Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides - which products will help reduce problem areas. Effective diets for losing belly and sides


These zones are not in vain called "problematic". It is especially difficult to get rid of fat deposited in the abdomen and on the sides. Achieve a lasting result will help regular exercise and the right diet.

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides - principles and rules

First you need to figure out where the fat deposits came from, which led to their appearance. Based on this, the method of combating unwanted centimeters is also selected:

1. The reason - malnutrition, overeating, abuse of sugary and fatty foods. How to fight: change the approach to the preparation of the diet, eliminate harmful products.

2. Belly and extra pounds after pregnancy and childbirth. It will help sports and a short diet.

3. A sedentary lifestyle and, as a result, fat deposits on the abdomen and sides. How to deal: increased physical activity, combined with the right diet.

4. Various diseases, hormonal imbalance. In this case, before starting the fight with extra pounds, you should visit a doctor, conduct an examination and treatment.

You can achieve a truly lasting effect only by switching to a constant balanced diet. But if you need to reduce the volume of the abdomen quickly, for example, for a holiday or an important event, in this case there are short and fairly strict diets. They will help to get a good result in a short time, but again, you can fix it only if certain rules are observed. So, for weight loss of the abdomen and sides, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles of nutrition:

• eat often and little by little, a day, five to six times, not exceeding a serving size of 250 grams;

• minimize the amount of salt consumed;

• spices are also minimized; they whet an unnecessary appetite;

• drink up to two liters of water during the day, always in the morning, and also every time half an hour before meals;

• have dinner no later than 4 hours before going to bed;

• banned everything is fatty, fried, sweet, flour;

• in cooking, give preference to cooking, stewing, baking, cooking in a double boiler.

Nutrition on a diet for weight loss of the sides and abdomen must be fractional. If you eat a little and often, the body will have enough energy for normal operation. In this case, too much hunger will not be felt. Also, such nutrition helps to reduce the volume of the stomach: food will need less to saturate, which means that the process of weight loss will go faster.

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides - what you can eat, what you can not

It is very important to include in your diet exactly those foods whose consumption will not entail the formation of internal fat. There are a lot of them, so compiling a full and varied menu on the basis of this list is not difficult. Among the allowed products are:

• vegetables (with the exception of potatoes);

• berries and fruits (with the exception of grapes, bananas);

• lean meats (rabbit, low-fat veal, chicken);

• cereals;

• a fish;

• eggs;

• seafood;

• greenery;

• dairy products (low-fat);

• olive oil;

• linseed oil;

• dried fruits.

In addition, there are several products that are not only not harmful, but even especially useful on a diet for weight loss in the abdomen and sides. It is proven that they help burn fat, accelerating the metabolic process. When fighting for a thin waist, you should add to your diet:

• cinnamon;

• ginger;

• green tea;

• red wine (about 100 ml per day);

• horseradish;

• grapefruit;

• cucumbers (fresh);

• dairy products (except milk);

• cabbage.

To reduce the volume of the abdomen faster, you should also pay attention to cleansing the intestines. Vegetable salads from beets, carrots, cabbage, green apples, dried fruits, bran, legumes (peas, lentils, beans), cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), and sour milk will help in this.

As for the products that should be completely excluded from nutrition in the fight for a flat stomach, then in this list:

• fast food;

• semi-finished products;

• sausages, smoked meats;

• fried foods;

• fatty dishes;

• sweet;

• flour;

• carbonated drinks;

• alcohol.

Options for diets for losing belly and sides

The most effective are weight loss systems based on rice, kefir, buckwheat, as well as their different variations (buckwheat + kefir, kefir + apples, rice + kefir, kefir + fruits). They do not last long, usually three to five days, and can quickly reduce the volume of the abdomen. However, following such strict diets is not easy. Therefore, when choosing a method of losing weight, it is necessary to take into account the state of your health, because most of these strict mono-diets are contraindicated, for example, with diseases of the digestive system.

Kefir diets

This product helps to improve bowel function, which in itself contributes to weight loss and body cleansing. You can do a fasting day on a sour-milk drink or follow a three-day strict mono-diet. This is quite difficult, because to eat, or rather drink, you can only have one product. But such a diet quickly reduces the volume of the abdomen and sides. Nutritionists advise you to first try the fasting kefir days, and only then, accustomed to this diet, sit on a three-day mono-diet. On it are allowed:

• up to two liters of kefir (1%) per day;

• at least one and a half liters of herbal tea and water.

Kefir should be divided into six or seven servings, drink at equal time intervals. In between are other fluids.

Keeping such a strict diet is allowed no more than three days, in the presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer disease, you can not sit on it.

If you combine kefir with other products, such as fruits, then the diet can be maintained even longer - up to 5 days. Indeed, in this case, carbohydrates will also enter the body. When losing weight on kefir and fruits for a day:

• 1 kg of fruit (unsweetened);

• two liters of kefir.

You can eat them together or separately, make cocktails, fruit salad seasoned with kefir. In three days, such a power system will remove two or three extra centimeters in the sides.

Striped diet

This is a more comfortable version of the diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides, based on kefir. Its essence is that for ten days you can alternate in one day exclusively on kefir and days on ordinary food. On the day of "unloading" you should drink only kefir (2 liters) and water (up to 2 liters). And days on the usual diet should be spent without sweets, pastries, fried foods and other goodies that are harmful to the figure. To transfer such a diet is easier, while the loss of extra centimeters is just as effective.

Rice Diets

This product helps to remove toxins, cleanse the intestines, and also eliminates excess fluid that lingers in tissues. That is why the volume of problem zones is effectively reduced in rice. A short three-day rice diet is good if you need to quickly eliminate a few centimeters at the waist. Rice is pre-soaked for about 12 hours, then porridge is cooked from it. She is the basis of the diet. Be sure to drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day in such a food system. The following menu, when strictly followed, makes it possible to remove up to 4 centimeters at the waist and up to 3 kg of weight.

First day

Breakfast: rice porridge (100g);

Lunch: rice porridge with herbs (100 g), vegetable salad with a spoon of olive oil (150 g) + vegetable broth (200 g).

Dinner: boiled rice (100g), boiled carrots, vegetable broth (200g).

Second day

Breakfast: boiled rice (150g), orange, yogurt (200ml);

Lunch: vegetable salad (200g) and vegetable soup with rice (200g);

Dinner: boiled rice (150g), steamed vegetables (100g).

The third day

Breakfast: grapefruit, rice porridge (100g);

Lunch: the same porridge (100g), a glass of tomato juice, stewed mushrooms (100g);

Dinner: boiled rice (150g), vegetable salad with olive oil (1 tsp).

Table number 8

This diet was created specifically for people who are obese, it was developed back in the Soviet years. The principle of selection of products helps in a rather gentle way to get rid of internal fat deposits, including on the stomach and sides. Such a food system is approved by doctors, it is used in sanatoriums and in a month gives very good results.

What does the diet consist of (based on one day):

• 170 grams of lean meat and lean fish;

• one or two eggs;

• 200 grams of vegetables;

• 300 grams of soup in vegetable, weak meat or fish broth;

• 150 grams of whole grain or bran bread;

• 150 grams of cereals (buckwheat, millet, barley);

• unsweetened compotes;

• 400 grams of fruit, berries;

• 30 grams of low-fat cheese;

• 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;

• nonfat (not higher than 9%) dairy products;

• 10 grams of butter;

• 15 ml of vegetable oil.

It is important to make food varied, but at the same time eat five servings of vegetable dishes, fruits, and two servings of dishes containing protein per day.

Menu Option:

Breakfast. Apple and carrot salad (200 g) + low-fat cottage cheese (150 g).

Lunch. Baked apple.

Dinner. Portions of cabbage soup on vegetable broth. Vegetable stew + boiled meat (150g).

An afternoon snack. 200 g of cottage cheese seasoned with kefir.

Dinner. Boiled fish + vegetable salad.

At night you can drink a glass of kefir.

How to get out of the diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides and maintain the result

The main thing - leaving the diet, add new foods one or two to the diet, gradually expanding the diet. Food volumes also cannot be increased sharply, otherwise everything dumped will return very quickly. In order for the waist to remain thin for a long time, it is advisable to supplement the diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides with physical exercises. We must remember that express diets are good for quick weight loss, the result of which is not always possible to save. Fat deposits on the abdomen and sides will go away forever, if you constantly adhere to a healthy diet and do not neglect sports.


Watch the video: Lose Weight. Lose Belly Fat. How To Lose Belly Fat (July 2024).