What is interesting grape "Galahad": a description of the variety, its advantages and disadvantages. Features of planting grapes "Galahad" and care for the variety


Grapes "Galahad" is a relatively new variety of Russian selection, which quickly gained popularity among professionals and amateurs. The vine is adapted to the Russian climate - tolerates frosts, is resistant to diseases and gives stable crops. How to grow this variety, you will learn from the publication.

The history of the creation of the variety "Galahad" and a detailed description of grapes

Variety "Galahad" was bred as a result of complex selection by employees of the Institute. Potapenko Ya. I. The work was carried out in several stages. First, the famous varieties Talisman and Rapture were crossed among themselves. The resulting hybrid was watched for a long time and, as a result, the Delight of Muscat was crossed with grapes.

The authors of the variety "Galahad" faced the task of developing fruitful, tasty and unpretentious grapes for the southern regions of the country. However, the selection novelty exceeded all expectations. The hybrid is well established in the central part of Russia, experienced summer residents are trying to grow it in the northern regions. They do it, but the taste of the berries and the yield of the variety strongly depend on temperature conditions and humidity.

In general, the Galahad grapes can be called a successful selection. A variety of early ripening. From the appearance of the ovaries to the harvest, a little more than three months pass. In the southern regions, harvesting begins in late July. In the central part of Russia, ripening occurs in the month of August.

The bushes of this grape are vigorous. He needs enough space. Between plants leave up to 1.5-2 m, and between rows of at least three. Flowering begins in May. The flowers on the bushes are bisexual, pollination is good, more than 70% of ovaries are formed.

A distinctive feature of the variety is its early fruiting ability. In the second year of cultivation, the bush is able to withstand the full load of the crop without damage to health. However, experienced gardeners do not recommend loading the vine so early, but advise to ration the crop.

The leaf cover looks like large gooseberry leaves. The bushiness of the bush is good, the plant is growing rapidly. In the first years of cultivation, thinning is necessarily carried out, otherwise the plant will be weak, sick, and productivity will drop sharply. To do this, at the beginning of the growing season stepchildren are carefully broken down and the growth point is removed.

Important! The variety is considered frost-resistant, but at a temperature below -25 ° C the vine needs to be covered.

Description of Galahad grape fruit and purpose of the variety

The fruits of the Galahad variety deserve a high tasting score. The clusters are dense, large, conical in shape. The average weight of the brush is 800-1200 gr.

The berries are large, elongated, in a technical ripeness of light green color. Harvest after the grapes have an amber hue, the berries are covered with a waxy coating. The peel is medium density, with food it is practically not noticeable. The pulp is juicy, crispy, dessert flavor.

Important! Bunches are highly resistant to cracking and shedding. Grapes well tolerates transportation, retains its appearance for a long time.

Grade "Galahad" refers to table varieties. It is grown for fresh consumption, but some gardeners process the crop for juice, tinctures or jams.

Advantages of grapes and disadvantages of the variety "Galahad"

From the foregoing, it is clear that the grapes "Galahad" have many advantages:

• high productivity;

• large and juicy berry;

• good transportation qualities;

• excellent taste of fruits;

• universality of application;

• good immunity of bushes.

But among all the advantages, there were several disadvantages. Gardeners should remember that table grapes are attractive to birds, so during the ripening period the bunches need to be protected with a special net.

Professional winegrowers have noticed that bright lighting has a bad effect on the condition of the berries, dark spots appear on them. During the ripening period, the degree of lighting must be reduced.

Features of planting varieties "Galahad" and the preparation of grape seedlings

A good harvest of Galahad grapes can be obtained by planting vines in nutrient ground. The place is chosen well-lit, sheltered from the cold winds. It is worth considering that the root system of grapes of this variety does not like the proximity to groundwater. If the site is in danger of flooding, the landing pit is well drained so that the water does not stagnate.

Galahad grapes are not picky about the composition of the soil. The main condition is that the soil must be nutritious and not saline. Pits for landing are prepared in a month. You can plant cuttings in spring or autumn. It depends on the region of cultivation. Pits are made large and deep. The bottom is well covered with drainage, the nutrient soil is mixed with mature compost, and then planted.

Seedlings are prepared per day:

• soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

• the roots are well coated with a mixture of clay and manure;

• dry roots are cut, healthy ones are cut by a third.

For planting, annual seedlings are selected, which are distinguished by a lighter color of the shoots. On a healthy plant there are no traces of mold, damage, wilting, the roots are elastic.

Galahad grape care: top dressing, pruning and pest protection

Young shoots of grapes "Galahad" need special care. Immediately after planting, the cuttings are shaded so that they are not burnt in the sun. In the first year, the bush is able to produce crops, but such a load on the young vine is unacceptable. Experienced growers are advised to remove part of the ovary, leaving only the strongest clusters. In addition, keep in mind that the bushes grow rapidly, so in the early years, stepsons are removed regularly.

Watering and feeding grapes

Grapes respond well to top dressing. They are carried out several times, using mineral and organic fertilizers. Feeding is recommended to alternate. Do not forget that before applying fertilizing, the soil around the bush is well moistened.

Advice! If the summer is rainy, then fertilizers are applied dry and vice versa.

Galahad grapes are watered abundantly, especially during the period of drought, which the variety does not tolerate. If the soil under the bushes remains dry for a long time, the plant will fade and will not be able to recover.

Grade pruning

The young plant is cut so as to reduce the load on the root system and shoots. In the fall, it is recommended to prune the vine for 6-8 eyes. It is optimal to leave 30-40 eyes per bush.

Disease control

The variety "Galahad" is resistant to many diseases, for example, mildew, powdery mildew, rot. However, preventive treatments will not interfere with other diseases. It is recommended to spray the bushes in spring and autumn with a 3% solution of Bordeaux fluid or copper sulphate.

Processing is done several times:

• in early spring 3% solution;

• on a green cone with a 1% solution;

• autumn 3% solution.

After flowering, the bushes can be sprayed with colloidal sulfur. In addition, it is important to remove from the bushes all plant debris, weeds, so as not to provoke infection.


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