C. The berries are beautiful, shiny, tasty, quite large. Harvest retains its presentation for a long time, is well transported. The disadvantages of the variety include cracking of fruits due to the abundance of moisture in the soil.

The best varieties of large-fruited remontant strawberries of Dutch selection

Strawberries from Holland are in special demand among summer residents. It is famous for large and sweet fruits, which are suitable for all types of processing and fresh consumption. The following grades are most demanded:

• "Vita Zanta";

• "Crown";

• Gigantella.

Strawberry "Vita Zanta" includes several varieties with similar characteristics. By maturity, the strawberry is early, bears fruit in large, sweet fruits. Bushes tolerate frosts, rarely affected by diseases and pests. Grow a variety in any region of the country. Productivity is high, lasts a long time.

Variety "Crown" Fruits in large berries of saturated red color. The taste of strawberries is dessert, the berries smell pleasant, retain the flavor in a processed form. The bushes are characterized by high frost resistance, good immunity.

No less popular Grade "Gigantella", which perfectly resists fungal diseases. Berries are able to ripen in adverse conditions, do not crack and do not rot. Strawberry is dense, saturated red, sweet. Fruiting wavy, the first time they remove the largest berry. Gradually, the fruits fade.

Bezosaya strawberry: the best repairing varieties for any region with a description and photo

A barefoot strawberry does not give a mustache, which can be a plus when leaving. Such varieties are suitable for the middle band. Gardeners identified several productive varieties:

• "Coquette";

• "Merlan";

• "Selva".

Feature varieties "Coquette" is abundant fruiting and early return of the crop. The berries are large, sweet and sour, rather fragrant. With proper care, the weight of one berry reaches 25-30 g. Bushes tolerate frosts well, do not suffer from fungal diseases, bear fruit up to 4 times a season. The variety propagates by seed or by dividing the bush.

A hybrid of the Swiss selection "Merlan" tolerates short-term frosts well, does not get sick and is not affected by insects. The bush bears fruit in large, sweet berries. The variety is unpretentious, suitable for beginner gardeners. Fruiting begins in the year of planting.

Czech grade "Selva"It is known to all gardeners. Strawberries are large, tuberous, sweet and sour. Bushes tolerate light frosts, are highly resistant to diseases. Poor drought tolerance stands out from the shortcomings. During a period of extreme heat without berries, they grow smaller, become acidic and the bushes die without additional watering.

What kind of repairing strawberry varieties are best planted in a greenhouse?

Removable strawberries can be grown in a greenhouse, then it bears fruit almost all year round. Of the known varieties, it is worth paying attention to the following:

• "Dawn";

• "Red Gauntlet";

• "Festival".

Domestic strawberry "Dawn" gives an early and plentiful harvest, the berries ripen together. The variety is notable for its winter hardiness and productivity. The berries are medium in size, palatable, dense. Among the shortcomings, medium resistance to powdery mildew is distinguished.

Grade "Red Gauntlet" Scottish breeding is considered medium late in terms of ripening berries. Bushes of medium size form many rosettes. The berries are quite large, ribbed, dense, with acidity. The variety is fruitful, resistant to many diseases. Recommended for cultivation in the Central region.

Strawberry "Festival" domestic selection for many years pleases gardeners with delicious, large fruits. The variety is mid-season, high-yielding, with fragrant sweet berries. Bushes are high, do not require additional pollination. Fruiting wavy, the first berries are larger. Transportability is good. Strawberries successfully grow and bear fruit in any region of the country.

How to grow strawberries in Siberia: a selection of the best repair varieties for harsh climates

Modern varieties and hybrids allow you to grow remontant strawberries in any region of the country. Siberian gardeners recommend proven varieties of plants that are most adapted to the local climate:

• "Torpedo";

• "Marshmallows";

• "Omsk".

Variety "Torpedo" domestic selection is famous for its high resistance to frost and fungal diseases, good taste and aroma of berries. Bushes bear medium-sized fruits, which successfully withstand long-distance transportation. In one place, the plant is grown for a long time. Strawberries propagate by dividing the bush or seeds, the formation of a mustache is average.

Strawberry "Marshmallow" the early ripening fruit is suitable for cultivation on an industrial scale. It gives a rich harvest of sweet berries both in the open ground and in the greenhouse. The bushes are compact, withstand a thickened landing. Berry without voids, tasty, fragrant, ribbed. With good care, the weight of one berry reaches 50-60 g. Propagated mainly by dividing the bush or rosettes of mustaches, with seed propagation, the maternal qualities of the plant are not preserved.

Strawberry variety "Omsk" belongs to the early, was bred for cultivation in Siberia. Bushes winter well, practically do not freeze. Strawberries are resistant to many diseases and are not affected by pests. The berries are medium sized but sweet. The variety is fruitful, with one square of the area it is possible to collect up to one and a half kg of marketable products.


Watch the video: How to Grow and Harvest The Best Strawberries. Gardening Tips and Tricks (July 2024).