Alternative remedy for cracks on the heels - are these methods effective or carry a danger


Cracks in the heels appear not only in older people. They occur at any age for a variety of reasons: improper hygiene, foot fungus, uncomfortable or tight shoes, lack of vitamins E and A, dry skin. If this is not a fungus, it is quite possible to get rid of the problem on your own.

Home-made baths

They are made on clean feet washed with soap. The average bath time is a quarter of an hour. The number of days is looked at as heels. Sometimes two or three procedures are enough, in severe cases a week is not enough.

Herbal broth recipe:

• 4 tbsp. l herbs pour 2 liters of boiling water;

• insist the liquid for half an hour, strain and pour into the basin;

• immerse your feet in a warm infusion for 15-20 minutes.

This recipe will require anti-inflammatory and wound healing herbs: calendula, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, and a succession. They can be used individually or combined in any ratio.

A simple folk remedy for cracks on the heels with soda:

• dissolve 2 tbsp in 2 liters of water l soda;

• lower the legs for 15 minutes.

Potato starch tray:

• dilute in 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. l starch;

• place in the pelvis of the heel for half an hour;

• add hot water every time it cools in the bath;

• do overnight, repeat for a week or more.

Recipe with sea salt:

• pour 1 liter of boiling water 3 tbsp. l sea ​​salt;

• wait until the water cools to an acceptable temperature, but remains hot;

• lower the feet for 20-30 minutes.

If there is a sea nearby and the ability to draw water from there, that’s fine. But seawater quickly loses its useful properties, so the bath must be done immediately upon arrival home. Water is heated or left cool.

After any bath, carefully rub the heels with a pumice, brush or special grater. It is not always possible to get rid of old skin at a time, so do not rub your heels with force. Then rinse the feet with plain water and apply a greasy cream, oil or ointment; put on socks. Therefore, it is most convenient to do baths before bedtime.

Compresses, ointments, masks

For use, it is worth choosing a free evening or a day off to do calmly and without haste. Not all must be done at night.

Cucumber-onion compress - a folk remedy for cracks in the heels:

• pour half of the large onion with boiling water for a few seconds;

• make a gruel of onion and one cucumber with a blender;

• prepare the heels, as in the previous recipe;

• generously grease the heels with a vegetable mixture, wrap with a film and put on 2 pairs of socks;

• leave overnight, rinse your feet in the morning with plain water.

Recipe with wax number 1:

• fry the onions in a glass of vegetable oil, strain;

• send this oil, 100 g of wax and a small piece of propolis to a water bath, not more than a pea;

• cook on low heat until boiling, after dissolving the wax, boil for a couple of minutes;

• Drain the ointment into a sterile glass bottle for storage and leave until it thickens.

The finished mixture can be used until it spoils. It is recommended to store in the refrigerator.

Second recipe with wax:

• 1 tsp melt the wax in a water bath;

• add a spoonful of solid cocoa butter and shea butter, wait until they dissolve;

• pour a spoonful of rosehip oils, wheat germ, calendula, sea buckthorn;

• Thoroughly mix everything, pour into a glass bottle and store at room temperature.

This is a universal recipe, suitable not only for heels, but also for knees, elbows, hands. Some apply it to the lips, but this should be done with caution. Sensitive lip skin may be allergic to wax.

Vegetable dressing:

• mix onion gruel, fish oil and aloe juice;

• separately mash cabbage fox so that it starts up juice;

• distribute the mixture abundantly on the legs and wrap a leaf of cabbage;

• Wear socks on top and leave the bandage until morning.

A simple compress that can be made with an apple or potato:

• take one fresh apple or raw potatoes;

• grate it on a grater;

• grease the feet with the resulting slurry and wrap them in bags;

• Put on socks on top and leave a compress for several hours.

Folk remedy for cracked heels with vinegar

Recipe number 1:

• mix a chicken egg, 1 tbsp. l unrefined vegetable oil and 1 tsp. 9% vinegar;

• make a homogeneous composition similar to ointment;

• Before use, steam the legs in a soda bath, wipe with a towel;

• Apply the composition to the heels and massage for some time to improve blood circulation and effects;

• wrap the legs with cling film, put on ordinary socks, and warm on top;

• leave overnight, if not possible, at least 4 hours.

Recipe with vinegar number 2:

• combine 3 tsp. glycerin and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar;

• apply the composition and put on plastic bags, fix them, put on socks on top;

• rinse with plain water after an hour;

• apply every other day.

Important: vinegar is a potent substance. If you experience unpleasant sensations, you must immediately wash the composition off your feet and do not use these recipes anymore.

Recipe with alcohol and vinegar:

• mix 2 tsp. alcohol, and 3 vinegar and glycerol;

• apply the ointment for 30-40 minutes, then rinse the legs thoroughly.

If an unpleasant sensation occurs, immediately wash off, alcohol dries the skin, in combination with a bite, a potent remedy is obtained.

General recommendations

When there is no time or in between baths and compresses, a simple folk remedy for cracking on the heels is suitable:

1. At night, the feet are greased with oily cream or oil. Suitable baby cream. Of the oils that are selected, those for dry skin: olive, shea, coconut, wheat germ, peach, macadamia. Oil can be heated in a water bath for better effect.

2. An unusual method of dealing with cracks is cream for a cow's udder. Sold in any veterinary pharmacy, even in a big city. It has a specific smell that not everyone will like. But it quickly disappears, and if you immediately put on your socks, you won’t feel it.

3. When using any cream or oil, foot massage will be helpful. It enhances blood circulation, improves the function of the selected product.

4. Essential oils can be added to regular oils. Pink softens the skin and improves firmness. Any citrus ether will speed up blood circulation and healing. If the cracks are very strong or accompanied by a fungus, tea tree oil or eucalyptus will help. They have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Tea tree is one of the few essential oils that can be used without being bred in base oil. Lavender ether soothes tense feet.

5. Before using any folk remedy, an allergy test is done. Some components can be unpleasant to the skin and cause itching or irritation.

6. It is necessary to abandon uncomfortable and small shoes, heels. Wipe the shoes periodically from the inside with an antibacterial agent. You cannot wear the same pair for a long time. She should stand and ventilate at least a day.

After successful treatment of cracks in the feet, it is necessary to constantly care. Depending on the condition of the skin, once a week or two, steam the legs, brush them or use a pumice stone. Every evening lubricate the feet with cream. If your heels feel good, a light moisturizer is enough. In case of excessive dryness, a nourishing oily cream will be needed.

What not to do

It is recommended that you carefully study the following tips before looking for a folk remedy for cracks in the heels:

1. Do not self-medicate. First, you should visit a doctor and pass a scraping to find out if this is a fungus. If everything is in order, you can use homemade recipes. If not, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, pharmacy.

2. There are a large number of folk remedies. It is recommended to choose the most reliable and abandon the dubious. For example, urinotherapy - a compress is moistened in their own urine and applied to a problem place. What the body secrets cannot be useful; it has already left all that is needed. There is no scientific evidence for the benefits of this method.

3. During the appearance of cracks, do not use ordinary soap. Gentle agents with a neutral pH are advised. The alkaline environment dries the skin and increases cracking.

You can independently get rid of dryness and cracks in the feet, it is important to start treatment on time. If you choose the right folk remedy for cracks in the heels, the problem will be fixed after a while.


Watch the video: In Just 5 Minutes - Get Rid of CRACKED HEELS Permanently, Magical Cracked Heels Home Remedy (July 2024).